New Gixxer knocked over - 36 toronto street


Well-known member
If you are on this Form...A car has backed over your bike....I spoke with Security and they say they have the information from a witness of the guy who drove away. Your bike is wedged between a large red Vulcan.

Looks like some good damage to both bikes.
I believe the owner's wife drives the same bike as well, which is parked a few bikes down.

Please go see security located at 36 toronto street.
I hope they follow up. That's a hit and run!
Good on ajdomi for trying to reach out to owner of the bike. That's good brotherhoodship right there.
My office is just around the corner so if you need a hand at all getting it back up shoot me a PM
Oh you scared the hell out of me, I work in that building and my bike is parked outside but it isn't mine that got hit.
I actually never saw the owners of those two blue and white gixxers but we normally park at the same spot.
If you are on this Form...A car has backed over your bike....I spoke with Security and they say they have the information from a witness of the guy who drove away. Your bike is wedged between a large red Vulcan.

Looks like some good damage to both bikes.
I believe the owner's wife drives the same bike as well, which is parked a few bikes down.

Please go see security located at 36 toronto street.

Thanks by the way for the post :D
For the owners, try to get the secuirty video or at least a statement from the witness with a sign copy as well as security guard and just submit the claims with the insurance company.

The police will do absolutely NOTHING even if you get the license plate and stuff. You can gather all the evidence and go through a civil court preceeding if you want, but if you are getting a favourable coverage from the insurance anyway, I wouldn't bother with the cost and time since it would be based on the difference of what you already got from the insurance company and what you should of gotten in fair market value.
Awww this kinda shizz makes me sick...good thing there are still decent pps in the world to help make up for the scum

*advice for the owner of the bike**
The good thing , since you have a witness who got a plate, its a comp claim as a hit and run with a 3rd party 100% at fault.

1.You need to get the witness name and number.
2.get your bike to a collision centre in 24 hours
3. The police will take a report and contact the driver (at some point). Dont worry about this though..get a report # and thats all you'll need
4. Call up your claims service, report the hit and run

This is 0% your fault and it will not affect your rates.

That about covers what you'll need to do for now.

Good luck...its a pain in the ass ..especially so early in the season to be out of a ride =(

Sent from my SGH-I317M using Tapatalk 4 Beta
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Clarification is in order...

OAP 1: Section 5 (Uninsured Automobile Coverage) or Section 6 or Section 7 (Loss or Damages Coverages) kick in here depending on the information on the 'other driver'.

This is a Hit and Run....
If the 'other driver' cannot be identified (either no information or wrong information or false information) then Section 7 (Loss or Damages ) kicks in and you have to have purchased 'Collision' coverage and the Collision ded will apply.

If the 'other driver' can be identified, but does not have insurance coverage, then Section 5 will apply and there is a $300 deductible.

If the 'other driver' can be identified and has verifiable insurance coverage with an Ontario based Insurance Company, then Section 6 applies and there is no deductible (unless there is one shown in the DC-PD section of your insurance certificate).

Read the OAP 1 wordings for each section. But the 4 steps listed below are good and imperative. Also, it is imperative that you make sure that all the information you have on the 'other driver' is documented in the police report AND documented fully to your insurance claims department (don't just rely on the adjuster to read the police report).

Also, not all H&R are NOT AT FAULT. If you were parked illegally for example. So take pictures of where you were parked and any posted signs in the area as well. The more information and documentation to support your position, the more your insurance company will look favourably on your claim. Also, the faster your claim will be processed.

Awww this kinda shizz makes me sick...good thing there are still decent pps in the world to help make up for the scum

The good thing , since you have a witness who got a plate, its a comp claim as a hit and run with a 3rd party 100% at fault.

1.You need to get the witness name and number.
2.get your bike to a collision centre in 24 hours
3. The police will take a report and contact the driver (at some point). Dont worry about this though..get a report # and thats all you'll need
4. Call up your claims service, report the hit and run

This is 0% your fault and it will not affect your rates.

That about covers what you'll need to do for now.

Good luck...its a pain in the *** ..especially so early in the season to be out of a ride =(

Sent from my SGH-I317M using Tapatalk 4 Beta
Man this is SUCH a pain in the ***. I had this happen to me on the 16th of this month...Luckly the lady that hit it was nice enough and left her information. The annoying part is that I'm still waiting to get a final word from the insurance to decide if it'll be a write off..they're saying it can be repaired but it fell hard on the gear box.. and can't shift up. They just picked up my ride last night and headed over to snow city.. Good luck with the claim just follow exactly what lil sushi advised and you should be good to go!
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