If you could save on insurance cost would you submit to this?

I can say without question NO. I am not a racer, don't own a sport bike, and my riding habits would probably bring me cheaper rates via that system, but my privacy is far more important. Not interested in being monitored by a company, or anyone else to save a few bucks, it is not worth it. Systems like this bring us one more step to Big Brother. Before you know it we have monitoring devices that watch how we eat, exercise , etc. These would bring us cheaper life insurance rates or whatever. Freedoms are taken slowly, lose a little bit here, then a little bit there, you hardly even notice it till its all added up.
Exactly. Do you really trust a company or the government not to screw you somehow with this? Once a critical mass of people accept this as the norm then they can easily mandate it. Then push it further. Go 1 km/h over the limit? Ticket. And there's nothing anyone would be able to do about it since it's mandated.

It's a bit of an extreme example but technology that allows us to do things only theorized in books like Big Brother, Ray Bradbury stories, and films is readily available and becoming more ubiquitous. It's important to resist this and fight for our freedoms now.

I would MUCH rather have the insurance companies (and police) crack down on insurance fraud. Understatement of the year: we don't enjoy paying thousands of dollars a year to subsidize some criminal's fake injury.
I believe there is an existing thread regarding this topic.
I could be wrong, but I thought they had released this kind of technology and product marketing about 6 years ago with Aviva...called fastrax?

I recall correctly it flopped. .the device's tracking wasn't very accurate, trying to get users to upload the information from the device was a nightmare from support, and the company could only secure discounted rates for the dirst year or so, after which they removed the premium deviation and your premium prices jacked up.

That's what I recall when they tried with cars. I dont know how this could be more successful with bikes?

Dunno....personally its not the monitoring that bugs me, heck facebook and glimpse are more of a big brother than this device will ever be, its the idea that this is another "discount gimmick" that bothers me.
I hate these things. Our speed limits are already artificially low and then now they are encouraging people to take forever to reach them, too (you get better rates if you accelerate slower). I say gun it to the limit and then stay there. These people that aren't even at the limit by the time we get to the next light, which we will not make because the guy was going so slow, drive me insane.
I could be wrong, but I thought they had released this kind of technology and product marketing about 6 years ago with Aviva...called fastrax?

I recall correctly it flopped. .the device's tracking wasn't very accurate, trying to get users to upload the information from the device was a nightmare from support, and the company could only secure discounted rates for the dirst year or so, after which they removed the premium deviation and your premium prices jacked up.

That's what I recall when they tried with cars. I dont know how this could be more successful with bikes?

Dunno....personally its not the monitoring that bugs me, heck facebook and glimpse are more of a big brother than this device will ever be, its the idea that this is another "discount gimmick" that bothers me.

You decide what goes up on facebook/twitter etc.
This tracker records information of your driving and then sends it off to who knows where, and someone you don't know "analyzes" it.
New cars are coming with data recorders now. That should be enough tracking as it is.
Of course I would not willing agree or submit to that. Never.
Device that monitors riding habits, would mean same insurance price for a SS as a cruiser...

It would be easy to combine this device, a GPS and auto upload capability. Toronto Hydro is implementing similar technology so that they need not send a human to read the water meter. Everything is in the cloud. Frankly I would rather add an additional horn on my bike.
It would be fun to hack the device and make it transmit what you want...while you go all Ghost Rider on the streets...
Governments already track you through yoru mobile device.
If you had this device installed, what will your insurance company consider to be "safe" riding, which will qualify you for a lower premium?

- Slowly accelerating from a light so you are sitting in some guy's blind spot, or accelerating quickly to the speed limit to separate yourself from traffic?
- Slowly merging onto a highway forcing traffic in the right lane to slow down to let you in, or accelerating quickly to merge seamlessly?
- Pulling into the left lane to pass, but only passing at 2 kph faster than the car you are trying to pass, causing a back up behind you, or passing quickly and getting out of the way?

I totally agree with all the "big brother" concerns, but it goes much further. This device does not discriminate between good judgement and arbitrarily following rules. Its already bad enough sitting behind someone in a Prius with more attention to their eco-meter than their surroundings. Can you immagine the conjestion created by people worrying about their insurance rates every time they ease on the gas.

Seems to me that insurance companies have enough excuses to raise people's rates. Why would anyone volunteer to give them more!
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So, in Saskatchewan the government insurance industry threatens massive motorcycle rate increases http://canadamotoguide.com/2013/02/19/saskatchewan-could-see-massive-motorcycle-insurance-hikes/ then offers Big Brother as way out http://canadamotoguide.com/2013/06/05/saskatchewan-insurance-considering-telematics/ and some government appointed "stakeholders group" unanimously supports it. Certainly smells like a conspiracy to me. I wonder how long it will take for one government agency to start sharing data with another, and start sending you automated speeding tickets in the mail?

Be afraid people, be very afraid!
If you agree to be monitored you are also giving them permission use the data as they please which means they can read the data as they like and bump your insurance based on whatever data is therr. Too fast too slow the time of day you ride you didnt shower etc
If they are using it to log data, its going to be used against you in the event of a claim. They will have a print out of your speed a d route, if they can say it because you were careless they will.

This isnt to protect you...its to protect their bottom line.
Desjardins is pushing this now. I just left Desjardins. You'd have to be insane to subscribe to this.
If you had this device installed, what will your insurance company consider to be "safe" riding, which will qualify you for a lower premium?

- Slowly accelerating from a light so you are sitting in some guy's blind spot, or accelerating quickly to the speed limit to separate yourself from traffic?
- Slowly merging onto a highway forcing traffic in the right lane to slow down to let you in, or accelerating quickly to merge seamlessly?
- Pulling into the left lane to pass, but only passing at 2 kph faster than the car you are trying to pass, causing a back up behind you, or passing quickly and getting out of the way?

I totally agree with all the "big brother" concerns, but it goes much further. This device does not discriminate between good judgement and arbitrarily following rules. Its already bad enough sitting behind someone in a Prius with more attention to their eco-meter than their surroundings. Can you immagine the conjestion created by people worrying about their insurance rates every time they ease on the gas.

Seams to me that insurance companies have enough excuses to raise people's rates. Why would anyone volunteer to give them more!

+ 1
Does it monitor when you cut someone off?
Does it monitor if you're too tired to be driving?
Does it monitor cell phone usage while driving?

I'll move before I have this installed.
ill hook it up to my moms car... 20k under the limit with the right signal always on.

dont bikes come with a warning that installing aftermarket parts is not recommended and can cause electrical damage? yup... this thing isnt happening.
If I got this installed, it will surely jack up my rates... I highly doubt they will use a SS bike's acceleration as their baseline. My 848 is geared so high that when starting behind most cars from a red light, i need to either start later than them so i get some room, or pull in the clutch after half a second to get more space.
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