If you could save on insurance cost would you submit to this?

If you had this device installed, what will your insurance company consider to be "safe" riding, which will qualify you for a lower premium?

- Slowly accelerating from a light so you are sitting in some guy's blind spot, or accelerating quickly to the speed limit to separate yourself from traffic?
- Slowly merging onto a highway forcing traffic in the right lane to slow down to let you in, or accelerating quickly to merge seamlessly?
- Pulling into the left lane to pass, but only passing at 2 kph faster than the car you are trying to pass, causing a back up behind you, or passing quickly and getting out of the way?

I totally agree with all the "big brother" concerns, but it goes much further. This device does not discriminate between good judgement and arbitrarily following rules. Its already bad enough sitting behind someone in a Prius with more attention to their eco-meter than their surroundings. Can you immagine the conjestion created by people worrying about their insurance rates every time they ease on the gas.

Seems to me that insurance companies have enough excuses to raise people's rates. Why would anyone volunteer to give them more!

If I remember correctly accelerating "at a rate obviously above that of traffic" or something like that can technically land a racing/stunting charge. Also, you are not supposed to exceed the speed limit when passing, which is really stupid.
No. Period. This should never even be allowed.

Installing this is comparable to some of the ******** internet monitoring programs that some governments have tried to enforce. I'd rather have freedom than lose freedom, even if freedom promotes some evils (....like wheelies! lol)
I don't get an SS bike to ride it like a cruiser so NO !
Would not use it, and would not hire anyone stupid enough to use it. I also wouldn't socialize with them, ride with them, or let my kids play with their kids.

Say no to tracking devices.
And when someone runs up your *** at a light or moves into you lane and you have to nail the throttle to get out of the way.What happens then,how long will the company hold this against you.This happens weekly if you ride a lot.No thanks I don't need to be weighing taking a hit on insurance verse taking a hit on the bike during that split second it I need to make the decision.
Does it monitor when you cut someone off?
Does it monitor if you're too tired to be driving?
Does it monitor cell phone usage while driving?
Man..if it did all that, I'd grab 1000s of them and slap them on the daily line of idjits on the gardiner during rush hour. That being said, if there were zero privacy concerns, I'd consider putting it on my cage, but never EVER my bike. It's my "freedom machine" for several reasons.
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