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  1. jooce

    where did the gixxer stereotypes originate from?

    at least he was in full leather. I was never really a gixxer fan. but there bikes are looking razor sharp and single headlight makes a lot of sense. and 750's are sick, and imma yamasaki type feller.
  2. jooce

    CHAIN REPLACEMENT - Tips ? Tricks?

    I bought a breaker for about 10$ and a rivet tool for like 20$ at royal. Have yet to try it out, but cheap tools always seem to break. we'll see
  3. jooce

    Chopped or no windscreens?

    what he said
  4. jooce

    Need a motorcycle for modelling photoshoot :)

    I know this is what you want girl!
  5. jooce

    does a white jacket make the rider noticeably cooler than black under the sun?

    i have a white helmet and it doesn't attract the heat at all.
  6. jooce

    engine oil dirty close to 1000km mark...

    i put just under 2k on my ninja zx6 and its still has that honey color to it might be best to change it
  7. jooce

    Insurance Slips and Police Checks

    if you get into an accident. you can mess up your friend.
  8. jooce

    wheelies x stunting x dampers

    so its best to ride on the hardest setting?
  9. jooce

    wheelies x stunting x dampers

    Hey johnny did you guys get a impaktech cage yet? i ordered it a few weeks ago
  10. jooce

    wheelies x stunting x dampers

    do steering dampers help when doing wheelies (well landing them)? Would you recommend one for street riding and the occasional stunting? I am thinking of purchasing one but not sure if it's necessary. please input and advice would be appreciated.
  11. jooce

    To the rider of the black cbr600 on eirn mills around 650 (sunday)

    I hear you, I had a Biker pass me on the QEW in the same lane. if i wer to swerve we would of been done. people are just stupid.
  12. jooce

    Top Roads for Motorcycling in the GTA

    snake road is decent if your live in the area. It's really short but it has some good twists.
  13. jooce

    hey u ride? girls that dig motorcycles are hella cool!

    hey u ride? girls that dig motorcycles are hella cool!
  14. jooce

    Anyone deal with Zariz Cycle

    how are you liking the alarm? bought a screen for my buddy great service and 35$ thats a deal.
  15. jooce

    Mechanic wont return my bike. Civil or Criminal process?

    hope you get your bike back soon.
  16. jooce

    Can I pay you to install the OEM muffler + exup on my 07 r6?

    its easy man just go for it. or come to hamilton ill do it for you
  17. jooce

    Thinking of Buying a Shoei Helmet...Is It Worth the $$

    I had 2 shoei lids.rf-1000 and the tzr..the helmet is amazing. great on the highway. and I like how there not so bulky.its worth the money.
  18. jooce

    520 Chain on a 07 gixxer 600

    did you get a speedoheeler? how much off is your speedo? nvm just learned to read.
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