where did the gixxer stereotypes originate from?

I don't know where it started but it's very unfair.
The GSX-R is a fine machine.
It has single-handedly done more to improve the gene pool than any other bike.
Gixxers got a bad rap for me even before I started riding. Me having a conversation with some chick I used to work with:

Me: "Wow, so you're taking your course and getting a bike! Awesome! What kind of bike?"

Her: "A gixxer!"

Me: "Wow, cool. Is that a sport bike?"

Her: "Yeah!"

Me: "So...what is it about this bike that you like?"

Her: *blank stare*

Me: "I mean, is it the engine, the handling, the size, the looks....er, anything?"

Her: *defensively* "I dunno, but it's a gixxer!"

I don't think that girl ever ended up getting anything. It's probably better off.
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Gixxers got a bad rap for me even more I started riding. Me having a conversation with some chick I used to work with:

Me: "Wow, so you're taking your course and getting a bike! Awesome! What kind of bike?"

Her: "A gixxer!"

Me: "Wow, cool. Is that a sport bike?"

Her: "Yeah!"

Me: "So...what is it about this bike that you like?"

Her: *blank stare*

Me: "I mean, is it the engine, the handling, the size, the looks....er, anything?"

Her: *defensively* "I dunno, but it's a gixxer!"

I don't think that girl ever ended up getting anything. It's probably better off.

U didn't try picking her up?
I don't know where it started but it's very unfair.
The GSX-R is a fine machine.
It has single-handedly done more to improve the gene pool than any other bike.

Spoken like a true wannabe bike gang member (guess if you can't be part of the crowd you fawn over, you can always buy a Harley and pretend to be one of 'em).

Hugs 'n kisses.
DISCLAIMER: This forum requires thick skin. I will not be held accountable for your inability to take internet sarcasm,...
And yet you don't seem to take it particularly well yourself. Kinda ironic, no?
And yet you don't seem to take it particularly well yourself. Kinda ironic, no?

Odd, you seemed to have missed the obvious 'Hugs 'n Kisses' at the end of the post...denoting (*gasp*) potentially that said post may be made in jest.

Do read the entire post and not just select sentences, mmmmmmmkay?
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Your S.O. is that dumb chick who wanted to get a Gixx?? How does that work?
Nah, that was some crazy chick I dated years ago. My S.O. knows bikes better than I do. :)
Nah, that was some crazy chick I dated years ago. My S.O. knows bikes better than I do. :)

I guess most ppl have crappy standards at one point in time :)
a squid in its natural habitat before shedding its tough leathery skin and joining the rest of the world.

Gixxers got a bad rap for me even before I started riding. Me having a conversation with some chick I used to work with:

Me: "Wow, so you're taking your course and getting a bike! Awesome! What kind of bike?"

Her: "A gixxer!"

Me: "Wow, cool. Is that a sport bike?"

Her: "Yeah!"

Me: "So...what is it about this bike that you like?"

Her: *blank stare*

Me: "I mean, is it the engine, the handling, the size, the looks....er, anything?"

Her: *defensively* "I dunno, but it's a gixxer!"

I don't think that girl ever ended up getting anything. It's probably better off.

This is up there for the most retarded reasoning for not liking something.... UHH I DONT LIKE IT CUZ SHE SAID SHE DOESNT KNOW WHY SHE LIKES IT... go back to the sped bus
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