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  1. theshnizzle

    Talk about high mileage...Is it even worth considering buying??

    I just sold my CBR with almost 120,00 k on it and the damn thing runs like a top and doesn't burn a drop of oil. Maitenence IS the key Don't shy away from a high miler just be sure that the engine is stock no mods..
  2. theshnizzle

    SF taking money from my account....details and options.....

    I have several policy's with SF. I asked for a policy to be activated for a car for my son to use while he was visiting in May for a couple of weeks. I realize that is unreasonable to expect to get one month of coverage, I was told I had to buy a min of 3 months which I did,effective May 1. I...
  3. theshnizzle


    To those who posted looking for rider. Not being riders yourselves, I guess you don't understand that one can't ride a motorcycle on snow and ice covered roads. Or how cold it is to ride out when it's 5 with strong winds coming from the north with no sun to warm you up a little. Or maybe it's a...
  4. theshnizzle

    ride today

    Went for a all day ride today. FYI, Campbellford area the roads are very sandy and even more so north of Havelock. North of Apsley there is snow. Hardly anybody else out. Also roads north were damp all day. Still a very nice ride but slippery and treacherous in spots.
  5. theshnizzle


    Really...? Who.....? LOL.........
  6. theshnizzle

    Funny Moment with a York Regional

    I got pulled over and ticketed for passing a cop a few years ago. I didn't blow past him or anything, just slowly made my way through the crowd and once my tire was forward of his bumper he cherried me.
  7. theshnizzle

    Need help shipping a bike from Moncton to Toronto

    And you are willing to take a chance with someone you don't know,who may or may not know how to properly strap a bike in, who may or may not take undo care of this bike in relation to loading/unloading thier own possesions, or who may or may not be someone who has the intention of the bike NOT...
  8. theshnizzle

    Transcontinental ride (July 1, 2011)

    KK, just wondering I guess. And ,yes, the Sena's are the bomb,really elimanates frustrating mis-communication when riding with a partner.
  9. theshnizzle

    Transcontinental ride (July 1, 2011)

    What happened to your friend and why did you split up? I put 22,000 miles on my bike this season and it is the detours and unexpected that really do make a trip memorable. Camped and cooked my way around the states. No motels/ ride reports either. :rolleyes:
  10. theshnizzle

    Financed by SF,do I have ti insure with them as well?

    Thank you for the reply......( Cruzgrl...still have the busa of course...)
  11. theshnizzle

    Financed by SF,do I have ti insure with them as well?

    I bought a 2009 CBF 1000 recently financed through SF. Upon dawdling about on the computer, Primmim quote was 500 LESS than ST. The bike is currently not insured as I just bought it. I obligated to insure through SF because they are the financiers or am I free to shop around? I don't want...
  12. theshnizzle

    Playing Hookey Ride - Wednesday Scarborough

    I am going out all day on one of my favorite routes,no cars,no driveways,no lights,no traffic,no's so great living east of the 115.....for riding anyway.....
  13. theshnizzle

    Redline RULES!!! Thank you!!

    It wasn't me!!!!!!
  14. theshnizzle

    Sonic Cycle Salvage London On

    There is an amazing Japanese motorcycle salvage place in Columbus OH that I went to last year,was looking for a minty mint exhaust for a GPZ 550. These guys were a pleasure to deal with, part was as advertised,and took me on a tour of the place ,filled with old but well kept bikes. It was well...
  15. theshnizzle

    Redline RULES!!! Thank you!!

    Just another accolade for Redline Services. They were honest,upfront and accurate from day one. Sent a very pleasent follow-up email outlining the outcome of said infraction, those guys are professinal and capable in every way. THANK YOU REDLINE........... ( Details on said charge will not be...
  16. theshnizzle

    Buying/shipping parts from Europe

    Anyone have first hand expereince doing this? Is it terribly expensive to ship? Does it help if I have someone who can ship stuff to me person to person,like buying an item off a UK based forum,and having a member send it to me? I realize that it depends on size/weight ect of the item to be...
  17. theshnizzle

    one day boot to ellicottville

    Thats where we rented a cabin this summer for the weekend for our annual " Hayas in the hills 2011". The ride down on whatever route I took down was neat,especially the whole windmill section. That was pretty cool seeing all those windmills whirling...
  18. theshnizzle

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    To the 3 riders yday on Hwy 35 northbound,south of Deep Bay Road,riding with the chick on the ZX6. Try as you might, you can't drop me. When the lanes opened up to 2 ,why did you 2 guys split and each take a lane? I know you could see I was right on your azz, move the eff over and let the faster...
  19. theshnizzle

    WV Long Weekend

    Just calculated I have ridden 20,100 miles so far since start of May. It's a US bike....
  20. theshnizzle

    WV Long Weekend

    Well girls, I too do solo riding/camping all in the States. And yes, it's a nothing ride to Adirondacks for a quick overnighter. I even rode/camped by myself down to The Gap last year. In one day. And yes, you will always meet someone out on the road who is doing some sort of terrific...
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