WV Long Weekend


Well-known member
With my daughters spending Thanksgiving with inlaws this year and the weather looking (so far) promising I'm planning a mini road trip next weekend. Since both vacation time and vacation funds are running low, I'm looking at camping here:
for two nights. Its central to some of my favourite riding roads in the area and has electric (for outdoor extension cord and mini space heater). It also has indoor accomodations but more than I want to spend right now.
Haven't really plotted route down or back yet, but if weather is really nice, might run part of the way down 219 to make it a little more scenic - or maybe down to Staunton and cut back via 250 -would be a lot of K's that way.
I can't take the Friday off but could add the Tuesday as a vacation day.
I know its a lot more distance than a lot of people want to ride for such a short time, but I find the miles down there just fly by - 219 through Pennsylvania is pokey but should be pretty
Just curious. Do you usually travel alone like myself? Or do you have like minded friends?
Just curious. Do you usually travel alone like myself? Or do you have like minded friends?

Company is welcome, but I don't mind travelling alone. I have lots of riding friends, but most deem my trips as "too ambitious" for them, usually meaning "wtf you mean you want to ride from sun up to sun down" :-) )

I don't see a long weekend in WV or the Adironaks as too ambitious - I didn't see riding to the Grand Canyon as "too ambitious" - it its what I want to do, I do it, I accept long-distance travelling involves some not so fun moments - but for me the payoff outweighs the price.

When I went to Arizona this spring I was amazed at how many solo riders I met - some going distances that put my trip to shame.
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I'm on the fence about solo versus two or 3 - ( my limit )
Since I have my passport I might want to follow along. Keep me posted on route - you have my email
I admire your sense of adventure Beastie Girl. I haven't traveled nearly as much as you, but I too have caught the bug. In fact I do very little local riding. I no longer enjoy it. To me riding is all about the adventure. Seeing new places and meeting new people. I have no aspirations for a nicer car or bigger house. All I want in the future is a more comfortable sport/ touring bike and lots of vacation time to enjoy it. The rest be damned. I'd love to one day take a couple months or longer to circle the lower 48 states and the Canadian west.

Speaking of adventurous souls, how about those long distance bicycle riders. We've all seen them in our travels, their bikes loaded down with camping gear and such. I've also seen these people at the top of Whiteface mountain (that's a 10 mile vertical climb). And we thought we were tough.

Have fun in WV. Unfortunately I have family commitments next week. I have no regrets about this summer though. I've been on four bike trips and one car trip with my grown daughters.
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Have fun in WV.

Don't think that's happening now - took a tumble on my rollerblades and hurt my wrist. I'm thinking its just a sprain, but last time I thought that it turned out a fracture - took me two days to hit the emergency room.

Anyway - right now I'm in wait and see mode - but even if the swelling is down, I don't think I'll chance a long trip. Grrr - my next hobby is going to be knitting.
Geez girl - can't stay up on 6 wheels how ya gonna do on two ;)

Hope it heals up. Still uncertain of direction for me but willing to tag along on any old motley crew heading in to an interesting spot.
Geez girl - can't stay up on 6 wheels how ya gonna do on two ;)

Ha ha - actually its eight wheels. I was lazy and didn't switch from my outdoor wheels (bigger wheels with harder rubber for pavement) to my indoor wheels (smaller and softer rubber for better grip on hardwood) for rink skating. Don't even like the rinks much - going round and round in a circle isn't very interesting - I like to hit the outdoor trail by Lake Ontario - hills, twisties and even "whoops" - well buckled pavement, gives the same effect. But its already feeling much better, so thinking just a mild sprain.
Well girls, I too do solo riding/camping all in the States. And yes, it's a nothing ride to Adirondacks for a quick overnighter. I even rode/camped by myself down to The Gap last year. In one day. And yes, you will always meet someone out on the road who is doing some sort of terrific adventure,just when you are feeling pretty proud of yourself.

I haven't been to a single bike night or done any real riding in Ontario this year,boring. I would rather save my pennies that I would spend on a day ride and put it towards another trip. And save my " consumables" as well. I have spent the last 2 seasons whittling down my gear, making it smaller and lighter.

It's taken a bit of trial and error. I can now fit my clothes for a week in a large ziploc bag.

Most of my riding is down in WV,VA,PA,NY,OH,actually ALOT in WV. I have been going there for some years now,I feel like I have explored the whole state! OH has killer roads,you just gotta know where to go.

Hey, don't forget to check out campgrounds by the Army Corps of Engineers in the States. Cheap and good.
Just calculated I have ridden 20,100 miles so far since start of May. It's a US bike....
I am leaving Toronto on Friday morning en route to Virginia along 219 south from the border. Is anybody else planning on leaving this Friday? I would like to ride with other peeps.
Don't think that's happening now - took a tumble on my rollerblades and hurt my wrist. I'm thinking its just a sprain, but last time I thought that it turned out a fracture - took me two days to hit the emergency room.

Anyway - right now I'm in wait and see mode - but even if the swelling is down, I don't think I'll chance a long trip. Grrr - my next hobby is going to be knitting.

You can hurt your wrists knitting too. lol I learned that after saying I would make scarfs for everyones Christmas present one year. 20 scarfs in one month messes up the hands and wrists.
I am leaving Toronto on Friday morning en route to Virginia along 219 south from the border. Is anybody else planning on leaving this Friday? I would like to ride with other peeps.

I don't know if MacDoc is still planning on going that'a'way - the weather couldn't be much better (or at least the forecast). I might hop on the Beast tomorrow after work and see how goes in terms of comfort level - a little ibuprofen and a wrist brace might do the trick. I really, really wanna get out and I can get Friday off - so right now I'm still a definite maybe - lol.
I'm planning to leave on friday morning to Pennsylvania, for 2 or 3 nights, wouldn't mind riding with others. email me if anyone interested.

I am leaving Toronto on Friday morning en route to Virginia along 219 south from the border. Is anybody else planning on leaving this Friday? I would like to ride with other peeps.
I would rather save my pennies that I would spend on a day ride and put it towards another trip.

Yep - after(if) I get away this weekend, its time to start my trip fund for next year. Torn between going back to Utah and Arizona - and actually spending some time in New Mexico rather than seeing it whizz by from the interstate, or going to the east coast and the Cabot Trail - where I've never been either by bike or car. There is some good riding up north - we had a great ride to Algonquin weekend before last, but southern Ontario is pretty desperate. Sometimes I think I just can't take one more group ride to Niagara Falls or Port Dover. Mind you if I were coming from somewhere else, maybe I'd love the Niagara Peninsula - Niagara Parkway is pretty from Niagara-on-the-Lake through to Fort Erie, but its tough to hit it before the crowds.
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I'm going down to p.a or even w.v for the day on friday. I will also be going down the 219. Leaving early. If you want to hook up let me know.
I heard people mentioning the 219, which is a nice scenic ride and saves a bit with tolls, but if timelines are tight, using the interstates winds up being quicker due to the higher speed limits and not having numerous intersections to stop at, despite actually being more driven miles. Might be worth consideration to use the I-90 & I-79 at least in one of the two directions to trim drive time.
I'm looking at a loop through OH, WV, VA and back. My thoughts were to get a mid morning start after voting Thursday. Maybe beat the weekend rush. The bike is set up for camping but it's a shakedown cruise at best and since this summer was personally bad news for riding I'm thinking of cheap hotels instead maybe. I've got to do some miles. The weather is supposed to be good.
or going to the east coast and the Cabot Trail - where I've never been either by bike or car.

I'd be up for that - and I've got an extra Scala that can make the time go by right quick and lot easier to coordinate gas and "hey lets go there" side journeys.

Was supposed to go with GF from Aus by car for that loop but we juggled dates around for a couple other adventures. I do know some of the area particularly Cape Breton - June would be ideal.

BG if you are tired of S Ontario the area North and East of Ottawa is terrific and I certainly want to do more rides there. Horizon X kayak camp offers a cheap over night alternative as well $10 for a cot in a tent.
I'll be doing more in that area = my daughter is in Ottawa and nice to drop by and say hi.

Several creative ways of getting into the area as well including via North Bay for a quick start off via slab and then head east by noon. Yummie poutine too.
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I heard people mentioning the 219, which is a nice scenic ride and saves a bit with tolls, but if timelines are tight, using the interstate.
219 is slow, though its a little quicker now that it bypasses Springfield. When I was first contemplating a 4 day trip, I was thinking of heading down towards Front Royal or Staunton, Va - with a one-night stand somewhere along there, then running 50 or 250 west to Elkins area (campground is actually in Davis, WV), camping 2 nights there and heading back via interstate on Monday. There's a KOA in Harrisonburg. Also time before last I went down I did it the other way - to Morgantown, over to Front Royal on 50 - running from Grafton, then back up through PA. Anyway, stayed at a Days Inn in Breezewood that was $50 - not fancy, a little run down maybe, but absolutely immacuately clean.

The weather looks amazing - it will break my heart if I can't get away this weekend :-(
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