Talk about high mileage...Is it even worth considering buying??

Im switching from sports bikes to cruisers, i wana do some long distance stuff, anyway I heard alot of good stuff about theese bikes but am i just asking for trouble buying a bike with 102,000 km on it?? My gut is telling me yes, however i know that theese engines are not ripped on as much as croth rockets, so i guess some more educated opinions would be much help.


maintenance is the key ... high milers usually go for alot less... i have 130k on my ST1300 and people in the states are telling me they have gone up to 200k miles (300k+ KM) on them
i know i emailed the guy and asked about the maintenance so well see what he says, im just wondering because its a Honda, and ive read about Goldwings goin up in the 200k range if its worth considering. I just want to have enough info so i know what im getting into.
i know i emailed the guy and asked about the maintenance so well see what he says, im just wondering because its a Honda, and ive read about Goldwings goin up in the 200k range if its worth considering. I just want to have enough info so i know what im getting into.

i don't know about the VTX, but alot of cruisers also have hydraulic valves (also like cars) so you never need to adjust the valves they are self adjusting... with shaft drive it is also like a car, so you just change fluids and ride :D
ya see thats what i was thinking, because there a bigger size and closer to a car motor, they would last longer, so therefore 100k wouldnt be that bad.. i dont know, i need to do more research, im hoping someone on here has one or knows more about them, thanks for the info though.
102,000 is not that high of mileage on a bike these days, ( even the smaller bikes ) mine has close to 200,000 and still runs runs great, other guys on my owners forum are getting 300-400,000 kms with no problems.
I just sold my CBR with almost 120,00 k on it and the damn thing runs like a top and doesn't burn a drop of oil. Maitenence IS the key Don't shy away from a high miler just be sure that the engine is stock no mods..
I used to ride with a guy who had the first year VTX 1800. He put about 120,000 km on it and then had it refreshed with new fork springs and rear shocks and a basic tune up. I don't think it needed the shock work, but he is VERY particular about his bikes. Everything has to be perfect or he's not happy. He rode it to 150,000 km and then sold it only because he got a great deal on a brand-new one and got a very good buck for his old one. He said he wouldn't have hesitated to keep riding it well past 200,000 km. Last I heard he's got over 100,000 problem free km on the current one. If the bike has been maintained well and ridden well, I wouldn't hesitate. That big 1800cc engine is barely working unless your redlining it anyway!
Im switching from sports bikes to cruisers, i wana do some long distance stuff, anyway I heard alot of good stuff about theese bikes but am i just asking for trouble buying a bike with 102,000 km on it?? My gut is telling me yes, however i know that theese engines are not ripped on as much as croth rockets, so i guess some more educated opinions would be much help.


Mileage aside - I find the seating position terrible on a 'cruiser' (all the weight on your butt/tailbone) and couldn't imagine using one for long distance trips.
Mileage aside - I find the seating position terrible on a 'cruiser' (all the weight on your butt/tailbone) and couldn't imagine using one for long distance trips.

really?? i guess it varries from person to person, isnt that what there meant for though?? i never owned one. only time i rode on one is when i did my license and i was on of those lil suzuki ones, it felt pretty good.
Why a cruiser?
Why not get the best of both worlds and go for a Sport Touring bike?
Just as comfortable if not more then a cruiser but with all the performance aspects of an SS.
I wouldn't be worried about the milage but, but I think price abit high on that particular bike.
Personally, after 12 yrs riding cruisers I switched to a sport touring bike for comfort as I couldn't take all the weight on my tail bone and having my arms stretched out with no weight on them was killing my upper back, but if you want a cruiser, buy a cruiser. For every guy like me there is a guy who switched from sport bikes or sport touring bikes to cruisers and would never go back. If you think the VTX is the bike for you, buy it and ride it for a while. Buying a bike this time of year is great because you get it cheaper than in the spring. Ride the bike next summer and if its not for you, hang on to it until the following spring and you'll probably sell it for what you paid for it! I'd say most of, if not all of the depreciation is done on that bike. Its a Honda and it sounds like its in good shape. It'll hold its current value for a while.

Enjoy the process! Buying a new bike is fun! I remember when I switched from the cruiser to the ST 2 seasons ago that it really renewed my love of riding. I'm sure a lot of it had to do with having a new-to-me bike after 12yrs on the same bike, but I know that some of it was the excitement of having a new style of bike and getting to know how that type of bike rode.
really?? i guess it varries from person to person, isnt that what there meant for though?? i never owned one. only time i rode on one is when i did my license and i was on of those lil suzuki ones, it felt pretty good.

No, a touring or a sport touring bike is meant for long distance riding. Cruisers are meant for shorter runs, where form is more important than function. Not saying that you can't go touring on a cruiser, it's just that a purpose built touring bike would be much better if you want to rack up the miles.
No, a touring or a sport touring bike is meant for long distance riding. Cruisers are meant for shorter runs, where form is more important than function. Not saying that you can't go touring on a cruiser, it's just that a purpose built touring bike would be much better if you want to rack up the miles.

I know a VTX1800 with 150,000 km's and only a water pump so far (+brakes, tires, oil/flters, air filters). And it still chugs right along happily.

It also depends on whether one's touring is 400 km/day or 800+ as to what may be an appropriate bike for you. I can do 800+/day on a sportbike but others cannot. I know cruisers and others that need to stop after a tank of gas. Personal shape and health plays a part also.

Most cruisers I would not try but I would try a VTX1800 with 100,000 on it. I know sportbikes with more than 100,000 with no problems to date.
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I know a VTX1800 with 150,000 km's and only a water pump so far (+brakes, tires, oil/flters, air filters). And it still chugs right along happily.

I'm not talking about reliability, I'm talking about rider comfort. I've done 13hr+ days on cruisers, dual sports, standards and touring rigs. The tourers win, all the time, every time, in terms of comfort.
Provided the bike has been taken care of 100K is not a problem. Re-selling a high mileage bike IS a problem because of a stigma. The next buyer might not care but he knows if he has to sell it the person he is trying to sell it to will make an issue. No one wants to take the hit. High miles = Low price.
I'm not talking about reliability, I'm talking about rider comfort. I've done 13hr+ days on cruisers, dual sports, standards and touring rigs. The tourers win, all the time, every time, in terms of comfort.

I know. I was just trying to cover 2 topics in 1 short post. Being: reliability & comfort. Didn't mean to confuse.

Comfort: touring & sport touring for most riders (if not all riders). I know someone who toured for 2 weeks on a cruiser VTX1800 and was comfortable using a sheepskin seat cover.

Reliabilty: most current, well maintained and not overly abused bikes will go well beyond 100 k kms. I think the OP was considering a VTX1800.
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Mileage aside - I find the seating position terrible on a 'cruiser' (all the weight on your butt/tailbone) and couldn't imagine using one for long distance trips.

And I cannot imagine my weight on my arms.... Went out east this past summer with my dad and stepmom and lunatic came also. Even he was trying to use his frame sliders as highway pegs at times. Right now I have three leg positions on my baby. Normal floorboards, back pegs and my highway pegs. On the two week trip it was week two (riding 400 km dailing) that I started to feel sore. BIG help (and was initially a surprise to me how much it worked) was getting a sheep skin. I will NOT do a trip without one now.

No, a touring or a sport touring bike is meant for long distance riding. Cruisers are meant for shorter runs, where form is more important than function. Not saying that you can't go touring on a cruiser, it's just that a purpose built touring bike would be much better if you want to rack up the miles.

I liked the harley touring bikes. Cant afford one, but I never felt so comfortable so quickly on any other bike than that limited. Two turns and I was fully comfortable. Took two weeks for my Vstar.
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