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  1. theshnizzle

    suggestions for riding out west/colorado/utah/ ect.

    when I did my second ride to Alaska last year, I stayed off the t can and rode south on 13 or 1 or whatever.....through the small Prarie towns and it really changed the whole attitude. it' a nice diversion, if nothing else, gives you something to look at, change gears a bit, cruise through...
  2. theshnizzle

    suggestions for riding out west/colorado/utah/ ect.

    So....thinking of doing this ride. Haven' been yet. Looking at my paper map!!!!!! I was thinking of breaking up the slab ride deeking off 70 now and then onto a lesser parallel route. Anything that is about a 40 min ride or so off the superhighway. Would this be a waste of my time or a nice...
  3. theshnizzle

    Best type of bike for long distance commuting/touring?

    I agree with the above poster. the Honda cb would be perfect plus you are a beginner and insurance could be a deal killer when you shop around for quotes. A smaller bike will give you a much better learning experience especially in the twisties/ corners. Any squid can twist a throttle and go...
  4. theshnizzle

    This can't end well.

    Where did the video go that was posted earlier?
  5. theshnizzle

    Anyone got a 1 -2 gallon Rotopax they want to part with ?

    What I have done with my bike for extra fuel is 2 msr canisters like you can get at sail with the black screw tops, then simple water bottle carries, again at sail, 5 bucks I believe. I fill the canisters, slide them into the velco holders, then firmly zip tie each bottle to the lower rail of my...
  6. theshnizzle

    Island hopping in Ontario

    I would hardly call that road trip..”epic”. Author must not get out much.
  7. theshnizzle

    Island hopping in Ontario

    I actually DID enjoy the ride down through the keys on my bike a couple years ago. I decided to ride down to key west on a whim. It’s much easier to pass the tourists on a bike, obviously, since it’s a two laner all the way down.
  8. theshnizzle

    No more demo rides?

    Honda is out, no more test rides. It’s official. But I wonder if they will come to horizons unlimited? Last year Honda and bmw were there. HU is obviously a different crowd than a regular test ride clientele. Everybody is a experienced rider. Although......a experienced rider may not be quite...
  9. theshnizzle

    parking bike at airport for a week...yes or no?

    I appreciate the replys but I gotta side with gene here. 100 bucks,150 bucks, this is not a small amount of money.Dayum, you guys got coin! Looking up via now.....cheapest is "escape" at 35 bucks from port hope,seems to be cheaper from cobourg. Earliest train is 7.00 am-ish. Train is about 1...
  10. theshnizzle

    parking bike at airport for a week...yes or no?

    Ottawa is at least 3 hours away. I have been looking at allegiant out of Ogdensburg but it looks like they don' fly to ft. Lauderdale anymore much less Miami. and with the Canadian dollar dropping, those super cheap flights from the states become much more expensive once you convert currency...
  11. theshnizzle

    parking bike at airport for a week...yes or no?

    pardon my manners.....thank you gatekeeper.....
  12. theshnizzle

    parking bike at airport for a week...yes or no?

    there are very few transport options from where I live. or any cost effective transport options. if I end up taking a 6.00 am flight that will just make things even more complicated. I would have had a little extra money if I didn' need a root canal....and just had a difficult tooth...
  13. theshnizzle

    parking bike at airport for a week...yes or no?

    My first grandkid was born and now I need to get down to south of Miami. I will be looking to go down towards the end of April. I am considering riding down, which I have done before,but this time I may fly instead. a couple of the flights I have looked at leave very early in the am so...
  14. theshnizzle

    Buying a “rebuilt title” bike from another province

    Got a linky to the "poor guy with the honda" thread? Sounds interesting. I'm not a NooB btw. I don't post much. I saw that I have been here since 07...151 posts lol. I'm busy riding! I was interested in the bike for the price point considering where I was planning to take it. Any of the...
  15. theshnizzle

    Buying a “rebuilt title” bike from another province

    I already informed the seller I’m out.
  16. theshnizzle

    Buying a “rebuilt title” bike from another province

    It was the MTO Ontario who gave the info about structural safety for a bike. I was VERY SPECIFIC to them I was talking about a motorcycle. Funny how one office can actually call you back in very short order and another is passing on erroneous information.
  17. theshnizzle

    Buying a “rebuilt title” bike from another province

    I did call another MTO office and they didn’t have the information at hand, they promised to call me back once they found out. Suprise!!, someone actually did call me back, like within 10 minutes! Ya gotta love the small rural offices. She confirmed anything coming into ontario that that has...
  18. theshnizzle

    Buying a “rebuilt title” bike from another province

    in Ontario? All imported motorcycles previously branded "Salvage," "Rebuilt" or an equivalent brand are branded "Irreparable" when registered in Ontario. This means that the vehicle will never be eligible to be driven on Ontario roads. The regular green vehicle permit is still issued. A permit...
  19. theshnizzle

    Buying a “rebuilt title” bike from another province

    We ride motorcycles, its part of the adventure of motorcycling. Fly n rides are fun. Interesting since i was specific when I talked with the MTO. I think another phone call to a different office is warranted.
  20. theshnizzle

    Buying a “rebuilt title” bike from another province

    I’m looking at a good deal on a bike out east. The bike has a rebuilt title. I called the MTO and spoke with them,they said since the bike already has been labelled rebuilt, the structural safety has already been done in that province, all it would need here is the basic safety and it would be...
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