Island hopping in Ontario

Will be going in May as a slight detour to my annual March for Life in Ottawa on May 10. Not holding my breath, looks great from a drone but likely way too short to get too excited about. And if you have ever ridden the Florida Keys down to Key West, you know what I'm talking about. That is REAL island hopping.
That's 1000 Islands. Very nice but also a big tourist area. Long Sault used to be a big destination for the May 24 biker season opener in the 1970s and 80s. I still have a T-shirt from the 1982 bash. Unfortunately OPP found out people were having fun and put a stop to it. Banned alcohol in the campground. Also closed the park to motorcycles May 24. I wonder if that ban is still in effect. Anyway, might be fun to do a trip up there again for auld time sake.
went camping there once.. great site. no squirrels no racoons. kayaks canoes, delivered to your camp site..
It looks like an interesting place to see, but seeing as how it's only 25km from Ingleside to Cornwall and not all of that is on this chain of islands, it isn't exactly worth riding out there just to see it. If I were planning a ride out that way I would definitely include it as part of the ride though.
It looks like an interesting place to see, but seeing as how it's only 25km from Ingleside to Cornwall and not all of that is on this chain of islands, it isn't exactly worth riding out there just to see it. If I were planning a ride out that way I would definitely include it as part of the ride though.

Cornwall isn’t a bad place to cross over from Canada to head to Vermont
Why don't I save you the trip for the whole 4 km run?

So strap on your helmet, dim the lights, go to full screen mode and watch this:

A more worthwhile trip of 45 km with good scenery and also takes in the Long Sault is this one (but it needs to be done on an actual bicycle, unless you want to break some rules, in the off season maybe no one will be around, or care or notice):
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I actually DID enjoy the ride down through the keys on my bike a couple years ago. I decided to ride down to key west on a whim. It’s much easier to pass the tourists on a bike, obviously, since it’s a two laner all the way down.
I would hardly call that road trip..”epic”. Author must not get out much.
Another local attraction:

It's about 5 minutes away. I haven't been and it doesn't appear to be mind blowing but they have recently erected a monument to the American Civil War, the last major military victory the Americans achieved on their own. (Hard to lose when you're fighting yourself)

The monument honours 40,000 Canadians that fought in the war.
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