Anyone got a 1 -2 gallon Rotopax they want to part with ?

I don’t but have you seen those relatively new fangled dromedary fuel packs? Not sure how much I’d trust them but they definitely look handy.
What I have done with my bike for extra fuel is 2 msr canisters like you can get at sail with the black screw tops, then simple water bottle carries, again at sail, 5 bucks I believe. I fill the canisters, slide them into the velco holders, then firmly zip tie each bottle to the lower rail of my luggage racks.

Now I have enough fuel to get me out of a pickle, it didn't cost me very much coin, it spreads the weight evenly and low on the bike,and it doesn't interfere with my luggage at all. I have used this system on many of my bikes from the busa to the street triple r, the cbf and the nc and both GS's.

I can try and post up some pics if you like. And I have never had a issue with safety, the system is rock solid. Not even the washboard in Alaska and Yukon could budge it. Easy to use, easy to pour and fill.
I did the same, attached two msr cans from sail to my luggage rack. I used two large hose clamps from Home Depot with the turn key thumb clamp, for faster removal.

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