parking bike at airport for a week...yes or no?


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My first grandkid was born and now I need to get down to south of Miami. I will be looking to go down towards the end of April. I am considering riding down, which I have done before,but this time I may fly instead. a couple of the flights I have looked at leave very early in the am so in thought in would ride my bike to the airport and park in there for the week.

I'm not close to the airport, I'm into the port hope area. sorta between Peterborough and port hope actually.

any issues parking my bike there for the week? or maybe at a park n fly or something like that? will it be secure enough? perhaps I can sweet talk someone to letting me park somewhere really secure,not sure what that would be but there is always something.

anybody have any suggestions or experience parking at the airport for a extended
period of time?
Don't even think about it!

If you know someone near the airport with secure parking, fine, but if you have to park at the airport, take the car.
Willing to help out a fellow rider, I have room in my garage, for a bike, since we are not in full riding season yet, and the bikes are just sleeping in there now anyways, one more sitting in the garage will not be an inconvenience, your Busa will have nice company with my bikes...PM me if interested.

I am about 15 minutes from the airport, 50 bucks by Limo/Taxi, or about 25 or so by Uber to get there

Bring a Cover...

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fantastic offer from Gatekeeper

not much of a fun ride from Port Hope to YYZ
personally I'd ride the Megabus
As Brian P says..... "Don't even think about it!"
Years ago my friend left his bike at the airport for a couple weeks and I later went to help him pick it up with his truck. While there, security noticed we were having trouble finding a place to load it and then helped us locate a spot and helped to load while not even asking why we were taking it or noticing license plates from different regions. We were lucky but this bike could have been easily stolen.
there are very few transport options from where I live. or any cost effective transport options. if I end up taking a 6.00 am flight that will just make things even more complicated. I would have had a little extra money if I didn' need a root canal....and just had a difficult tooth extraction.....and 2 fillings just insurance....:(
Congrats on the new grandkid :)
See if you can get a flight out of Ottawa instead! use the park and fly guys that have the storage units to the east of the airport, rates are more reasonable. airport will not be near as busy, the airport security people are better, the area has a lower crime rate, the park and fly people there are awesome friendly and accommodating, if it's snowing when you return you can even phone ahead and have your bike warmed up and ready to go as soon as you arrive ;)
Ottawa is at least 3 hours away. I have been looking at allegiant out of Ogdensburg but it looks like they don' fly to ft. Lauderdale anymore much less Miami. and with the Canadian dollar dropping, those super cheap flights from the states become much more expensive once you convert currency. Ogdensburg is about 3 hours away as well.

buffalo would be a long drive/ride option and I'm not sure any savings would be worth it and again, no flights to ft. Lauderdale or Miami from what I can see.
Porter has very good rates to Ft. Lauderdale
if you can get to Oshawa
go train to Union Station is cheap
Porter operates a free shuttle from Union to the Island airport
skip YYZ altogether

I've flown out of Syracuse to Florida cheaply
it would be a nice ride down there
but again bike storage becomes an issue

Gatekeeper's offer appears the best option so far
if you really need to ride to a departure point
Yeah, parking a MC at YYZ just about anywhere is a recipe for disaster. Have good insurance, and a low deductible.
Willing to help out a fellow rider, I have room in my garage, for a bike, since we are not in full riding season yet, and the bikes are just sleeping in there now anyways, one more sitting in the garage will not be an inconvenience, your Busa will have nice company with my bikes...PM me if interested.

I am about 15 minutes from the airport, 50 bucks by Limo/Taxi, or about 25 or so by Uber to get there

Bring a Cover...


What a nice guy.

OP. Go with Gatekeeper. If I go anywhere, my bike is never out of my sight. Let alone at an Airport for a week.
If you do a 6 AM flight you're going to leave home at 2 AM to travel to the airport to be there at 4 or 4:30 AM for a US flight. Sounds painful as there are lots of flights out at various times of the day. If cost is a real driver for you I'd time the flight so I could find my way to Oshawa (taxi or Uber or some other option), take the GO train to Union and then the UP train to the airport. Or ride to and park at Gatekeeper's place and I'm pretty sure he would prefer you don't arrive there at 3 AM for a 6 AM flight.
I think it would be best to stay overnight near the airport for an early departure if you are coming from far away. The transit services won't even be operating at the times that you'll need them. The hotels near YYZ all have shuttle buses to and from the airport. Staying overnight near the airport also minimizes the risk of things going wrong (traffic delays, etc).

If I have a 6:15 departure, I'm up at 4 AM and I only have a 20 minute drive to YYZ. Check-in closes an hour before departure and you need time to get to check-in and through security. They say to arrive 3 hours before international departures, 2 hours is good, I cut it closer because I'm used to how long the process takes and I'm generally not checking any luggage for those flights (business trips).
Maybe if you ride out in the evening prior and arrive at Gatekeepers before midnight he'd let you catch a nap on his couch until you had to leave for your flight.
I live in the Port Hope area as well.

Given the time of your flight maybe your best bet is to take the airport van service to and from the airport. I think it's about $100, but better than worrying about your bike being parked at the airport.
VIA Rail from Port Hope to Union - ~$21
UPX from Union to Pearson - $12.34 (or slum it on the TTC for $3.25)
VIA Rail from Port Hope to Union - ~$21
UPX from Union to Pearson - $12.34 (or slum it on the TTC for $3.25)

or fly Porter from the island airport and skip YYZ all together
shorter commute, quicker check in, great service
only downside is being turboprop aircraft, it does add a bit of time in the air
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