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  1. theshnizzle

    8am Sat 20th, Motley crew ride! Anybody + everybody. Bowmanville-Hastings

    FYI...Hastings is having thier waterfront festival this weekend so be prepared. Havelock is having thier jamboree a huge event so watch for traffic ect....Cobourg is having ribfest....just so you are aware of congestion in certain areas. BTW, thanks for the ride last night,good group, good pace....
  2. theshnizzle

    Ride thursday 6pm from Bowmanville

    can you give me an approx. route so I can hook up with you guys. I live cty rd 9 and cty rd 10, north of port hope. Why backtrack if I don't have
  3. theshnizzle

    Need help rooting a Nook color with 1.2 firmware

    I bought one on a recent trip down to the States with the intention of un locking it. I had a Kobo which I did like, but I am looking for a device that I can read books and watch movies on,maybe play a couple of games...? I have read that it's apparentley a simple thing, more or less, to un lock...
  4. theshnizzle

    Tablet or Ereader? Too many choices,confused

    On a whim I bought a Kobo Ereader at Walmart in the States. I actually went in to buy a sandwich and a yogurt but whatever.....and I do quite like it. But......I think I would really like a ereader/tablet that I can have a couple movies on AND use as an Ereader. From what I have read, it looks...
  5. theshnizzle

    Big thank you to Coleen!!

    Everyone please ignore her, she rides a Duc AND a bemmer... LOL
  6. theshnizzle

    Anybody here own a CBF 1000?

    I am hard pressed to buy that the CBF handles like a "dump truck" after riding one. Very nimble and easy to turn. And I am comparing "like minded" bikes, NOT to a 600 SS. I don't get on a bike made for certain purpose and then complain it doesn't handle like a bike made for a totally different...
  7. theshnizzle

    Anybody here own a CBF 1000?

    I have test ridden the CBF and I found it felt and rode like a 600, very easy to ride and smooth. Even though it tips the scales at over 500 it does not feel like it in the least. Very light and easy to turn. I could barely push the Bandit. Why the comment about the FZ 1? What about it?. I rode...
  8. theshnizzle

    Great trip - 9 days - lots of twisties in NY, PA, MD, WV, VA

    How did you like 16 from Marion to Tazewell? It looks like you didn't continue on 16 all the way north. It is really awesome pretty much all the way up. Try some roads in SE Ohio....555.. 536....147.....260...26 ect,ect...ect...
  9. theshnizzle

    West Virginia

    I have been down there many many times. Pecas and I had THE BEST TIME!!! I just gave Blue VFR a down and dirty route for his long weekend trip. Next on the hit list...16 S down to NC/TN.....It will be a sad day when I have exhausted WV roads.....
  10. theshnizzle

    Anybody here own a CBF 1000?

    I have been looking at those for a bit now and I don't often see them even though they are hugely popular in Europe. If you have one, please offer your opinions about your bike. Have narrowed the choice down to a Bandit 1200/1250.....FZ 1 ....or my fave choice the CBF. And no, not selling the...
  11. theshnizzle

    West Virginia and Virginia - July 1st long weekend

    I just came back from a 6 day ride down there. It's my fourth time down in the last 2 or 3 years. I would also strongly recommend hitting up some roads in SE Ohio. They LOVE thier decreasing blind raduis corners in Ohio. Do anything from Zanesville south and east,especially the 536/26/260...
  12. theshnizzle

    First Trip to Blue Ridge Parkway

    I am heading down to WV and SE Ohio on Sunday for 7 days of riding. It's my 4? 5? time down there. The roads are un-populated and twisty. If you find the "right" roads, very challenging. I am always amazed that no one ever mentions SE Ohio. The riding in that area is incredible. So, I am happy...
  13. theshnizzle

    1st annual Bobcaygeon Bike Fest

    Thanks for the info. I will be there. Always want to support bike events,
  14. theshnizzle

    What's your new ride for 2011???

    I bought a " new" busa. Sold the old one to a Harley guy. Good luck, buddy. It had 100,000 k on it. Bought a white limited edition down in the States for thousands less than up here. Getting it sorted now with full Givi bags setup, Helibars, gel touring seat, ect.ect. I am on my third busa...
  15. theshnizzle

    HD helmet cams this is a contour my son uses. it's pretty cool!
  16. theshnizzle

    Milage this season

    39,000 k. Almost rolled bike over to 100,000 k ,but sold it just short of rolling it over.
  17. theshnizzle

    Importing a Motor Vehicle To Canada (the be all end all)

    I just called the Alexandria Bay ( Gananoque) border crossing and they told me that they will not accept a faxed copy of the origina ltitle it must be the original title mailed to them. They were specific that it must be mailed to them,NOT a faxed copy. anyone know anything about this?
  18. theshnizzle

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    To the group of cruiser riders I met at the gas station in Beamsville on Friday. You were nice guys and all, but when I asked where you were going and you answered "Deals Gap" and you expected to be there by Saturday, as in the next day, have got to go a wee be faster or change your...
  19. theshnizzle

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    To all the sportbikes that hit the throttle from the stop sign at County rd 9 ( Ganaraska 9 ) and County rd 10 in Campbellcroft,, going southbound towards the two big sweepers at Perrytown, music to my ears. I just live right over there and I can look out my window/ garage and see /hear the...
  20. theshnizzle

    I Saw You: V.2.0

    Shnizzle would be delighted to go for a ride with Yetti. Just say when and where......:D ( Where in my post did I mention busa? )
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