West Virginia

I have been down there many many times. Pecas and I had THE BEST TIME!!! I just gave Blue VFR a down and dirty route for his long weekend trip. Next on the hit list...16 S down to NC/TN.....It will be a sad day when I have exhausted WV roads.....
Hey Carmen
Where's the pictures of the Deer?

Thanx, for sharing detail trip info.
Filed in the "Where On Earth Is Carmen" trip logs.
Glad you're home safe!
Hey Carmen
Where's the pictures of the Deer?

Thanx, for sharing detail trip info.
Filed in the "Where On Earth Is Carmen" trip logs.
Glad you're home safe!

Thanks Pearlz. I don't go for long periods of time but I do go fairly often. Did Virginia BRP-West Virginia loop last month and returned to WV last week to check out the highlands of the Monoghelia Forest (spelling?). I wasn't disappointed. I tried to take a picture of a road side deer but it bolted as soon as I got near.
Great trip report. I have to agree, WV has some great roads and scenery. We took a week long trip to the BRP and Deals Gap, we came home via 219. From US81 we to the exit for Marion WV, north on 16 was an amazing ride, then to the 460 and 219. Some of the mountain passes in WV were great, a few even having banked corners like "the dragon"
Definitely 2 thumbs up for the BRP. I actually thought it was better than the dragon in a lot of ways. I'm now planning a return trip with the wife. Only 2 LEO's the entire stretch and a few park rangers. Stunning views though. Worth every penny.
Could someone maybe post a route, or send me one going from here to WV/Virginia? Could you ride down there in a day?

thanks alot, im thinking of doing this first instead of deals, and doing deals next year.
Could someone maybe post a route, or send me one going from here to WV/Virginia? Could you ride down there in a day?

thanks alot, im thinking of doing this first instead of deals, and doing deals next year.


This was the route I took back home. I stayed at the Red Roof Inn just outside of Roanoke, not exactly the nicest place but around $55. It was about a 15 hour day for me, I hit some heavy rain that I pulled over for, so it's doable in less. This was a mix of interstates and secondary highways. Of course if it's too long of a ride for 1 day you can look at just getting to Waynesboro and staying there. The BRP heads south from there for 469 miles. You can take it almost to the Dragon.
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This was the route I took back home. I stayed at the Red Roof Inn just outside of Roanoke, not exactly the nicest place but around $55. It was about a 15 hour day for me, I hit some heavy rain that I pulled over for, so it's doable in less. This was a mix of interstates and secondary highways. Of course if it's too long of a ride for 1 day you can look at just getting to Waynesboro and staying there. The BRP heads south from there for 469 miles. You can take it almost to the Dragon.

Wow thanks!! I will definately use this! Also if i decide i can run part of the blueridge parkway or just head all the way to the gap!
So is the cherloa skyway right by deals gap? the blueridge doesnt connect into the cherloa right?
Google Maps BRP This was what I did the previous day. Stayed at the Holiday In Express, and left early in the morning and headed Roanoke (see previous map). Did most of the BRP that day, it starts just north of Cherokee. It also was a long-ish day but I really wanted to do the BRP from end to end.

Keep in mind there is no place to stop and fuel up or eat along the BRP, you have to exit and drive on some other road to get to anything else. When I got on at Cherokee, I saw a sign saying next fuel stop is 50 miles, or something to that effect. But a GPS can point you in the right direction. I only fueled up once on this stretch and it was during a detour that took me into a town. Mind you I have a Honda ST1300 and I can squeeze out close to 600km out of a tank, depending on how spirited my wrist gets. There are no lights or stop signs of any kind on the BRP just on/off ramps.

BRP to Deal's Gap
I did this all in the opposite direction but to get to Deal's Gap from here is also a very enjoyable ride and not very long.

And Deal's Gap to Cherohala Skyway
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Google Maps BRP This was what I did the previous day. Stayed at the Holiday In Express, and left early in the morning and headed Roanoke (see previous map). Did most of the BRP that day, it starts just north of Cherokee. It also was a long-ish day but I really wanted to do the BRP from end to end.

Keep in mind there is no place to stop and fuel up or eat along the BRP, you have to exit and drive on some other road to get to anything else. When I got on at Cherokee, I saw a sign saying next fuel stop is 50 miles, or something to that effect. But a GPS can point you in the right direction. I only fueled up once on this stretch and it was during a detour that took me into a town. Mind you I have a Honda ST1300 and I can squeeze out close to 600km out of a tank, depending on how spirited my wrist gets. There are no lights or stop signs of any kind on the BRP just on/off ramps.

BRP to Deal's Gap
I did this all in the opposite direction but to get to Deal's Gap from here is also a very enjoyable ride and not very long.

And Deal's Gap to Cherohala Skyway

This is exactly what i needed! thank you!!!

So the previous map is the map from home to roanoke right? and then the first map on this one is the continue on basically right? So if i trailered it down to roanoke and got a hotel, left the truck there for the day and did the brp end to end would that be possible or would i have to grab a room at one end of the brp and then ride ot back for another full day?

Sorry if ii sound confusing! lol
Google Maps BRP This was what I did the previous day. Stayed at the Holiday In Express, and left early in the morning and headed Roanoke (see previous map). Did most of the BRP that day, it starts just north of Cherokee. It also was a long-ish day but I really wanted to do the BRP from end to end.

Keep in mind there is no place to stop and fuel up or eat along the BRP, you have to exit and drive on some other road to get to anything else. When I got on at Cherokee, I saw a sign saying next fuel stop is 50 miles, or something to that effect. But a GPS can point you in the right direction. I only fueled up once on this stretch and it was during a detour that took me into a town. Mind you I have a Honda ST1300 and I can squeeze out close to 600km out of a tank, depending on how spirited my wrist gets. There are no lights or stop signs of any kind on the BRP just on/off ramps.

BRP to Deal's Gap
I did this all in the opposite direction but to get to Deal's Gap from here is also a very enjoyable ride and not very long.

And Deal's Gap to Cherohala Skyway

Ok I think i got it now! That forst map i asked for is the BRP! You didnt go through shenadoah national park though? Looks like that would be a blast!
No gravel on 20. But I did have a deer encounter. I also had another one on 219 on the way back to Elkins. Plus a deer in PA on the way home. 20 was in great condition.

I just checked that 20 and it does look good! How far down did u take it? So then you hopped on the 219 and headed back? was that alll in one day?
its not comparable to the BRP in anyway though right?
This is exactly what i needed! thank you!!!

So the previous map is the map from home to roanoke right? and then the first map on this one is the continue on basically right? So if i trailered it down to roanoke and got a hotel, left the truck there for the day and did the brp end to end would that be possible or would i have to grab a room at one end of the brp and then ride ot back for another full day?

Sorry if ii sound confusing! lol

The maps I posted are the routes that I took. You can easily make it from home to Roanoke, especially if you're trailering the bike. I would personally ride down but thats just me. I don't mind putting in a long day in the saddle, sure beats working.

To answer your question, it really depends on how much of the BRP you want to do. If you want to do the entire thing, then start at Waynesboro VA, that's where it starts and heads south. From here, you can do the entire thing, but like I said it's 469 miles with a speed limit of 45mph, so you're not going to put down huge miles like on an interstate. But you could do the entire thing in one shot, makes for a very long day so perhaps not as enjoyable, unless you enjoy 13 hour days in the saddle. The BRP goes all the way to a place called Cherokee, or at least just north of it.

If you start in Roanoke, then you should be able to get to the dragon in one shot easily. You could probably make it to Tellico Plains and stay there overnight, this way you'd do the BRP, the Dragon and the Cherohala Pkwy. Then ride back the next day. But this is not an easy 2 days of riding for most people.

Please keep in mind I have no idea what your riding style is like, so I don't know if you want to ride for 10-12 hrs, or if you prefer to go slower for 6 hours let's say. Only you can decide. Is your goal just to do it, or to enjoy the trip also? If you know how many hours you can happily do in a day, then you can map out your own ride based on that using google maps. That's what I would do anyways.

You can always PM me if you need more help planning out a different route.
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