Milage this season

how many km did you put on your bike this season?

  • less than 5 000km

    Votes: 24 17.0%
  • 5 000km - 10 000km

    Votes: 42 29.8%
  • 10 000km - 15 000km

    Votes: 33 23.4%
  • 15 000km - 20 000km

    Votes: 18 12.8%
  • 20 000km - 25 000km

    Votes: 14 9.9%
  • 25 000km - 30 000km

    Votes: 4 2.8%
  • more than 30 000km

    Votes: 4 2.8%
  • did not ride

    Votes: 2 1.4%

  • Total voters
you need to raise the mileage limits :D :P
39,000 k. Almost rolled bike over to 100,000 k ,but sold it just short of rolling it over.
A little over 11K, starting end of May with 85% of it riding Mon to Fri
I put just over 6k on the Bandit this year. All day tripping, no commuting. Most of it done on my mid-week days off. I work every other weekend so when I get a weekend off, I usually end up spending it doing other things like camping or hiking or kayaking. The Wife finally got a position at her work where she can choose her vacation time off, so next riding season should be a lot different. Hoping to do a lot more riding together.
23000km from march till now on my 125
I think i put more on it in one season that any of my other bigger bikes:) Fun Little bikes they are after riding early 80's cruisers for the past 10 years. May just have to make the switch to the sport scene next year.
just over 2200km
my season started in late September :(
9-10k maybe. I'm guessing 70% of that was before June. I don't commute with my bikes so they only gets used on the weekends. Between work, vacation, and other obligations I lost most of my riding season. I glad we had an early one this year.
A bit over 15,000km this season for me, since late March. Probably looking to do at least twice that next year, seeing as I really didn't go anywhere far this year. :P
Dismal total this year, only 13,000km between the two bikes (most of that on the Harley, as I used it to commute with). Averaged 38k+ for the last 10 years, but since getting into trucking back in January the bikes pretty much spend all their time in the garage now. :(

EDIT: I'm at 110,000km on the truck, though... does that count for anything?
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10000km on my bike, 2000 km on rental Honda in California, 1800 km on rental BMW in Arizona = 13800 km. I hope ride more next season. Planning trip to the Alps for the twisties!! Woot!
My mileage this season was a little over 14,000km, which started early with my first commute to work on April 1st. All in all it was a good year, even though I was not able to get away for a riding vacation.
Well, got up to 22,000 km by the end of august when a deer on the road changed my riding plans for the rest of the season lol. Hopefully over 30,00 km next year would make me a happy man.
27,000 kms all of which were great ridin with great people!
Can hardly wait till next season....
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