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  1. W

    DIY Whitewalls...

    I considered it with my street bob but decided to just wait until a new set of tires was needed then bought Shinko 777 white walls. The tire selection is minimal when looking for white walls. I magic eraser the white walls 1-2 times per year when I give my bike a good cleaning. I'm not sure how...
  2. W

    Boat insurance holey @#%@...

    I don't believe that it is required by the OPP. I don't have insurance. I doubt any of the boats in my neighborhood do. My boat cost $12,000 and is the 3rd nicest boat in the neighborhood. It's a 18ft pontoon boat with a banged up prop on a 60hp. It's not fast, it's hard to sink, not nice enough...
  3. W

    Bikes with character...

    I rode a 500X around portugal last winter and have a street bob with a 1680 for daily riding. Speed isn't incredibly noticeable. There's was a lot more shifting on the 500 due to less torque. The Harley can use 3rd gear for uphill starts right to high-way passing.
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    Torc T-1 Retro Full Face Helmet Review

    Awhile back I was looking for advice on replacing my GTAir. I ended up buying a Torc Retro helmet and immediately had buyers remorse that I had chosen form over function. Once I got experience with the helmet it turns out that I love it so much that I have not used my half helmet yet this year...
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    Helmet life

    I just replaced my GTAir after 10 years. I do recognize that that most plastics/foams start to degrade/become brittle with age. I'm not sure at what point the degradation becomes life & death but the liner was starting to disintegrate so I took the opportunity to get something new. The old one...
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    Public Inquiry? Nothing to see here

    -Putin did not like Harper. Harper led the push for Russian sanctions as well as the push to kick putin out of the G8 making it the G7. -Chelsea Clinton is married to Marc Mezvinsky. Alexander Soros once took an instagram photo with Chelsea Clinton.
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    Public Inquiry? Nothing to see here

    Maybe Pollieve would pick apart any one that JT chooses but I believe the NDP and BQ would prefer to go along with Trudeau over Pollieve if they could justify it, and they voted for Johnston to step aside.
  8. W

    From Sport bike to Cruiser - bike recommendations?

    Is a Diavel a cruiser simply because it identifies as one? what does its DNA say? I looked at a bunch before making the change. Know that the range of ergos varies far more compared to other bikes. If you can rent or demo a few then I would do that. I rented a road king and it killed my back...
  9. W

    Experienced riders: which Moto accessories should a new rider get?

    One thing I carry that has not been mentioned is a Rand McNalley map of Ontario. I've only needed it a couple times where (one dead phone, one no signal in madawaska valley) but its nice to have when needed, and kind of fun when you haven't used an old map book in awhile.
  10. W

    Bikes with character...

    Imperfections. An Instagram model with a perfectly curated look/image lacks character just like your perfectly engineered Honda. When I've rented new Harley's with the super smooth/quiet M8 engine I can't help but think that I'd might as well have gotten a Honda. my sportster has a shaky...
  11. W

    Riding an e-scooter in Toronto?

    care and control is a $300 liquor offence not criminal or even HTA. know from experience public intoxication, also a liquor offense, is an option. I got one of those in my truck in a parking lot after the bar in Whitby and have a friend who was pulled over and got charged with open alcohol in...
  12. W

    Meta Huge Fine

    I like that it's the Irish regulator that gets to issue the fine. I bet they weren't expecting a $1.2b windfall when they agreed to be a tax haven.
  13. W

    Any GTAM'ers own an electric vehicle?

    Stellantis is getting funding from the province and the federal governments. They don't have an issue with the provincial funding, they have an issue with the federal funding. The way they made it sound this morning on the radio, Stellantis is upset that Volkswagan got more money then they did...
  14. W

    Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

    Not as tough as my guard cat. I've found him scrapping with them a few times.
  15. W

    Motorcycle Turntable

    This^ I started building one once and then realized how much more space was needed to actually be able to spin the bike around. I have three bikes crammed into my workshop and I would have been lucky to fit one bike with a turn table and one without.
  16. W

    Need a new String Timmer ( Weed Wacker) this year.

    Do you have any other large tools that have batteries? buy that trimmer and share batteries as GreyGhost recommended.
  17. W

    Backpack ban

    To be fair, lots of people had guns in their vehicles at school when I was in high school in Madoc. Zero school shootings, mostly just partridge off school property. Different gun culture in the US though.
  18. W

    Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

    That's a great, brand-new, idea. The coalition of citizens could vote for a leader or council that could hire the police force. Probably a good idea to break these coalitions up by geographical area so that they can make sure that local issues are being addressed. Probably a good idea to have...
  19. W

    Hello from Eastern Ontario

    You should have your toes on the pegs when cornering. I used to get this alot on my ER6-n years ago until some folks here got me to correct it. It takes a bit to retrain yourself to move your foot back after shifting gears/braking but it was a good habit to learn. Having my foot touch the ground...
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    If my helmet was stolen ...

    Its slightly different (less of a safety issue) but I had my plate stolen in Whitby. I called Durham Regional and they told me to ride to the station with no plates, then ride to the MTO to buy new plates.
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