If my helmet was stolen ...

If it was my helmet stolen, I would take my chances and try to either ride to a store or ride home, depending on where I was, especially if I was out in some country roads where there are fewer cops. If I got pulled over, I would explain the situation to the officer and see if he would follow me to a store or home if I was close. If I jump in a cab, how do I know they were just after my helmet and watching me leave. Then my bike is gone when I get back. I think a lot of cops would give you a break in a situation especially if they ride. I was just in Florida and very few people were wearing helmets, even on sport bikes. I'm old, that's what I would do, but it's up to each of us.
Catch 22 Do you call them first and explain your situation so if caught you didn't make up the story on the spot? Do they then watch for you or watch out for your predicament.

I knew a guy that was traveling through the states without a lid and had to cross the corner of a state with a mandatory helmet law. He bought a cheap spaghetti strainer and tried buzzing through as quickly as possible.

It didn't work and he got pulled over. After explaining, the cop let him go with the warning, "Don't strain your brain."
My advice is not to lock your helmet using the D-rings. Thieves can cut the strap and restrap the helmet.

Lost a brand new RF1000 that way. Expensive lesson.

Get a cable lock and loop it through the visor hole.

Had to call my wife and she drove over with her lid. I normally wear a Medium. She wears an XS.

It was both an uncomfortable and angry ride back home....
Scumballs that steal stuff don't care about anyone else's problem. They might just collect lids and keep them on a shelf.

Most shoe repair places can re-stitch a strap for a few bucks.
Catch 22 Do you call them first and explain your situation so if caught you didn't make up the story on the spot? Do they then watch for you or watch out for your predicament.

I knew a guy that was traveling through the states without a lid and had to cross the corner of a state with a mandatory helmet law. He bought a cheap spaghetti strainer and tried buzzing through as quickly as possible.

It didn't work and he got pulled over. After explaining, the cop let him go with the warning, "Don't strain your brain."
I would think that even if you called the local PD and try to explain your situation it would be a quick and straight NO.

Its would be one of those too bad type of situations.

Last thing they PD wants is to be dragged into a lawsuit where the rider said it was approved by the local PD for him to ride without a helmet.

You do have options if you are stranded at the side of the road. Taxi, tow truck, call a friend etc.

They may not be convenient but they are there.
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'19 FJR.
'16 CBR650. Two I know of for sure.
FJR and some cruisers have panniers or top cases that are designed to hold helmets - that's their factory locking spot. Not ideal if you have fill panniers, but they are designed to hold XXL full faces lids.

CB650 has it's helmet lock kit in the toolbag (I think its a wire type installed with an M4 screw), it's an owner install kit. See page 57 of your owner's manual for instructions.

You can get aftermarket universal helmet locks for about $5 off Ali Express. they mount to any tubular part of your bike (handlebars, frame).
I would think that even if you called the local PD and try to explain your situation it would be a quick and straight NO.

Its would be one of those too bad type of situations.

Last thing they PD wants is to be dragged into a lawsuit where the rider said it was approved by the local PD for him to ride without a helmet.

You do have options of you are stranded at the side of the road. Taxi, tow truck, call a friend etc.

They may not be convenient but they are there.
I agree that no law enforcement organization would give you an OK. However it's s flip of the coin how the cop that catches you sees the situation.

Would he risk being sued if you crash and become a veggie for life. If you died the warning never happened.
I agree that no law enforcement organization would give you an OK. However it's s flip of the coin how the cop that catches you sees the situation.

Would he risk being sued if you crash and become a veggie for life. If you died the warning never happened.
Not really a possibility in today's LE world. When your doing a traffic stop you radio in the plate and reason for the stiop. Not to mention body cams and cruiser cams. There would be questions why you stopped a rider for no helmet and then allowed them to proceed. If the rider is in a fatal the family lawyer will be looking for people to sue and the family would question why no helmet. Too risky for discovery.

I stopped a rider, (back before all this stuff existed), whose helmet had been stolen and he was riding home without one. The stop was about 2 blocks from his house. I helped him push the bike the rest of the way. Had it been further I would have called for a tow, (that way your assured he isn't getting back on as you turn the corner...lol

In today's litigious society NO way, any cop rider or not is going to watch you ride away without a helmet, Unless of course you qualifiy, (some US states), or Sikh etc).
Not really a possibility in today's LE world. When your doing a traffic stop you radio in the plate and reason for the stiop. Not to mention body cams and cruiser cams. There would be questions why you stopped a rider for no helmet and then allowed them to proceed. If the rider is in a fatal the family lawyer will be looking for people to sue and the family would question why no helmet. Too risky for discovery.

I stopped a rider, (back before all this stuff existed), whose helmet had been stolen and he was riding home without one. The stop was about 2 blocks from his house. I helped him push the bike the rest of the way. Had it been further I would have called for a tow, (that way your assured he isn't getting back on as you turn the corner...lol

In today's litigious society NO way, any cop rider or not is going to watch you ride away without a helmet, Unless of course you qualifiy, (some US states), or Sikh etc).
Depending on how you're feeling, there's an easy way around that obstacle. At least a few times in the last month, cops have pulled over a driver with no license. Driver says they are calling someone with a license to get the vehicle and cops agree. Cop leaves and unlicensed driver drives away. Cop has plausible deniability as you told them someone was coming. Now, if you get pulled over again before you make it home, expect them to charge you with everything they possibly can (and rightfully slow as you are obviously a slow learner).

Yep it can/does happen. But those cops have left themselves exposed if that unlicensed driver kills someone, and the family lawyer, discovers the officer left the vehicle in the "care and control" of the known unlicensed driver. The lawyer WILL go after the officer and the service. The offender has already displayed a propensity to not follow the rules. So, the lawyer will argue what reasonable person would think they would suddenly start following the rules.

It would be akin to stopping a driver who blew a warn and taking their driver's licence but leaving them standing there with the vehicle keys and the vehicle with them saying someone else will come get the car...lol No Bueno...

Hell, I knew a fellow officer who found two people in a "compromising position on a local golf course, Because the woman's vehicle was in the parking lot at 3 am, (so highly unlikely they were there to tee off)..lol After identifying both. The woman pleaded her "husband would kill her" if he towed the vehicle. He agreed to get them 2 cabs. The cab picked them up. Officer cleared the scene leaving the vehicle in the lot. 1 hours later the woman was pulled over by a neighbouring jurisdiction, and arrested for impaired.

His actions seemed reasonable at the time. BUT, Monday morning a new edict was issued, in similiar situations the vehicle WILL be towed, to the tow companies lot. Now had she killed or injured someone, things may have gone very differently, for the officer.
Not really a possibility in today's LE world. When your doing a traffic stop you radio in the plate and reason for the stiop. Not to mention body cams and cruiser cams. There would be questions why you stopped a rider for no helmet and then allowed them to proceed. If the rider is in a fatal the family lawyer will be looking for people to sue and the family would question why no helmet. Too risky for discovery.

I stopped a rider, (back before all this stuff existed), whose helmet had been stolen and he was riding home without one. The stop was about 2 blocks from his house. I helped him push the bike the rest of the way. Had it been further I would have called for a tow, (that way your assured he isn't getting back on as you turn the corner...lol

In today's litigious society NO way, any cop rider or not is going to watch you ride away without a helmet, Unless of course you qualifiy, (some US states), or Sikh etc).
Many decades ago my bike was a stolen for a joy ride but found a block away with the wiring harness slashed. Police were there and I got a copy of the occurance report. I rewired the ignition to get the bike home and rode off but without a headlight at night. It was the city so visibility wasn't an issue. I did get stopped for no headlight by an officer on a horse. He let me continue after seeing the occurance report.
Yeah I've knocked my helmet of the seat myself... :rolleyes:
Just once? All my helmets gave rolled off my seat do many times look like they've been used for bowling.
Had it been further I would have called for a tow, (that way your assured he isn't getting back on as you turn the corner...lol
So with NO evidence what so ever that the guy was going to get back on the bike, after you explained to him that riding with no helmet was illegal... you just decide to make his already lousy day worse by adding a $300-500 towing bill.
Can you see why we don't like cops.
So with NO evidence what so ever that the guy was going to get back on the bike, after you explained to him that riding with no helmet was illegal... you just decide to make his already lousy day worse by adding a $300-500 towing bill.
Can you see why we don't like cops.
OR Officer John Law can sit there until someone else shows up ?
Its slightly different (less of a safety issue) but I had my plate stolen in Whitby. I called Durham Regional and they told me to ride to the station with no plates, then ride to the MTO to buy new plates.
If it was my helmet stolen, I would take my chances and try to either ride to a store or ride home, depending on where I was, especially if I was out in some country roads where there are fewer cops. If I got pulled over, I would explain the situation to the officer and see if he would follow me to a store or home if I was close. If I jump in a cab, how do I know they were just after my helmet and watching me leave. Then my bike is gone when I get back. I think a lot of cops would give you a break in a situation especially if they ride. I was just in Florida and very few people were wearing helmets, even on sport bikes. I'm old, that's what I would do, but it's up to each of us.
Your insurance is registered in Canada, right?

If you get into an accident and end up with any sort of head trauma, your insurance policy is null and void. The company will simply deny your claim as you were not wearing a helmet, which is Canadian law.

But, you do you.
Two words: Cable Lock. It will lock up a helmet (or two and a jackets).
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