DIY Whitewalls...


Active member
I'm toying with the idea of whitewall tires on my Rebel 500...

Has anyone tried painting the sidewalls of their tires to get the whitewall look? Is this feasible? If so, any tips / assistance would be helpful. I could, of course, just wait until it's time for fresh rubber and purchase whitewalls as replacements, but I'm curious if this is a good short term solution.

Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure what kind of paint would work but whatever you do don't use the white letters w/ crazy glue my son once tried on his WRX.
I've seen it done in the classic car world so I assume it would work for motorcycle tires as well.
If done correctly it appears to be long lasting, the one thing I will say is that most of the cars I have seen it on are NOT daily drivers, so this could be a factor into the longevity. It it were me, I'd most likely wait and see if I am still interested when time to make a purchase.
I considered it with my street bob but decided to just wait until a new set of tires was needed then bought Shinko 777 white walls. The tire selection is minimal when looking for white walls.

I magic eraser the white walls 1-2 times per year when I give my bike a good cleaning. I'm not sure how the white wall paint would hold up to scrubbing etc for myself let alone people who wash their bikes more regularly.
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A kid in the neighbourhood used something like a paint marker to mark white letters on his truck tires. Lasted for a little while but started looking rough quite quickly. No idea what product he used.

I have no idea if they make them for bike tires but you can buy whitewall stickers and plastic rings for car tires. The plastic rings don't make sense to me as if you are going through the hassle of breaking the beads, I would just install the tires you want.
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