Helmet life


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Do people abide by the 5 year rules here? My fav one is getting up there in age but it's snug as ever and no real wear and tear. I still love the design and wear it as often as I can but want to hear what others are thinking and doing when it comes time to replace.
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Do people abide by the 5 year rules here? My fav one is getting up there in age but it's snug as ever and no real wear and tear. I still love the design and wear it as often as I can but want to hear what others are thinking and doing when it comes time to relace.
Normally I go with 5-10 for motorcycle helmets. After 5, it becomes a passenger helmet for another 5. I haven't hit my head in a 5 or 10 yo helmet. Bicycle helmets I normally replace every 10 years.
I wore my Shoei RF1000 until the lining around my forehead started to fall apart. It was 10 years old by the time it hit the bin. Never dropped and always stored inside.
This depends on how much you ride. If you ride almost every nice day then yes, maybe every 5 years. Do you take the liner out and clean it every few weeks? That will give you longer life with it. The sweat will get into the inner shell of the helmet. I never wear the same helmet 2 days in a row, especially if it was a hot day or a long ride. Most serious riders have more than 1 or 2 helmets.
I guess u don't like your passengers 😛
Passengers are on for far less miles and normally only a handful of times a year. Imo, a 5-10 yo helmet works for that use when considering cost of helmets. If I had a passenger often, my strategy would likely change.

We have so many damn helmets here (ski, bike, mc, dh bike, hockey, etc) that replacing them all every 5 years becomes a capital expense.
so don't....
The sweat will get into the inner shell of the helmet.
if you understood what it was actually made of you would understand it is impervious.
Liners and pads and even chin straps wear out shells/liners do not - do your homework on materials science and stop feeding the helmet manufacturer myths who want you to toss perfectly good helmets from a protection aspect.
How long does it take for EPS to decompose?
500 years
Styrofoam (more appropriately called Polystyrene or EPS) languishes in landfills indefinitely, taking at least 500 years – and possibly much longer – to decompose.
If my 50 year old Bell Star was still around I wouldn't think twice about being confident of its protection .....and those damn things were built like tanks and had the same amount of FoV as a tank slot window.

I only change helmets for features or weight......sell the old one. Guy in Australia happily snapped up my 10 year old convertible lid for $40. When I first went I could not legally ride with my North American helmet so had to buy an RJays which was Aus certified,
That has changed now and the Euro standard is accepted. ECE.22x
so don't....

if you understood what it was actually made of you would understand it is impervious.
Liners and pads and even chin straps wear out shells/liners do not - do your homework on materials science and stop feeding the helmet manufacturer myths who want you to toss perfectly good helmets from a protection aspect.

If my 50 year old Bell Star was still around I wouldn't think twice about being confident of its protection .....and those damn things were built like tanks and had the same amount of FoV as a tank slot window.

I only change helmets for features or weight......sell the old one. Guy in Australia happily snapped up my 10 year old convertible lid for $40. When I first went I could not legally ride with my North American helmet so had to buy an RJays which was Aus certified,
That has changed now and the Euro standard is accepted. ECE.22x
If liners don't degrade, then why is this 40 yr old helmet 10 sizes too big? 20230609_084301.jpg
I just replaced my GTAir after 10 years. I do recognize that that most plastics/foams start to degrade/become brittle with age. I'm not sure at what point the degradation becomes life & death but the liner was starting to disintegrate so I took the opportunity to get something new. The old one is still on the shelf and I would use it if I had too.
If I could have found a replacement liner for my RF1000, I would have kept it. The liner slowly fell apart at my forehead and I didn't realize it until I started to get a big red spot in my forehead after each ride. Thought it was the doo rag, when I looked closer, I could see the liner was gone and the black hard foam was exposed, duh. Loved that helmet.
So is a brand new $29.95 piss pot helmet from Canadian Tire safer than my 5 year old Schuberth 3C Pro in good condition?
Saw one old helmet that when you turned it upside down, flakes of the liner would fall out. That was a fail. Don't think I'd sell my old ones, as I can't handle the potential evaluation of liability. Place I'm at now replaces them after seven years. By then they're packed out, and the visors are somewhat scratched.
Saw one old helmet that when you turned it upside down, flakes of the liner would fall out. That was a fail. Don't think I'd sell my old ones, as I can't handle the potential evaluation of liability. Place I'm at now replaces them after seven years. By then they're packed out, and the visors are somewhat scratched.
Same here. 7-8yrs and time for a new one as the visor and often the bottom of the liner are worn. I keep old ones now just for shelf decoration.
I had an old Lazer snow helmet that sat in the closet for about 10 years.
When I pulled it out of the bag the interior came apart in chunks in my hands.
It made a nice planter...?
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