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  1. FitzR6

    2008 GSXR-750 or 2008 CBR1000RR

    Looks like a useless response. See below.
  2. FitzR6

    Working out! Fitness! Nutrition!

    Fit4less, $10 per month, open 24/7. Some machines I've noticed they need are laying/standing leg curl and calf press, but for $10 a month you can't complain.
  3. FitzR6

    Been thinking..

    The R6 and R1 power plants are raw and unrefined! I can't think of any other way to describe them.
  4. FitzR6


    wtf indeed
  5. FitzR6

    Rider Fakes Injury to Cause Red Flag

    lol really tho?
  6. FitzR6

    Worst show off/Noob ever!

    Bwahahahah ... and then he falls! HAHAHA! ahha!
  7. FitzR6

    man raped to death by FIVE women!!!

    How old was this guy?
  8. FitzR6

    1000 cc Supersport Insurance

    You are young, only have an M2 and live in a high risk city. Quotes sound like they are in the right price range to me. I say that you should stick to a 600cc bike until you get your full M and are over 25.
  9. FitzR6

    Dropped my bike again, slow speed

    Better luck next time !
  10. FitzR6

    Just want some tips on BP.

    Always a smart guy in the bunch lol
  11. FitzR6

    Bull-**** Charges..

    Another one of those things in life that just don't make any sense.
  12. FitzR6

    Leaf Fans ....... how low can they go ?

    ...and they still keep selling out games...all I can do is laugh and scratch my head
  13. FitzR6

    Why you should never ride slow on the highway.

    Holy F*** they got lucky!
  14. FitzR6

    Hwy 400 wheelies 3 riders arrested

    I wonder why they just didn't split up? just a thought.
  15. FitzR6

    It's Official!

    Congrats on your new bike. Take your time and ride safe.
  16. FitzR6

    Putting "Bullet Holes" Stickers On Your Bike Cool??

    Did anyone look at the bike to begin with? If anything those stickers added SWAG!
  17. FitzR6

    Biker Boyz was on tv last night...

    I am still amazed at all the racing they do on dirt roads.
  18. FitzR6

    Ride Music
  19. FitzR6

    Could Buell be making a comeback w/20K streetbike?

    I like it, it's a yah here!
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