Just want some tips on BP.


Well-known member
Ok so ive been learning wheelies. I can do first and second power wheelies, first second third and fourth gear clutch ups, I can chase them out all the way to limiter, and what i need help on is this. Im assuming the answer is going to be "Grow some balls" but heres my question.

Ive gotten to BP a few times, or atleast I think its BP. Ive decided theres three stages to a wheelie, in my own words. 1) "pops" what you do when your learning and its only about a foot off the ground 2) "chase point" where you get it up pretty high and chase it all the way to the top of the gear, but it takes a long time to get to the end of the gear because you are just below BP, and 3) BP.

I just want some info on getting a) to BP quicker so Im not at 10 grand once I get there and b) getting a bike to BP at slower speeds ie lot conditions but not like 5k crawling speed.

Ive got a 05 zx10R with -1+2 Now I know stunting a 1000 is not really the norm, But its what Ive got and stunting is something I love.

Watch your frame on that bike while stunting and just in general. You need more of a "pop", you want to pop it to the BP not accelerate to it.

P.S. I'm not a stunter.
What is "bp?"

Balance point....Its the angle of wheelie, where the bike will wheelie without accelerating or climbing in the RPM's. Then you can carry wheelies longer, and control them better...And not chase them out
Balance point....Its the angle of wheelie, where the bike will wheelie without accelerating or climbing in the RPM's. Then you can carry wheelies longer, and control them better...And not chase them out

thanks for the answer.
while were on the subject of noob stunting, i now have been practising on my f4i and i'm running into an issue. i also am in the getting comfy with balance point stage but when i come down from a higher wheelie the bike shuts off...i'm thinking this might be because of where i mounted my tip sensor...anyone run into this before?
my tip over sensor is bypassed. its been a while since i did it but i believe you connect the two outside wires together to bypass it..
Balance point....Its the angle of wheelie, where the bike will wheelie without accelerating or climbing in the RPM's. Then you can carry wheelies longer, and control them better...And not chase them out


Balance point is at 11 oclock, and needs throttle blips to keep it going and brake control from going past balance point. Where the bike wheelies without throttle ''accelerating'' or ''clibmbing rpms'' is called 12'oclock or coasters. lmfao!

to OP, if you want to kill yourself sure learn to BP on a 1000, real riders have learned on 50's, then 250's, then 600's etc.
and if you think you won't crash, i promise you you will, anyone who can even do 11 oclock balance point braaap wheelies in canada has looped it bad once or more without it being their fault, i have once as well, everyone does, so get your self a 50 and start from there. i don't care about ******** wheelies, im talking about being Streetfighters/ BloxStars, everything else is garbage and bad advice, learn properly and start small, trust me.

Balance point is at 11 oclock, and needs throttle blips to keep it going and brake control from going past balance point. Where the bike wheelies without throttle ''accelerating'' or ''clibmbing rpms'' is called 12'oclock or coasters. lmfao!

to OP, if you want to kill yourself sure learn to BP on a 1000, real riders have learned on 50's, then 250's, then 600's etc.
and if you think you won't crash, i promise you you will, anyone who can even do 11 oclock balance point braaap wheelies in canada has looped it bad once or more without it being their fault, i have once as well, everyone does, so get your self a 50 and start from there. i don't care about ******** wheelies, im talking about being Streetfighters/ BloxStars, everything else is garbage and bad advice, learn properly and start small, trust me.

I don't know how long you have been doing wheelies or stunting, but I have been doing balance point wheelies for over 10 years and stunting since about 2005. And in my experience balance point is a lot lower then 11 o'clock on most bikes...You also do not need brake control to do balance wheelies, people are doing balance point wheelies without rear brake control for miles... And coasters are done past past 11 o'clock with the clutch pulled in, and have nothing to do with this topic...You bringing that up leads me to believe that you do not even know how to do a coaster, never mind actually being able to do one yourself...

I also have friends that can do 12 o'clock wheelies without ever looping before, so that isn't exactly true either...

I am no professional but I am also not a stunt squid either...So you can "lmfao" all you want, but your not exactly right with your info either.

Balance point is at 11 oclock, and needs throttle blips to keep it going and brake control from going past balance point. Where the bike wheelies without throttle ''accelerating'' or ''clibmbing rpms'' is called 12'oclock or coasters. lmfao!

to OP, if you want to kill yourself sure learn to BP on a 1000, real riders have learned on 50's, then 250's, then 600's etc.
and if you think you won't crash, i promise you you will, anyone who can even do 11 oclock balance point braaap wheelies in canada has looped it bad once or more without it being their fault, i have once as well, everyone does, so get your self a 50 and start from there. i don't care about ******** wheelies, im talking about being Streetfighters/ BloxStars, everything else is garbage and bad advice, learn properly and start small, trust me.
WTF are you talking about, balance point is at 11 o'clock, what are you smoking
WTF are you talking about, balance point is at 11 o'clock, what are you smoking

i dunno...i sometimes do balance point as early as 9:00 and if we're on a 24hr clock sometimes as late as 23:00....what makes you think you can determine what time we're allowed to wheelie :lmao:
i also beg to differ with the "real riders have learned on 50's then 250's then 600's" comment because learning on a 50 doesn't classify anyone as a real rider...what is a real rider anyway? i started riding on a 600...have been riding on a 600....started stunting on a 600 and i probably will continue to stunt on a 600

Balance point is at 11 oclock, and needs throttle blips to keep it going and brake control from going past balance point. Where the bike wheelies without throttle ''accelerating'' or ''clibmbing rpms'' is called 12'oclock or coasters. lmfao!

to OP, if you want to kill yourself sure learn to BP on a 1000, real riders have learned on 50's, then 250's, then 600's etc.
and if you think you won't crash, i promise you you will, anyone who can even do 11 oclock balance point braaap wheelies in canada has looped it bad once or more without it being their fault, i have once as well, everyone does, so get your self a 50 and start from there. i don't care about ******** wheelies, im talking about being Streetfighters/ BloxStars, everything else is garbage and bad advice, learn properly and start small, trust me.

"Yutt ughh" Is that you?

You have definitely called out the worng person on any stunt realated question. lmfao!
i dunno...i sometimes do balance point as early as 9:00 and if we're on a 24hr clock sometimes as late as 23:00....what makes you think you can determine what time we're allowed to wheelie :lmao:

Always a smart guy in the bunch lol

Balance point is at 11 oclock, and needs throttle blips to keep it going and brake control from going past balance point. Where the bike wheelies without throttle ''accelerating'' or ''clibmbing rpms'' is called 12'oclock or coasters. lmfao!

to OP, if you want to kill yourself sure learn to BP on a 1000, real riders have learned on 50's, then 250's, then 600's etc.
and if you think you won't crash, i promise you you will, anyone who can even do 11 oclock balance point braaap wheelies in canada has looped it bad once or more without it being their fault, i have once as well, everyone does, so get your self a 50 and start from there. i don't care about ******** wheelies, im talking about being Streetfighters/ BloxStars, everything else is garbage and bad advice, learn properly and start small, trust me.

WOW?!?! Bp at 11oclock? Each bikes geometry will give it a different bp.

Not everyone who wants to do bp wheelies wants to be a stunter...therefore coasters, 12s, 11s may not be in the future for them. I have been riding wheelies on my streetbikes since 98', never looped one, bp for miles. Also had friends whos first bike(though I don't suggest) was a litre bike and with no previous dirtbike or 50 experience managed to master bp without looping. I know that many people will loop their bikes trying to wheelie regardless of engine displacement. But to say EVERYONE who can do 11s has looped while learning is simply false.

50s are fun to mess around on without MAJOR consenquence but most people learning will fare better on bikes of bigger physical size. The 50 IMO will give you some great practice with the launch and maintenance of a wheelie. But unless your doing slow stuff on a big bike it won't immediately transfer to successful big bike balance point wheelies. Whatever path the noobie wheelie guy or girl takes just start small, gear up and keep it out of traffic : ) Whatever you read on the net take with a grain of salt your hand is the one on the throttle, go at your own pace grasshopper.
Ive gotten to BP a few times, or atleast I think its BP. Ive decided theres three stages to a wheelie, in my own words. 1) "pops" what you do when your learning and its only about a foot off the ground 2) "chase point" where you get it up pretty high and chase it all the way to the top of the gear, but it takes a long time to get to the end of the gear because you are just below BP, and 3) BP.

I'm at stage one "pops" .. lol... still trying to grow a pair and chase it out but I've only ever gone out for 2 practice sessions about 30 mins each so far... need more time in... Subbed for info on BP.

BTW, at what point do you decrease tire pressure? If I'm learning to chase out or even remotely close to catching BP, should my tires already have less pressure? If so .. how much do you drop it?
I'm at stage one "pops" .. lol... still trying to grow a pair and chase it out but I've only ever gone out for 2 practice sessions about 30 mins each so far... need more time in... Subbed for info on BP.

BTW, at what point do you decrease tire pressure? If I'm learning to chase out or even remotely close to catching BP, should my tires already have less pressure? If so .. how much do you drop it?

I wouldn't worry about lowering your tire pressure if you've only been at it for 2 30min sessions. Generally lower pressure is to help learn slow wheelies, as the bike wants to flop from side to side during slow wheelies. So it helps you keep it straight when your just getting the hang of slow wheelies...Right now Id imagine you still have a decent amount of speed in your wheelies, momentum will keep you going straight for the most part...If you find the bike wanting to flop from side to side you can try lowering it, but I doubt your at that point just yet...

When I got into slow idle wheelies I would lower my pressure to about 20-25lbs for parking lot practice, as I got better at being able to steer the bike myself, I started to like to run 30+ as it allows me to turn sharper and ride with a faster style of circles...Especially when you start to work on clutch control, stalls and death spins. Another downside to low pressure is you will pick up dents in your wheel way easier with low pressure, so if you go out on the street with the same low pressure you might end up with some bent rear wheels...
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