Biker Boyz was on tv last night...

Was on some channel on my rogers box...soo bad it was funy as hell. go!
Yes, the acting was quite cheesy at some points but I really enjoyed watching it.
Especially during the off season, it gets me hyped.

[video]<iframe width="640" height="360" src=[/video]
Thanks for the link, a good way to kill 2 hours at work today!

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Smoke! I was watching it. It was quite funny.
... hiahiahia...

Lol the link is in Polish, and there is a delay with the dub over. I guess it might be watch-able if you don't know polish, but it's ****ing with my head.

Good to know, didn't even start watching it yet...
Lol the link is in Polish, and there is a delay with the dub over. I guess it might be watch-able if you don't know polish, but it's ****ing with my head.

LOL. I didnt even realize...havent seen the movie yet so was gonna watch it later, only got through the opening credits before posting.
LoL Horrible movie...don't think I could watch the entire thing!

It's probably like the Fast and Furious...many idiots racing coming out of the theatre LoL
This is definitely cheesier, since kid rock is one of the main bad guys....
On a side note, i went to that dave and busters meet in woodbridge a couple weeks ago and holy chit it was a scene straight out of FnF

Also, the tunnel vision in the final race when hes not moving made me laugh really hard.
Great movie for a laugh. :)

They should make a sequel
kid rock? lol! damn my ring tone is one of his bada** rock/rap songs...

Guys, meet my future ex wife. We'll break up and then meet randomly at a karaoke bar, sing picture as a duet and fall back in love.

And yes, if FnF made like 7 movies, they should at least push a sequel with SAMCRO.
Guys, meet my future ex wife. We'll break up and then meet randomly at a karaoke bar, sing picture as a duet and fall back in love.

be prepared to lose at least half of your assets and pay the child support and all that crap until you are broke and have to sell your bike...

and i'm trippin', huh huh said i'm trippin'
be prepared to lose at least half of your assets and pay the child support and all that crap until you are broke and have to sell your bike...

and i'm trippin', huh huh said i'm trippin'

I'm in. shoot me a pm lets get this show on the road ;)

And for the reunion I can be two up on your bike and we can ride off into the sunset.
I am still amazed at all the racing they do on dirt roads.
kid rock? lol! damn my ring tone is one of his bada** rock/rap songs...

Early Mornin' Stoned Pimp? :cool:

By the way guys, if you're into hardcore supersport biker movies, you also gotta check out Dhoom :D
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