YYZ Plane Crash

Just reported 3 critical injuries.
One was a kid that got a chopper ride. While I don't like paying for seats for kids, holding onto a kid while tumbling down the runway is an impossible task (not sure if that happened in this case but it makes sense given the minimal damage to the fuselage).
Horrible conditions for landing. We bypassed the 401 as it’s jammed with onlookers from what we saw on Google maps.

GWS to all passengers. Luckily no one died, and hopefully no one will.
Both wings are gone. I haven't seen any pics or video of where they are. All cameras are focused on fuselage.
From what I could see, left wing is still there but crumpled/bent. But I'm probably not going to be able to find that picture again to link it
From what I could see, left wing is still there but crumpled/bent. But I'm probably not going to be able to find that picture again to link it
Here's the pic. I think you're right.


Fortunately ORNGE was already on scene and available
It was a kablammo plus contaminated runway. Rate of descent at 25' AGL was over 1000 fpm. Not insane but in the ballpark of double what you aim for.
Hope the child is ok. Wondering if the kid was in a parent's lap.
Of course at least one person starts recording before even getting off plane. FA did a good job keeping things moving. I asked a pilot friend and apparently inverted evacuation is not something they are given much training on.

Caution: swearing.

It is interesting footage though! I was thinking about what a nightmare it must be trying to evacuate 80 rattled people out of an upside down plane
I can’t imagine how ppl lived without cameras in their phones. Never forget to have your phone recording rolling no matter what’s happening around - never know which video would go viral…
It is interesting footage though! I was thinking about what a nightmare it must be trying to evacuate 80 rattled people out of an upside down plane
Not much different than right side up i don't think. Humans are very unpredictable under extreme stress. I see it occasionally in the skydive world. ( the stress part)
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