Auto shop feedback


Well-known member
Right before Christmas, I took my car to a nearby recommended auto shop to change winter tires.

The very next day one tire almost comes off on DVP. It was hanging in by 1 bolt and jammed breaks.

Today my insurance informed me they will cover the damages but they won’t go after the tire shop so I’m liable for the $500. Because they decided it would be hard to prove fault and not worth their time.

Anyone been in similar situation and has advice?
It would be interesting to hear from somebody in the industry if such claims also classified as "at-fault" vs "no-fault". If yes, than not putting fault of 3rd party will put fault on you, I'd guess. Interested to read other comments.

And whatever this agent would say is irrelevant as the next agent will be reading what's written in your insurance history for the next many years (Know this from my own experience...)
Anyone been in similar situation
Similar in that I called the insurance about making a claim but decided that their response was so lame I just skipped it altogether.
You were ok ,the car was ok so I would just let it go and move on.
Wow sorry to hear! I would be screaming bloody murder at the shop, on the phones, online and wherever else until I get restitution.
Similar in that I called the insurance about making a claim but decided that their response was so lame I just skipped it altogether.
You were ok ,the car was ok so I would just let it go and move on.
Well he’s out $500…so there’s that.
Oh, and if you call your own insurance and they identified you - than it's too late to change your mind to claim or not, file is open and record is permanent (till expired) regardless if you did claim or not... Also know this from my ex experience.... At this point the most important thing to sort out "no-fault" thing - must be priority #1, not money...
Oh, and if you call your own insurance and they identified you - than it's too late to change your mind to claim or not, file is open and record is permanent (till expired) regardless if you did claim or not... Also know this from my ex experience....
Not always true. Cooperators lets you put in a claim, find out what the payout would be (and how much roughly it will effect your premiums) and then if you decide it's not worth it they expunge any record of the "claim" so it does not effect you going forward.
Not always true. Cooperators lets you put in a claim, find out what the payout would be (and how much roughly it will effect your premiums) and then if you decide it's not worth it they expunge any record of the "claim" so it does not effect you going forward.

Might be partially true - they will ignore this record if you stay with them BUT if you switch companies - the record is there adn nobody cares what previous company promised you - that was my case when I switched, luckily it was only 1 year left on my accident to be erased (10years on file) so I switched again with updated clean record...
Might be partially true - they will ignore this record if you stay with them BUT if you switch companies - the record is there adn nobody cares what previous company promised you - that was my case when I switched, luckily it was only 1 year left on my accident to be erased (10years on file) so I switched again with updated clean record...
No, it's true. If you don't move forward they do not record the claim so there is no effect if you switch co's - at least with Cooperators.
Im with cooperators, though not too impressed with how they are moving about this.
The claim is not at fault, single vehicle accident.

Just boggles my mind the shop did something so dangerously careless and they get nothing. Except I have to pay $500, after being car free for few days, and my rim set is done for.
It would be interesting to hear from somebody in the industry if such claims also classified as "at-fault" vs "no-fault". If yes, than not putting fault of 3rd party will put fault on you, I'd guess. Interested to read other comments.

And whatever this agent would say is irrelevant as the next agent will be reading what's written in your insurance history for the next many years (Know this from my own experience...)
I was told from someone on the inside it wouldn’t be horrible as insurance would pursue the other insurance for the damages, and I wouldn’t have to pay the deductible. But cooperators decided it’s not worth their time, and risky as the other shop would say I needed to come back for retorque. It would just be easier for me to pay deductible.
The car was on road around 5/10km maybe.
I was told from someone on the inside it wouldn’t be horrible as insurance would pursue the other insurance for the damages, and I wouldn’t have to pay the deductible. But cooperators decided it’s not worth their time, and risky as the other shop would say I needed to come back for retorque. It would just be easier for me to pay deductible.
The car was on road around 5/10km maybe.
That's hand tight and never checked not under torqued

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though not too impressed with how they are moving about this.
Yup. That's how I feel about them too. I doubt others are much better.
I was told from someone on the inside it wouldn’t be horrible as insurance would pursue the other insurance for the damages, and I wouldn’t have to pay the deductible. But cooperators decided it’s not worth their time, and risky as the other shop would say I needed to come back for retorque. It would just be easier for me to pay deductible.
The car was on road around 5/10km maybe.
The wheel fell off less than 10km after install??? I would be posting one star reviews everywhere with a description of what happened. When I change wheels I retorque after a short trip and again after 100 km or so. Haven't found one loose yet but it doesn't hurt. Most shops tell you to come in around 100 km. I've never heard a shop tell you to come in after 5 km.
I would have given them the chance to repair pay for everything including the tow. Someone put the nuts on and then got distracted and forgot to tighten them probably happens more often than it should.

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Agree. I don't want them to touch it but if they agree to pay the shop I choose and expenses, I'd rather do that than insurance.
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