Your auto insurance is for claims while driving... it is not set up for "consumer protection", which is your issue.
Your insurance company has decided it is cheaper to pay you out that to try to recoup your losses... mainly because this isn't your auto insurance purview. This isn't why you buy auto insurance, and isn't REALLY covered by your policy. Your insurance company THINKS they're doing you a favour.
You are free to try to recoup your monies through small claims court ( you shouldn't NEED a lawyer)... but you'll end up paying your insurance company anything they paid out, and you get to keep the rest (there won't be any money left for you after expenses, you MIGHT even lose money)
You could start by sending the shop a demand letter for your deductible... or the total amount.. you decide (plus ACTUAL expenses).
Sorry... I think the smartest thing to do was to tow the car back to the shop and get them to fix it on day one. If you end up in court: be prepared to answer the question: Why didn't you take the car back to the shop to get fixed? The shop would NEED to see the car to provide a defense... AND you are required to let them see the car to build a defense. If you go to court the car is evidence, and you cannot withhold evidence.