Law Enforcement - The Good, The Bad, The Ugly.....

Who was in the wrong?

  • Cop

    Votes: 23 20.5%
  • Dude who got shot

    Votes: 33 29.5%
  • I like turtles

    Votes: 56 50.0%

  • Total voters
A judge is sounding ****** off with our criminals in blue constantly begging for mercy when convicted of crimes. Hopefully the sentencing follows their feelings.

"In response to the defence submission, Walker gestured to a thick stack of paper before him.

"(What) leaps to mind as I look at this case book filled with lenient sentences for police officers is, well, maybe general deterrence isn't working," he said. "It keeps happening.""
Borissov thinks that he's a cop in "Soylent Green." Owner is dead? Strip mine the house. It makes me wonder how many times he's done that in his 18 years on the force.

Multiple thefts, discreditable acts, and attempted flight from justice. I would say that 7 years sounds about right, as would being held until sentencing as a proven flight risk.
Amazing. Off duty cop beats up a child and then leaves the scene when cops are called. Surprise, surprise, already on leave for an unrelated issue. Psa needs to change. There are probably 1000 officers on paid leave that should be terminated immediately as they are unsuitable to do the job they were hired to do.

A judge is sounding ****** off with our criminals in blue constantly begging for mercy when convicted of crimes. Hopefully the sentencing follows their feelings.

"In response to the defence submission, Walker gestured to a thick stack of paper before him.

"(What) leaps to mind as I look at this case book filled with lenient sentences for police officers is, well, maybe general deterrence isn't working," he said. "It keeps happening.""
This pos deserves dishonorable mention, he was a serial rapist among other things.
One witness accidentally fell into the river and drown before she was to testify against him.
As a staff sargent you can only assume that he instilled good moral values in his troops.
If you search his name you get results about his volunteer work with autism and not much else.
How come almost every time there is a cop accused of dirtbag things, they are already suspended for unrelated issues? In this case, husband of a peel cop was sexually assaulting five year Olds and people were afraid to talk as cop wife was so scary and they expected retaliation. That sounds like a personality that should never have been hired in the first place.

Lady accidentally shoots her neighbour with a water gun. Accidentally according to her anyway but the fact that it was a water gun is not disputed by anyone. Police lay criminal assault charges. Wtf. Did she "shoot" a cop or close associate?

Lady accidentally shoots her neighbour with a water gun. Accidentally according to her anyway but the fact that it was a water gun is not disputed by anyone. Police lay criminal assault charges. Wtf. Did she "shoot" a cop or close associate?

Yup, this is the woke crap this world has become.
Lady accidentally shoots her neighbour with a water gun. Accidentally according to her anyway but the fact that it was a water gun is not disputed by anyone. Police lay criminal assault charges. Wtf. Did she "shoot" a cop or close associate?

Even with the current level of silly there must be some unusual circumstance involved with this case.
That makes the charges even dumber. If you have a vexatious litigant, the bar to act on their complaints needs to be much higher.
Unless there's much more to this story than we're being told, I find that police going forward with this complaint is troubling. If this neighbour wants to, they can file a private prosecution. The Crown would then have the opportunity to review it, take it over, and toss it as "no likelihood of conviction."

And yes. If the whole neighbourhood is against you, then you are likely the problem.
Even with the current level of silly there must be some unusual circumstance involved with this case.
I can easily come up with several scenarios where the shooter can't get off Scott free. History of aggression, damage to sensitive article of clothing, create your own wet tee shirt contest embarrassment, etc.

Or someone is thin skinned.
If I had to guess...and it is just a guess. Street party with multiple neighbours, unliked crusty old dude that was not invited gets sprayed with a water gun... Likely lots of history between neighbours. Just a guess??? October 30 he can expect lots of TP and eggs?

Assault with a weapon, top notch police work regardless. Maybe she should have said supersoaker or portable water projecting device instead of water gun... maybe the cops were triggered /s
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