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Also there needs to be consensus on what happens if you travel on a faked certificate. I’d suggest some serious fines/“contemplation time”.
I'm passed that. Just start cutting off non-dominant hands. The self-entitled pricks need some consequences that matter to them.
I have others. Australia. South Korea. Vietnam. Japan All have low case counts. All take mask wearing and social distancing way more seriously than we do. Police should enforce quarantine...just like they enforce distracted driving laws.
Actually mask wearing has not been compulsory in most states in Australia throughout the pandemic. The medical professionals there only recommend masks when there is sustained community transmission. I think Sydney and Melbourne were the only ones required to wear masks and only during their outbreaks/lockdowns.
Has everything gone into stupid mode with Covid? I have a package in transit with Purolator and it was in the Toronto West sorting centre yesterday. Looked for an update today and got this message:

02/25/2021Weather delay - service will resume weather permittingPurolator Network

Was there some kind of freak, localized blizzard in west Toronto today?
Has everything gone into stupid mode with Covid? I have a package in transit with Purolator and it was in the Toronto West sorting centre yesterday. Looked for an update today and got this message:

02/25/2021Weather delay - service will resume weather permittingPurolator Network

Was there some kind of freak, localized blizzard in west Toronto today?
The sun was in their eyes :D
Has everything gone into stupid mode with Covid? I have a package in transit with Purolator and it was in the Toronto West sorting centre yesterday. Looked for an update today and got this message:

02/25/2021Weather delay - service will resume weather permittingPurolator Network

Was there some kind of freak, localized blizzard in west Toronto today?
Sunshine and beautiful weather in Mississauga today....beautiful day for a lunch time walk.
Has everything gone into stupid mode with Covid? I have a package in transit with Purolator and it was in the Toronto West sorting centre yesterday. Looked for an update today and got this message:

02/25/2021Weather delay - service will resume weather permittingPurolator Network

Was there some kind of freak, localized blizzard in west Toronto today?
It might be at the depot where the CP worker died of COVID ?‍♂️
It might be at the depot where the CP worker died of COVID ?‍♂️
Fellow died, depot staff was drastically reduced, everything was backed up.
Once it came back 100% on line, there were routes in Waterloo that had over 300 scannable (tracking) items for almost a week straight. Normally, those routes would have around 125ish or so. Foot routes went up to about 60 per day from a 15-30 normal load.
The difference is that we have a Charter of Rights and freedoms . Not sure what they have or gave up .

So far everybody is ready to jump on their neighbors rights . I don't see anyone going after the government that put us into this situation .

"He who gives his freedom for safety gets none of them". Thomas JeffersonI
I guess you don't wear a helmet or a seatbelt. "Only a Sith deals in absolutes" Someone just as relevant.

"I have to pay, pay, pay". Who should pay? The couple trying to scrape together for a mortgage so they can raise a family?

The thing I hate the most about being a senior is being associated with the ones that think that it's a badge of honour and red carpets should be rolled out for them. The parents of today's seniors had it worse and their children will have it worse.

Age discrimination: A senior getting discounts on seniors day is, IMO, negative discrimination. How about the single mom trying to buy for her kids?

If a person was born in 1940 they are 80 YO.

They didn't go through the great depression

They saw WW II as an infant, maybe lost a parent or uncle but never saw a bullet heading their way.

They got their education in white-is-right Canada where males got streamed to the better jobs

Males got the better jobs due to sexism, racism etc

WWII wiped out a lot of males one way or another so in the 1950's and 1960's a lot of poorly qualified males got to run companies from lack of competition.

You could get a decent job with a free grade twelve education instead of crossing you fingers after mortgaging your future with student loans, hoping for something, anything.

Protectionism, shunning of China, no outsourcing to other countries etc etc etc.
Take all the info and draw your own conclusion.

Mine is that things are far from ideal, but also far from the complete doom and gloom some are leaning towards.
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