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Some valid points and as a boomer I have to admit that we have not been good stewards of the planet. However if you read "Limits to growth" and believe it (I do in principle) even if the boomers had been more conservative in resource usage there will be a final adjustment. The train will eventually go off the tracks. We can only adjust the speed of its travel when it happens.

On the other hand are the M and Z generations saying the boomers screwed up the planet before they had a chance to?
Even if a previous generation made mistakes that affect future ones, in no way does that ever mean they should be removed from the world. I think the people (idiots) making these comments havent even thought them through to the first step of "these are your parents and grandparents dying, not just some theoretical people that you think may have wronged you". Thankfully, very very few people are in a situation where they think the world is a better place with their parents dead.
so there is definitely an undercurrent of discussion
mainly from Mils and younger
that this virus being aimed at the elderly, should be called the Boomer Plague

not only are they ****** at Boomers for raping the planet and departing with all the spoils
they are now suffering the indignity of being laid off to protect the generation they despise

I'm wondering how wide spread this is, or if it's just the media blowing it up as usual
That undercurrent of discussion is total rubbish
and that's all the effort the ****** question warrants.
Been reading your responses. So, this is a large droplet transmission virus by all accounts (not small droplet/aerosol). That means you can’t catch it just by breathing air. Someone has to either sneeze or cough in your face or you touch a surface with a droplet on and then touch your face. The viral particles have to get into your nasal system and from there to your lungs for the nastiness to occur.
Even if a previous generation made mistakes that affect future ones, in no way does that ever mean they should be removed from the world. I think the people (idiots) making these comments havent even thought them through to the first step of "these are your parents and grandparents dying, not just some theoretical people that you think may have wronged you". Thankfully, very very few people are in a situation where they think the world is a better place with their parents dead.

that's what I'm hoping too, pack mentality going on
and when it comes to specific family members the thinking is different

I have an M and a Z....they are both dealing with temp work stoppages
if it carries for awhile I one or possibly both will be back here
so I'm okay, for now :)
Been reading your responses. So, this is a large droplet transmission virus by all accounts (not small droplet/aerosol). That means you can’t catch it just by breathing air. Someone has to either sneeze or cough in your face or you touch a surface with a droplet on and then touch your face. The viral particles have to get into your nasal system and from there to your lungs for the nastiness to occur.
How about a glass of water, would that be a large enough water droplet?
Not trying to be a smart ass here, but consider all the lungs in the world as an ocean and there is algae everywhere in the ocean,
then this big algae bloom breaks out and spread out across your ocean. That's what you got here.
this topic was touched on briefly earlier, may warrant bit of discussion

apparently there's a fringe of the millenial and Z gens calling this the Boomer Plague
pretty nasty thinking, wondering how fringe it is?

this is being aggravated by the business closures like restaurants etc
almost entirely staffed by the above noted generations
they are without income, almost all paying rent
in an effort to save a generation they despise for ruining the planet

I understand there's party in KW today that may have this thinking as a side-element


You probably have some that are angry at the world that they haven't been given absolutely everything so as an F you to the older gen they're laughing about it. Those just under my age group hate working and they hate they aren't given housing. Different topic but I get a kick looking at social media posts from this gen regarding housing, they are very angry about. My answer is get a job and work hard but they prefer to believe the older generation has screwed everything up for them and it's easier to complain about that.

The others are just kids in their early 20's not stressing anything. You got something out there that if they catch might make them sick but they likely will be better in 5,6,7 days similar to many other bugs we catch. Tough to tell that group to stay locked up and not party or see their friends. Risk/reward is working out in their favor with limited risk being presented to that age group. I'm not mad at them...I would've done the same crap 10-15 years ago.
How about a glass of water, would that be a large enough water droplet?
Not trying to be a smart ass here, but consider all the lungs in the world as an ocean and there is algae everywhere in the ocean,
then this big algae bloom breaks out and spread out across your ocean. That's what you got here.

What do you mean? If someone sneezes into your glass of water? The virus can survive on untreated surfaces for a week apparently, that’s why you should avoid touching anything anyone else has touched or use your elbow or hip to do so or sanitize afterwards. I don’t know what happens on surfaces exposed to sunlight though but would suspect that it doesn’t survive long enough there. Sunlight is a reasonably effective sanitizer at times. In chlorinated water I don’t know how long the virus can survive. There weren’t too many reported cases in Costa Rica but that could be for several reasons but I suspect warmer sunny climates probably aren’t the best for transmission, partly why similar outbreaks tend to die down in the summer months and grow during the cooler months.
You probably have some that are angry at the world that they haven't been given absolutely everything so as an F you to the older gen they're laughing about it. Those just under my age group hate working and they hate they aren't given housing. Different topic but I get a kick looking at social media posts from this gen regarding housing, they are very angry about. My answer is get a job and work hard but they prefer to believe the older generation has screwed everything up for them and it's easier to complain about that.

condescending posts like this is why people **** on boomers

Back in the day you could afford a mortgage working a low skill job at the grocery store.
You probably have some that are angry at the world that they haven't been given absolutely everything so as an F you to the older gen they're laughing about it. Those just under my age group hate working and they hate they aren't given housing. Different topic but I get a kick looking at social media posts from this gen regarding housing, they are very angry about. My answer is get a job and work hard but they prefer to believe the older generation has screwed everything up for them and it's easier to complain about that.

The others are just kids in their early 20's not stressing anything. You got something out there that if they catch might make them sick but they likely will be better in 5,6,7 days similar to many other bugs we catch. Tough to tell that group to stay locked up and not party or see their friends. Risk/reward is working out in their favor with limited risk being presented to that age group. I'm not mad at them...I would've done the same crap 10-15 years ago.
You have to provide some semblance of hope for them to put their nose to the ground. When you haven't a chance in hell of affording a home in the city, nevermind renting a condo without 10 other people due to housing/lack of cost of living. Then it doesn't provide much motivation to do much other then ***** about how we got here.
Ezra Street KW at noon
well done young people
well done

condescending posts like this is why people **** on boomers

Back in the day you could afford a mortgage working a low skill job at the grocery store.

So I'm born in 1985 no where close to a boomer and I believe I'm the older end of millennials. I don't believe there should be an expectation to own a house working a low skill job at a grocery store....people should be setting the bar higher for themselves.

I drive an hour to work everyday. I had to leave a nicer community (Oakville) to buy a house in Hamilton. I also haven't taken much vacation the past 15 years (I'd average about 5 days off a year I'm guessing, don't keep track). Sacrifices have to be made. I see a lot of the younger generation that don't want to make any sacrifices.

Everyone thinks they deserve a nice place in the city. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

The older generation grinded it out and that's how they got what they have.
Trials the Gov just annouced self isolation also includes staying off the internet.
Also if you get a pre-recorded call from a Chinese lady, these are instructions on how to fight the COVID-19.
It's true!
Was actually thinking about going riding it's nice enough out.
Whats the porta potties for, people back up the plumbing? OMG
Everyone thinks they deserve a nice place in the city. Unfortunately it doesn't work that way.

The older generation grinded it out and that's how they got what they have.
Partially agree, but the bar was set lower back then all things considered.
Was actually thinking about going riding it's nice enough out.
Whats the porta potties for, people back up the plumbing? OMG
Probably cheaper for the city to drop some off than to pay a swarm of employees to shovel ÷/×/× for a day afterwards.
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