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So what I'm hearing is; if you are home right now it's a great time to stay right where you are and go into hibernation until further notice.
... I bet not too many people do that.
If Canada is smart, they will do exactly the same.

US citizens in Europe will just rebook their flights and get back before this Friday. Some of them might even be bringing the disease with them.

It will only matter a little bit. Evidence is mounting that the disease is widespread in North America already.
He delayed shutting down the flights? Oh god. Somehow he continues to amaze me.
If Canada is smart, they will do exactly the same.

US citizens in Europe will just rebook their flights and get back before this Friday. Some of them might even be bringing the disease with them.

It will only matter a little bit. Evidence is mounting that the disease is widespread in North America already.
If Canada is smart, they will issue a press release that if you travel out of the country starting immediately, expect a two-week quarantine upon your return. March break exodus is imminent. That would probably cut the international movement of potential carriers by hundreds of thousands.
I’m in Central America right now. A tourist town. It’s pretty dead here. It is the week before the big March break but it’s private school March break and still restaurants are empty and tour guides are really hustling for business. Coronavirus isn’t such a big news item here though, the forest fire that was burning right underneath my villa the other night was though. Had to evacuate for a little while in case I ended up being pan fried.

A buddy has a week booked in Florida for the break. He's the same guy that got stuck down there last year when the Max 8 was grounded.
What do you want to bet that all US citizens in europe will just fly back to a canadian airport and drive/take a bus south and then a domestic flight if they have a distance to go? Nothing says "prevent the spread of disease" like spending hours in three different sickness tubes on the way home. If Trumpy had done what I consider the more logical move of closing the borders, that stupidity wouldn't work.

Trump mentioned something about allowing Americans back into the US from Europe if they met certain criteria. I expect that’s agreement to an automatic quarantine.

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^ hope your'e comfortable there JC
may end up being your home for a little while
I'm sure you'll manage

Being quarantined here would be hardship. Maybe if I show up with a hangover at the airport? Still smells a bit smokey though.
Bans all flights from Europe except the UK...#brexit :)

I understand the (short-sighted) justification ... "the UK hasn't been hit hard yet" ... except that it means that someone in mainland Europe who needs to get home after this Friday, just needs to route their flight through a stopover in the UK.

At this point I am hoping Canada does the same. I've got a flight booked. I need *them* to cancel it so that I can get money back for it. If I initiate it, they're only offering to rebook to a future date (but when?).
Being quarantined here would be hardship. Maybe if I show up with a hangover at the airport?
No you need it to happen that the air carrier can't fly you out, then They have to pay for your extra stay (y)
Seriously scary the rate that it is escalating. Had a meeting just last week where we were discussing the possible effects of coronavirus on business, and it was discounted as likely nothing to worry about. After the various actions taken today around the world, the absolute best we can hope for is a very noticeable short term downturn in the economy.
Seriously scary the rate that it is escalating. Had a meeting just last week where we were discussing the possible effects of coronavirus on business, and it was discounted as likely nothing to worry about. After the various actions taken today around the world, the absolute best we can hope for is a very noticeable short term downturn in the economy.
I guess a slight upside is most of the world will be affected. This shouldn't develop as a situation where some countries are huge winners and others huge losers.
I guess a slight upside is most of the world will be affected. This shouldn't develop as a situation where some countries are huge winners and others huge losers.

If you want to look at it globally, yes. On a local level though, it's going to hurt a lot of people financially, very hard. The feeling I'm getting right now is the same as the beginning of the stock market crash in '08. It took a very long time for people to feel financially confident after that.
NBA is cancelled

NHL is deferring their decision until tomorrow, but I have a strong suspicion they are going to suspend the season just the same.
NHL is deferring their decision until tomorrow, but I have a strong suspicion they are going to suspend the season just the same.
You might be right, but I could see that one going either way. Tell the players to wear visors and keep going because there wont be many other sports competing for eyeballs and ad revenue.
You might be right, but I could see that one going either way. Tell the players to wear visors and keep going because there wont be many other sports competing for eyeballs and ad revenue.

Maybe, but given that state by state is banning public gatherings with a large amount of people, it's going to be very Twilight Zone'y having games without anyone in the stands.
it's going to be very Twilight Zone'y having games without anyone in the stands.

Bahrain GP next weekend was scheduled to be a "participant only" event a week ago. I assume the Ferrari team was scheduled to go straight there from Australia after this weekend. I don't know what they have planned afterwards, because they wont be able to go back to the factory in Maranello.
Boss warned us on Friday that we could very well move to a work from home situation in the coming weeks. Interesting proposal because currently not even the GM has remote access to the servers.
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