E bikes rampaging Toronto streets

Yes they have 17 digit vins when you buy them from daymak. Even if you import it from china it comes vin. Looks like you never did any research on the subject. It can be done in Ontario 100% how do you think people register home built vehicles. It’s 100% legal. Just requires a lot of paper work. Not easy.

How do I Title a Homebuilt Car in Ontario?

A few weeks ago I was talking to a guy at a show and shine and he indicated it wasn't that simple to register a home built vehicle anymore. He was OK because his was registered before 2014 when there was a change in the rules. I couldn't find the date on that link and the owner of the website is US based. The guy I was talking to felt the deletion of the vehicle category wasn't intentional and may be reinstated. I wouldn't hold my breath, expecting the MOT to give it priority.

There are / were differences between home built and kit built but gather they were both hit with the change in wording.

I wouldn't want to spend tens of thousands on a custom vehicle only to find that it couldn't be registered. I wouldn't trust the clerk at the local licencing office to give accurate information either. "Oops, sorry" after you've spent $50K or more.

A bit of the federal regs are:
Importing completed kit cars into Canada
If you want to import a completed kit car or a reproduction vehicle that can be driven, you must provide proof that it meets all safety standards for the passenger car class. There is no difference under the Act between assembled and disassembled vehicles.

Most kit cars do not qualify to be imported to Canada. The exceptions are kit cars that are over 15 years old.

Kit cars older than 15 years are not regulated by the Motor Vehicle Safety Act. They are referred to as "age-exempt." This means that you can import the completed kit car into Canada if it meets entry requirements from the Canada Border Services Agency.

Then you have to look up whether the province is OK with the project.

Note that the above mostly applies to cages but I don't see MOT just waving bikes through. However safety regs are lighter on bikes in many ways. Seat belts and crash zones etc. Emissions aren't as heavily policed.

I don't trust American sources of legal information either.
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A few weeks ago I was talking to a guy at a show and shine and he indicated it wasn't that simple to register a home built vehicle anymore. He was OK because his was registered before 2014 when there was a change in the rules. I couldn't find the date on that link and the owner of the website is US based. The guy I was talking to felt the deletion of the vehicle category wasn't intentional and may be reinstated. I wouldn't hold my breath, expecting the MOT to give it priority.

There are / were differences between home built and kit built but gather they were both hit with the change in wording.

I wouldn't want to spend tens of thousands on a custom vehicle only to find that it couldn't be registered. I wouldn't trust the clerk at the local licencing office to give accurate information either. "Oops, sorry" after you've spent $50K or more.

A bit of the federal regs are:
Importing completed kit cars into Canada
If you want to import a completed kit car or a reproduction vehicle that can be driven, you must provide proof that it meets all safety standards for the passenger car class. There is no difference under the Act between assembled and disassembled vehicles.

Most kit cars do not qualify to be imported to Canada. The exceptions are kit cars that are over 15 years old.

Kit cars older than 15 years are not regulated by the Motor Vehicle Safety Act. They are referred to as "age-exempt." This means that you can import the completed kit car into Canada if it meets entry requirements from the Canada Border Services Agency.

Then you have to look up whether the province is OK with the project.

Note that the above mostly applies to cages but I don't see MOT just waving bikes through. However safety regs are lighter on bikes in many ways. Seat belts and crash zones etc. Emissions aren't as heavily policed.

I don't trust American sources of legal information either.

worse case scenario is to port the mods into a real bike like a used broken ninja 300. To swap things over isn’t hard at all. It’s not complex like it is with a hot rod gas motor swap or anything like that. Why EV tech is blowing up.
worse case scenario is to port the mods into a real bike like a used broken ninja 300. To swap things over isn’t hard at all. It’s not complex like it is with a hot rod gas motor swap or anything like that. Why EV tech is blowing up.

Since the change was on Wynne's bill I'm surprised home built EVs of all sorts weren't given a wide open OK.

The insurance boogie man always gets discussed when a vehicle is modified. If it is determined the vehicle isn't a Ninja and you've been saying it is or it is when you've said it isn't things could go sideways. Somewhere is the legalese "Hot Rod" is defined as a vehicle with a motor that wasn't available for it at the time of manufacture.

In most cases of minor damage I don't think the insurers take the investigation too far but if the settlement tab goes ballistic it could become a forensic exam.

Out of curiosity, is your project mostly based on saving coin or the learning experience? The parts aren't cheap.
Followed one of the ninja 300 style ebikes home tonight. Clocked him with my van consistently doing 70km/h through town in a 50km/h zone. Held 70 on the hills as well. Wearing full Icon jacket gloves and helmet at least, but still passed cars on the curb side in a single lane. Douche nozzle.

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Was at the gas station the other day, on a busy main Street near me, and there was a guy in probably his 20's on a Honda CRF(?) -- the type that is not road ready.
Think he was getting smokes.
I get worried if I wanna bring my bike down to the curb to wash it because it doesn't have a valid sticker lol

As far as ebikes go, I can begin to see a use for a higher quality one for myself.
I don't get out on my bike much anymore (not at all this year), between work, my health and my kids, I haven't found (made) the time.
I'm too close to work now to ride -- by the time I get my gear on and bike warmed up I could have been at work (~8 minute drive/ ride)
So the ebike would make a great commuter for me.
If I was in better shape, I could probably use my mountain bike. But the two hills and valleys deter me.

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If I was in better shape, I could probably use my mountain bike. But the two hills and valleys deter me.

some very nice eBicycles out there.

makes me think I should just buy a Zero SRF and put an EBIKE plate on it lol.

Given the apparent near total lack of enforcement or LEO's ability to even identify an ebike from a non ebike, I'm starting to think that may be a real thing eventually. If someone stuck an "EBIKE" licence plate on the back of a very quiet sportbike (much less an actual electric motorcycle) and minded their business whats the odds they'd ever get pulled over?
Given the apparent near total lack of enforcement or LEO's ability to even identify an ebike from a non ebike, I'm starting to think that may be a real thing eventually. If someone stuck an "EBIKE" licence plate on the back of a very quiet sportbike (much less an actual electric motorcycle) and minded their business whats the odds they'd ever get pulled over?
Just replace the passenger pegs with bicycle pegs, goodtogo!!

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That would be just about as functional as the pedals on 99% of the DUI scooters in Toronto.

Seems to me about half the ebikes I see, especially the “wannabe ninja” ones have had the pedals removed.

LEO’s don’t seem to care.

No enforcement.
Given the apparent near total lack of enforcement or LEO's ability to even identify an ebike from a non ebike, I'm starting to think that may be a real thing eventually. If someone stuck an "EBIKE" licence plate on the back of a very quiet sportbike (much less an actual electric motorcycle) and minded their business whats the odds they'd ever get pulled over?
You need to have pedals on the bike for it to be considered an Ebike. I did a test actually and we manage to install a pedal system commonly found on most Canadian ebikes. And it actually works on a gas motorcycle. It’s actually not hard to install. Because the law does allow gas powered “ebikes” that have a 50cc motor on it and doesn’t need to be insured. But yeah it’s pretty funny these days. All you need is to slap an Ebike plate and bam, you don’t need insurance now lol.

however you can still get insurance on ebikes. This is a big loop hole in the system.
Seems to me about half the ebikes I see, especially the “wannabe ninja” ones have had the pedals removed.

LEO’s don’t seem to care.

No enforcement.

yeah depends where you are located. A lot have pedals removed for sure.I see that all the time and cops don’t do anything about it here in DT Tororno. But! There are people that have gotten in trouble for not having pedals and going too fast. But mind you these people are trouble makers causing chaos to the people around them.

Here is a video of a guy who had been caught and now paying the price.
Parts of that were painful to watch but I was intrigued by the three speed manual on an EV.

all or most ebikes have 3 speed modes on it. 1 eco, 2 hills, 3 sport. Something along those lines.
When I do ride my Ebike, I launch from mode 3 for fast take off, then which to mode 2 to increase speed and switch to mode 1 eco when I’m trying to maintain a cruising speed. This method saves the most in battery while still maintaining good speed, it’s similar way to replicate a manual transmission, but of course in this method you still lack any engine breaking as that doesn’t really work in the EV space.
And it actually works on a gas motorcycle. It’s actually not hard to install. Because the law does allow gas powered “ebikes” that have a 50cc motor on it and doesn’t need to be insured.
Where do you come up with this crap? A gas motor 50cc or less makes it an LSM, not an ebike. License, plate and insurance required.

Ride an e-bike
"an electric motor not exceeding 500 Watts "
Was at the gas station the other day, on a busy main Street near me, and there was a guy in probably his 20's on a Honda CRF(?) -- the type that is not road ready.
Think he was getting smokes.
I get worried if I wanna bring my bike down to the curb to wash it because it doesn't have a valid sticker lol

As far as ebikes go, I can begin to see a use for a higher quality one for myself.
I don't get out on my bike much anymore (not at all this year), between work, my health and my kids, I haven't found (made) the time.
I'm too close to work now to ride -- by the time I get my gear on and bike warmed up I could have been at work (~8 minute drive/ ride)
So the ebike would make a great commuter for me.
If I was in better shape, I could probably use my mountain bike. But the two hills and valleys deter me.

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I hear you brother! I own a Yamaha R6, and barely ride it since I got my Daymak EM2 Ebike for similar reason. All around better commute for city riding. I also love the fact that I can park the bike anywhere including side walks.That’s one thing I really missed about the motorcycle laws back then when we used to be allowed to park anywhere, then it was only for scooters, then they said nope to either option. It gives me the feeling of the past when we once used to be allowed to do that. Now I can enjoy that kind of convenience once again. Also E-BIKES don’t need to be warmed up to start, the entire technology is so much more advance. But if you want to speed but want to take advantage of the Ebike tech, there is an option for that. Zero motorcycles are basically street legal ebikes that can do all the same as motorcycle speed and Range. Just cost a lot.

ZERO MOTORCYCLES – The Electric Motorcycle Company - Official Site
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