E bikes rampaging Toronto streets

:/guess I gotta go and google it, hope it comes with the peddles, that one appears to be missing them.
... how many hits will I get if I search "hotbike" lol
:ROFLMAO: oh ya, that video makes it look totally safe for Toronto streets (y) sign me up for a rental.
Rear hub. It's Hotebike. It's sold as a mountain bike. Are you ever Mister cranky pants!
Rear hub. It's Hotebike. It's sold as a mountain bike. Are you ever Mister cranky pants!
No I was serious, it would be a blast for riding around Toronto island.
& I might have watched the wrong video, it was pretty rad.
stopped watching once guys were ramming each other in the stomach with big logs or something crusty demons like.
Honestly there's are 2 players in this market:
electric assisted bicycles that are bicycles with an electric motor, you are expected to pedal while getting a boost from the motor
and then there's ebikes which looks like scooters/motorcycles and more often than not get the governor modified along with the battery to go over the law abiding limits where no one is pedalling anything at any given point

I don't have any issue with the former not having any legislation around it
The latter needs some legislation. Riding without any lights on at night? Check. Not giving a damn about the rules of the road? Check

Also to answer another question/assumption mentioned earlier on the thread, even regular bicycles are supposed to follow the rules of the road for the most part
Not e bikes but,

Driving through Port Credit yesterday I came across two guys on gas powered bicycles, riding without plates. I rolled down the window and asked about it and was told they were mopeds and didn't need them.

Getting home I double checked and mopeds need a one time plate and the rider has to hold some license, M1, M(L) etc

However more babble garb comes from the police:

Gas-powered bikes float in legal grey zone | The Star

So as long as you don't use the motor you can ride it?

So can I push a motorcycle to the top of a long hill and coast down it as long as the motor isn't running? No license, plates or insurance required.

Too much BS from the government and police on this.

For starters issue an operators licence not unlike the one for boating, basically the M-1, D-1 equivalent and make it permanent. To pass one has to agree that DUI's aren't allowed and they are motorized vehicles and banned from places where motorized vehicles are not allowed.
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Not e bikes but,

Driving through Port Credit yesterday I came across two guys on gas powered bicycles, riding without plates. I rolled down the window and asked about it and was told they were mopeds and didn't need them.

Getting home I double checked and mopeds need a one time plate and the rider has to hold some license, M1, M(L) etc

However more babble garb comes from the police:

Gas-powered bikes float in legal grey zone | The Star

So as long as you don't use the motor you can ride it?

So can I push a motorcycle to the top of a long hill and coast down it as long as the motor isn't running? No license, plates or insurance required.

Too much BS from the government and police on this.

For starters issue an operators licence not unlike the one for boating, basically the M-1, D-1 equivalent and make it permanent. To pass one has to agree that DUI's aren't allowed and they are motorized vehicles and banned from places where motorized vehicles are not allowed.
A gas powered bicycle is almost always just an illegal, unlicensed, uninsured motorcycle regardless of the crap the riders spew. Yes it is possible to have a legal one, but I have never seen one. As far as it not being a "motor vehicle" when the engine is off, good luck trying to argue that one in court. 10 to 1 odds that the officers notes say the engine was running (assuming they are familiar with the law). Come to think of it, I have never seen anyone pedaling one of these, they have all been under power (and ignoring stop signs, often on bike paths and often over 50 km/h).
A gas powered bicycle is almost always just an illegal, unlicensed, uninsured motorcycle regardless of the crap the riders spew. Yes it is possible to have a legal one, but I have never seen one. As far as it not being a "motor vehicle" when the engine is off, good luck trying to argue that one in court. 10 to 1 odds that the officers notes say the engine was running (assuming they are familiar with the law). Come to think of it, I have never seen anyone pedaling one of these, they have all been under power (and ignoring stop signs, often on bike paths and often over 50 km/h).
chainsawcycles? i used to see a guy with a dirt helmet riding his chainsawcycle all the time... i guess he was stopped.

also saw along lakeshore in port credit guys on ruckus-looking scooters, but almost pocket bike size. ride on and off the road and on cycle trails, no plates obv.

as i was turning onto my street, i saw a cop coming in the opposite direction so i did the responsible thing, which was to U-turn to see all that shitshow unfold... Cruiser gets the cherries on, the 2 scooters scatter and try to avoid him, and i think they actually managed to escape the cop...although they probably maxed out at about 50km/h

was quite entertaining, like a little circus
Reminded me of this Grom gong show from a few years ago...

What a **** show. And the dude fixing the guy's horn. Plus the full gear with the skater shoes. And the whole pack pulling over all over the road.

Also - with regards to the ebikes, might have been spoken about but if an e bike hits you, that thing can cause as much damage as a real motorcycle. Needs to be legislation in place for insurance.
No different from regular bicycle riders
Yes they are. Legally they can be up to 120kg moving at 30 km/h. The vast majority of bicycles will be 15 kg or less. That extra 105 kg is an extra 4000J of energy at 30 km/h (roughly the energy of a 30-06 round or 20 times the energy of a baseball that has just left a bat if you prefer). If ebikes were limited to pedelecs, the weight would be ~25 kg and the damage inflicted in a crash would be similar to a bicycle. The above analysis assumes that the bicycle and ebike were both going 30 km/h. The vast majority or riders will be travelling at less than 30 km/h (unless on a hill) which will widen the gap even further.
Yes they are. Legally they can be up to 120kg moving at 30 km/h. The vast majority of bicycles will be 15 kg or less. That extra 105 kg is an extra 4000J of energy at 30 km/h (roughly the energy of a 30-06 round or 20 times the energy of a baseball that has just left a bat if you prefer). If ebikes were limited to pedelecs, the weight would be ~25 kg and the damage inflicted in a crash would be similar to a bicycle. The above analysis assumes that the bicycle and ebike were both going 30 km/h. The vast majority or riders will be travelling at less than 30 km/h (unless on a hill) which will widen the gap even further.
Yeah to be riding a steady 30km/h you have to be more than just the casual cyclist.
I think the colloquial name for these bikes is "Wizzer", the bicycle they are modeled after. You can buy an 80cc 5hp 2-smoke Wizzer kit (gas tank, engine, chains, and controls) to convert a regular bike for about $200.

Reminds me of a Solex drive I had on my bicycle when I was 10.
A gas powered bicycle is almost always just an illegal, unlicensed, uninsured motorcycle regardless of the crap the riders spew. Yes it is possible to have a legal one, but I have never seen one. As far as it not being a "motor vehicle" when the engine is off, good luck trying to argue that one in court. 10 to 1 odds that the officers notes say the engine was running (assuming they are familiar with the law). Come to think of it, I have never seen anyone pedaling one of these, they have all been under power (and ignoring stop signs, often on bike paths and often over 50 km/h).

Today I came across a couple of bike cops at the local mall, asked them about the situation and the Wynne legacy came out. Vague laws with some being provincial HTA and other municipal by laws. It sounded like the Whizzers are bicycles if peddled but mopeds if under power. A lot of the cases get chucked in court due to confusion. The cop I was talking to did say if he saw a grungy looking rider on an e bike he pulled them over and usually found that they were suspended. The ticket was almost useless as the low life would usually have so many he'd need a lottery win to pay them all off. What do you do?

He was hoping for some clarity with new legislation.

We need a changing places day when we get to use e bike rules with our motorcycles.
... with regards to the ebikes, might have been spoken about but if an e bike hits you, that thing can cause as much damage as a real motorcycle. Needs to be legislation in place for insurance.
Haven't you heard, we pay the big insurance rates for our selves! not for people we are allegedly hitting. It's not about penetration rates relative to fixed objects, they are worried we won't be able to heal without more then just a hospital.
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