E bikes rampaging Toronto streets

As a potential e-bike owner as I am currently researching them and the laws for them I will say this: I believe there is nothing wrong with the current setups and regulations on them, however I would not be against making e-bikes have license plates for the purpose of identification and accountability, but disagree with them needing insurance. If bicycles dont need insurance then e-bikes shouldnt either (remember if it goes over the speeds or doesnt have the required petals and helmet,then it is classed as a motorcycle and the person screws themselves if they get caught). to be honest the only concern i have about owning one is i'm actually afraid of the jerks in cars or on motorcycles that go out of there way to try to hurt ppl on these ebikes cuz they dont like them. And its true, people complain about things that they dont like but dont seem to care about what THEY are doing that OTHER people dont like and then get ****** when you call them out on it. There will always be idiots on the road, whether they are driving a car, truck, motorcycle, ebike or skateboard. As for the reasons why people buy these bikes? From my own personal reasons, I had a troubled past when I was a young adult and that left me with a 10 yr driving ban and a ridiculous cost of insurance to own a vehicle, but I changed my life and am a law abiding citizen and have been now for over 15 years but still will never be able to afford to drive an insured vehicle. I make just enough money to survive and cant even afford to take public transportation usually, but I have a family member that is willing to help my situation out by paying for an ebike so I can at least get places to possibly better my life and at around 10 cents a day to charge the battery is much more realistic for me than minimum 10 dollars a day on buses and subways. So to end this longer than i wanted post....I believe there should be accountability , e.g license plate, but not to turn them into money pits or there is no point in them....you do know they make actual Electric motorcycles right? IMO everyone should have them with the price of gas nowadays (example...car to fill up 2-3 times a week..usually over $100...charging an ebike to run for a week..ballpark at around $1) Anyways, thats just my opinion and we're all entitled to one, i respect everyone elses, i may not agree, but that is where discussions happen and progress is made. have a good one all!
is it possible to successfully rampage @ 32 kmh?

I mean you could try....
but it would be an unimpressive failure I figure
Plates we required on bicycles in Toronto at one time, they gave up on that.
I remember putting plates on my bicycle in the mid '70's. It was $5.00. which was quite a bit of money then. I also remember my Scottish dad chewing out the poor clerk who was processing it because of said cost.
Build them and ride them, see if they stop you or just leave you play responsibly.
They are just peddle bicycles with batteries and motors on them!
As a potential e-bike owner as I am currently researching them and the laws for them I will say this: I believe there is nothing wrong with the current setups and regulations on them, however I would not be against making e-bikes have license plates for the purpose of identification and accountability, but disagree with them needing insurance. If bicycles dont need insurance then e-bikes shouldnt either (remember if it goes over the speeds or doesnt have the required petals and helmet,then it is classed as a motorcycle and the person screws themselves if they get caught). to be honest the only concern i have about owning one is i'm actually afraid of the jerks in cars or on motorcycles that go out of there way to try to hurt ppl on these ebikes cuz they dont like them. And its true, people complain about things that they dont like but dont seem to care about what THEY are doing that OTHER people dont like and then get ****** when you call them out on it. There will always be idiots on the road, whether they are driving a car, truck, motorcycle, ebike or skateboard. As for the reasons why people buy these bikes? From my own personal reasons, I had a troubled past when I was a young adult and that left me with a 10 yr driving ban and a ridiculous cost of insurance to own a vehicle, but I changed my life and am a law abiding citizen and have been now for over 15 years but still will never be able to afford to drive an insured vehicle. I make just enough money to survive and cant even afford to take public transportation usually, but I have a family member that is willing to help my situation out by paying for an ebike so I can at least get places to possibly better my life and at around 10 cents a day to charge the battery is much more realistic for me than minimum 10 dollars a day on buses and subways. So to end this longer than i wanted post....I believe there should be accountability , e.g license plate, but not to turn them into money pits or there is no point in them....you do know they make actual Electric motorcycles right? IMO everyone should have them with the price of gas nowadays (example...car to fill up 2-3 times a week..usually over $100...charging an ebike to run for a week..ballpark at around $1) Anyways, thats just my opinion and we're all entitled to one, i respect everyone elses, i may not agree, but that is where discussions happen and progress is made. have a good one all!

Congratulations on turning your life around. I'm not sure what's in your past and how it's affecting your present but 15 years clear deserves a break. Public transportation isn't cheap if you're working for minimal wages and especially hard if you have to cross city borders and pay extra fares.

Insurance can also be your friend if it isn't robbing you blind at the same time. If you do err and sideswipe a Porsche insurance would be nice to have.

One of the big premium items on motorcycles is medical coverage, something bicyclists don't get afaik.

So how about a similar liability only insurance for e bikes? What if licence and insurance was a government thing at $100 a year? Rider does a one time driving exam not unlike the boaters card and once a year does the licence / insurance thing. As long as they don't have a suspension on their record they're good to go.
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Better than cars and pedestrians I guess.

Almost every day you here on CP24 that a car has hit a pedestrian, but what I want to know is how many times is the pedestrian at fault?
They never tell you anything, unless the driver leaves the scene. Is it just these people crossing the road on the cell phones?
I wish they would tell us how many times it's the driver's fault and how many times it's people walking into traffic.
Almost every day you here on CP24 that a car has hit a pedestrian, but what I want to know is how many times is the pedestrian at fault?
They never tell you anything, unless the driver leaves the scene. Is it just these people crossing the road on the cell phones?
I wish they would tell us how many times it's the driver's fault and how many times it's people walking into traffic.

A lot of seniors get hit. Arthritis means they don't want to walk to the corner where there are lights but it also means they aren't agile to dodge traffic. The mall is right across the street so what to do?

Another factor is that no one seems to look both ways before crossing, something I grew up with.
The argument for insurance is a tough one. When a motorist uses the road, they are responsible for basic liability and accident benefits insurance. For cyclists there is no such requirement to have insurance, they are covered by either drivers' insurance or the public purse. The most current Ontario Coroner's report on cycling fatalities in Toronto (2012) splits fault equally between cyclists and drivers -- 1/3 drivers, 1/3 cyclists and the other third shared between cyclist and driver (I think the most quoted is the 2012 Ontario Corner report on Cycling deaths).

My view is that ebikes limited to ought to need insurance and plates, leave bicycles alone.

I see another issue with ebikes -- speed. Yesterday I saw 3 ebikes doing well over 32KMh, the fastest (I was impressed) was a Ninja looking thing I followed along Bullock Dr in Markham at 75KMh.

Almost every day you here on CP24 that a car has hit a pedestrian, but what I want to know is how many times is the pedestrian at fault?
They never tell you anything, unless the driver leaves the scene. Is it just these people crossing the road on the cell phones?
I wish they would tell us how many times it's the driver's fault and how many times it's people walking into traffic.
Most accidents are due to Jwalking and crossing roads at uncontrolled points, about 50% of drivers are at fault, 25-30% of pedestrians (however this is a hard stat to calculate as pedestrian's breaking the law are not always considered at fault). Sadly, the elderly are most at risk.
Pretty sure in the eyes of the current law; a bicycle rider is considered to be a pedestrian.
... or it changed and I never noticed.
The primary difference to be considered is whether or not you're riding a bicycle with an electric assist or an e-bike with vestigial pedals to skirt the spirit of the law. They are totally different devices, and should be treated as such.
Pretty sure in the eyes of the current law; a bicycle rider is considered to be a pedestrian.
... or it changed and I never noticed.
Not sure about that? Pretty sure in the eyes of the law, bicycles are to obey the rules of the road and ride on the road accordingly. But lots of grey area as laws for cyclists are made by people who only drive.

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we've been getting this all wrong

being a broke-ass loser
with no DL and insurance
riding a battery operated POS

= hot chicks

Fuke Ebikes...they ride like idiotic children in the middle of the road in a small town and dont require insurance ....this will change
Langs Off Road is selling proper e-bikes now.
With a bike like that, it is really hard to justify buying a motorcycle as a commuter with all of the associated costs. I hoped dougie would amend the stupid ebike regs to make legal ebikes look like that not the bloated DUI machines that are now allowed.
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