Who's still riding? (Fall 2017 / Winter 2018 edition)

Was a nice easy ride in. -2 when I left home in Port Perry. Lots of frost on rooftops and in fields, and some parts of the road had frost on it off the car tracks. More traction than the look of the road would indicate. Cars were going slower than usual so just took it easy.


-2 when i left Brooklin at 6am this morning, i took it very easy as the roads were very slick looking. Warmed up to a balmy +4 by the time i was at Midland and Kingston road.
was still kinda cool. roads were damp too. but i cant wait to get on the ride back!
I went ripping around my hood
as i was off today...lucky...
looks like last ride this season...

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Summer day at the Forks



Bunch of motorcycles on King Rd near the little downhill twist on the shoulder ( between Heritage and Mississauga Rd ) and passed an EMT coming up Heritage .....anyone know what happened ???

Windy on the way home but was over dressed.
hey you caught me in the neon green!
Summer day at the Forks



Bunch of motorcycles on King Rd near the little downhill twist on the shoulder ( between Heritage and Mississauga Rd ) and passed an EMT coming up Heritage .....anyone know what happened ???

Windy on the way home but was over dressed.

If its such a nice day for riding, why aren't you guys out riding, instead of standing around in a parking lot. I rode in to work this morning, and will ride home later when I'm done, just like I did yesterday. If I could have taken the day off, I guarantee you that I would not have spent it standing in a parking lot. Just one guy's opinion.
Screw you guys. I'm jealous
Yeah it was nice out there today. Almost built up a sweat, but that cool breeze was nice, the sun was better.
The ride home was glorious. The ride in to work was colder and wetter than I expected. I can attest to the traction though, after I had to hit the brakes pretty hard when some )*^$&$ screamed out of a blind corner right in front of me. :angry4:
I pulled the batteries from the bikes too soon. The one year I didn’t procrastinate and lose out on some great weather to ride. Dang!

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Why ever pull the batteries?

Plug them in on a proper tender (not a trickle charger) and leave them in the bike. A fully charged lead acid battery won't freeze until below -70C. Nothing southern Ontario can throw at them will be of any concern so long as they are kept topped up.
Why ever pull the batteries?

Plug them in on a proper tender (not a trickle charger) and leave them in the bike. A fully charged lead acid battery won't freeze until below -70C. Nothing southern Ontario can throw at them will be of any concern so long as they are kept topped up.

Lol. Ok, it’s really laziness. I could have taken a minute to install the battery but I went for the poor me whine and failed.

And I need to pick up a couple of pig tails for the tender. Only one of the 3 has it.

Procrastinate? Not moi!

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Why ever pull the batteries?

Plug them in on a proper tender (not a trickle charger) and leave them in the bike. A fully charged lead acid battery won't freeze until below -70C. Nothing southern Ontario can throw at them will be of any concern so long as they are kept topped up.

Don't these chargers require constant power?
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