Bicyclists should have insurance...

On a typical vehicle a touch up or door ding would cost $500 to $2000 to fix but what if the dinged vehicle was a mint DeLorian with unpainted stainless steel fenders and there are no replacements available?

Bad example. A quick call to DMC in Texas and you can have a door over-nighted to you.


What is the cost of fabricating a new fender?

A lot more than it would cost just to buy one.

What he's saying is that sometimes , in this uncertain world, unfortunate things happen. Attempting to legislate and regulate away every possible little mishap (like a bicycle scratching your car) is ludicrous and costs us all money, and makes for an ever growing government. I know YOU don't see a problem with that though...

And that is what we have insurance for...risk management.
We all know stuff happens BUT those of us on the roads have insurance to cover us if something happens on the roads.
It's a dumb arse idea to legislate some ppl to take tests and pay fees and carry insurance for the privilege (not right) of using the roads but another group doesn't have to do squat and there they are right next to you.

Who is the sheeple again?

People are people hence all these laws for things that should be common sense of things NOT to do e.g. lawn darts, target shooting on your property, letting your lawn go, having a fire pit in the backyard, wearing a seat belt, wearing a helmet, all common sense things, laws needed right...but the laws are INTENDED to protect your legal rights...I start a fire in my backyard and it burns your house I say you are rich, repair your own I say not my problem the wind blew the embers over to your place...or you should have a fireproof roof...I mean according to you things happen right.

But really this all moot, it's coming. The cyclists downtown are their own worse enemy.
Wait for it like, everything else we wait for someone to die...wait for a cyclist to kill a kid walking on the sidewalk or in a stroller.

It's funny of those against more rules didn't show up to support the OP that started the thread about having motorcycles be included as an at risk group.
Your lack of involvement to NOT create a rule/law to protect YOUR interests went to the wayside. Good thing someone stood up to get you that right.

btw why the complaints against ebikes? Why do you want to impose legislation to ban or regulate them.
Your same government said it's okay and classifies them as a bicycle. Do you thin they want laws to ban them?
So buy insurance and a dashcam and stfu. Making insurance mandatory for cyclists requires further legislation and regulations which cost money.
Bad example. A quick call to DMC in Texas and you can have a door over-nighted to you.


A lot more than it would cost just to buy one.


dumb example
You failed to provide the price to get the door to your home?
Who will paint the door?
Who will remove and replace the doors?

So you want to paint the new door and stick in on the side of the car...oh man the painters and body shop guys should be laughing at you.
I guess they will send you a post weathered door to ensure the paint matches up to the rest of the car.
So buy insurance and a dashcam and stfu. Making insurance mandatory for cyclists requires further legislation and regulations which cost money.

Once again you make no sense.
Already have insurance and now you want me to spend my money to protect myself again.
What is my dash cam going to capture? An unknown cyclists riding off down some side road...oh wait you want me to flip my car around or get my GoPro out and chase after

Hey cyclists, can I have your id...yeah John Smith...see ya!
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When I was about 10yrs. old, for some reason I can't remember the details, I had a hockey stick in a shopping cart which I was wheeling around a Dominion store parking lot in a rather haphazard manner and some old guy jumps out of his car going positively mental and I guess I got pretty close to his car and now that he mentioned it the paint did look pretty fresh, oh my. Can somebody help me sort this out?


Some people believe that it's okay to damage other people's property and NOT have to pay for it (because the person is rich, they can pay for themselves), so suck it up and pay for the damages they caused to you.

Some people believe that it's okay to damage other people's property and NOT have to pay for it

Yeah those people also drive cars, push shopping carts, ride skateboards etc.
Once again you make no sense.
Already have insurance and now you want me to spend my money to protect myself again.
What is my dash cam going to capture? An unknown cyclists riding off down some side road...oh wait you want me to flip my car around or get my GoPro out and chase after

Hey cyclists, can I have your id...yeah John Smith...see ya!

An unknown person pushes a drywall cart into your car at Home Depot...

An unknown person bashes their car door into yours at the grocery store...


If you're so paranoid about a specific risk, buy insurance against it and stop being a B. Low deductibles and a dash cam will help you in far more situations than just the 1 in a million chance some idiot bicyclist damages your car and runs away. Derp derp.
Yeah those people also drive cars, push shopping carts, ride skateboards etc.

An unknown person pushes a drywall cart into your car at Home Depot...

An unknown person bashes their car door into yours at the grocery store...


If you're so paranoid about a specific risk, buy insurance against it and stop being a B. Low deductibles and a dash cam will help you in far more situations than just the 1 in a million chance some idiot bicyclist damages your car and runs away. Derp derp.

Focus will you. I said road users many times.

You actually helped to make my point again...unknown is unknown, we want to know who is on the roads and to identify them.
If they cause damage we can identify them. Or are you the type to handcuff/detain them until the Police shows up...
Isn't that why you have license plate on your car? What is the purpose of that plate?...makes your car look cool?
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Yep lets licence and insure all cyclists because... door dings.
Yep lets licence and insure all cyclists because... door dings.

and again, you pretending to miss the full are opposed to identifying everyone that uses the roads and holding them accountable for damages they cause...we got it. Stay consistent, you should support ebikes too.

And to you Sir, have a good evening.
Anywhere a car can go on public property would be considered "road use" for arguments sake. If people, especially cyclist, are going to intermingle with cars it would seem socially irresponsible to not carry insurance in the event of damage caused by said intermingling and, specifically, cycling. That seems like fair play and the moral high ground. You can't fight the moral high ground. This position is unassailable. Inconvenient, sure, but I see great things for our future.
and again, you pretending to miss the full are opposed to identifying everyone that uses the roads and holding them accountable for damages they cause...we got it. Stay consistent, you should support ebikes too.

Nope, he gets it. As does most everyone who's replied. We all just agree that it's UTTERLY RIDICULOUS.

And to you Sir, have a good evening.

Okay bye now. For realzies this time?
Every one of his replies is like an editorial.. he's not going anywhere lol

He doesn't understand that we "get" what he's saying, we just think its stupid.
I'm going to be looking at insurance quotes sooner rather than later. I assume two policies as I have two functioning bicycles. Do I think we're over insured and under licensed? Not at all. I still have some room in my filing cabinet.
Anywhere a car can go on public property would be considered "road use" for arguments sake. If people, especially cyclist, are going to intermingle with cars it would seem socially irresponsible to not carry insurance in the event of damage caused by said intermingling and, specifically, cycling. That seems like fair play and the moral high ground. You can't fight the moral high ground. This position is unassailable. Inconvenient, sure, but I see great things for our future.

Inevitably, Irrational Indignation Is Irresponsibly Implemented. Incredibly Irritating, Isn't I​t
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This problem cannot be solved using conventional wisdoms. Perhaps a cunning employ of idioms to the rescue?
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