could be another Ferguson Missouri ?

They should have shot him in the foot, or used a taser


/end sarcasm
Damn...they pulled a drive-by on him. It looks like he barely had time to react...

The cops are ****ing pussies though. They could have parked up out of range, take cover behind the car, draw their weapons and yell at the kid to drop it...

I shoot bb's from my buddies lawn with a nice replica Browning rifle, sometimes people walk past onto the trail and see us with or pointing the's never really been a issue and I'm sure with that scoped rifle I look more threatening than a 12 year old.

I use to buy cap guns that looked like his as a kid and run around the block with my buddies playing cops and robbers. Sometimes those cheap dollar store guns were ****** and the orange thing at the front fell off but we never gave two ****s we kept playing. Yea this was early 90's things were a lot more relaxed but still...

In neither case can I imagine the cops would just raid me and gun me down in the like a ****ing gangster. I would like to know how they managed to say put your hands up three times in 1.5-2 seconds. Conveniently there's no audio and the only live witness is his pig partner.
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not that its going to matter whether its justified or not to Rioters...

The kid had a gun, cops dont know its fake, age doesnt matter when theres a gun pointed at you.

blam blam. scratch one off Obamacare

The kid didn't have a gun. The cops knew, or should have known, it was probably fake... the 911 caller said it was a kid and that the gun was probably fake.
Did the kid point it at the cops?

I guess 3 times wasn't enough because he was of another race than the cops? Please.. what the hell is a 12 year old kid doing at a playground with any gun, pellet or not? Great parenting job. Let's blame the cops though for doing their job.

The article says he reached into his waist after being told 3 times to show his hands and that's when the cop had to make a call. So if it was real and he shot a cop that would be okay?
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The kid didn't have a gun. The cops knew, or should have known, it was probably fake... the 911 caller said it was a kid and that the gun was probably fake.
Did the kid point it at the cops?
how did the cop know it was fake? Are they supposed to be psychic now? The cop said he was never told it was fake. That's not the point. A black kid waving a gun and refusing to follow the cop's direction... this is the results.
Damn...they pulled a drive-by on him. It looks like he barely had time to react...

The cops are ****ing pussies though. They could have parked up out of range, take cover behind the car, draw their weapons and yell at the kid to drop it...

I shoot bb's from my buddies lawn with a nice replica Browning rifle, sometimes people walk past onto the trail and see us with or pointing the's never really been a issue and I'm sure with that scoped rifle I look more threatening than a 12 year old.

I use to buy cap guns that looked like his as a kid and run around the block with my buddies playing cops and robbers. Sometimes those cheap dollar store guns were ****** and the orange thing at the front fell off but we never gave two ****s we kept playing. Yea this was early 90's things were a lot more relaxed but still...

In neither case can I imagine the cops would just raid me and gun me down in the like a ****ing gangster. I would like to know how they managed to say put your hands up three times in 1.5-2 seconds. Conveniently there's no audio and the only live witness is his pig partner.

You post some dopey stuff but this may be your best work. Really park out of range and hide behind a car? only on TV do 18g sheet metal doors stop bullets.
Saw the video. Definitely not enough time for the kid to react either in complying or in an agreesive manner. Cops over reacted.
18g? Dafuq?
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how did the cop know it was fake? Are they supposed to be psychic now? The cop said he was never told it was fake. That's not the point. A black kid waving a gun and refusing to follow the cop's direction... this is the results.

The 911 tapes will tell whether the cop was advised of the potential fake. However it was only a maybe so does he risk his life on a maybe?

BTW a few years ago I was in Port Credit, standing on the bridge watching the boats when 3-4 cop cars swept into the parking lot and grabbed an old guy. They must have had a gun call because they pulled a fake gun out of his pocket. From 50+ yards away it looked like it was a kid's toy so situation defused. They didn't arrest the guy, probably because he was senile or something and with his family.

Well handled I thought. For the record he was white.

Paul1000RR Your sarcasm is noted but far too many people live in denial. They have a firm belief that someone could have done something. They can't say what but someone should have done something.
Modern police mantra. Show up and shoot and sort what was going on from the forensics report.

Didn't anyone play with toy guns as a kid? I'm glad I lived in an era when cops wouldn't roll up and just shoot you without giving you a chance to identify yourself as a non threat. I had a gun pulled on me by a cop when I was playing with cap guns as a 10yr old. I'm glad the officer wasn't as jumpy as this guy or I'd be dead.

2 seconds is not enough time to properly assess the situation especially when the 911 caller stated that it may just be a toy gun. If anyone suspected with a weapon is to be shot within 2 seconds of approach then they should stop selling any imitation firearm as its a serious health hazard.
^ that's the way I see it too. Although the video isn't 100% conclusive it sure looks like an execution. Imagine if the cops showed up and didn't shoot some one right off the hop? Everybody would be standing around in stunned silence.
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how did the cop know it was fake? Are they supposed to be psychic now? The cop said he was never told it was fake. That's not the point. A black kid waving a gun and refusing to follow the cop's direction... this is the results.

There wasn't enough time for the cop to give the kid direction...

I guess 3 times wasn't enough because he was of another race than the cops? Please.. what the hell is a 12 year old kid doing at a playground with any gun, pellet or not? Great parenting job. Let's blame the cops though for doing their job.

The article says he reached into his waist after being told 3 times to show his hands and that's when the cop had to make a call. So if it was real and he shot a cop that would be okay?
1.5 seconds isn't enough time to be told anything 3 times. Shouting drop the gun as they shoot the kid doesn't count.
What I saw in this video is the kid standing up, walking forward and lifting his shirt/jacket to reach into his waistband as the cops rolled up. Considering the call to 911 was about a person waving a gun around in a park, I can't say I'm too surprised that these cops were twitchy in their response.

I must say I'd probably have done the same exact thing. They know this person has a gun, and he's reaching for it as they stop their car.... could he have waited another split second? 1 or 2 seconds? Maybe, maybe not. Survival instincts are going full force.
As much i dislike cops, I agree with you on this one. if it was a knife then ok, but with a gun cops can't really second guess, it is their life on the line. This ain't the Old West where you shot someones gun off their hand with a bullet.

Edit: I didn't see the video so i might change my mind once I do.

I guess 3 times wasn't enough because he was of another race than the cops? Please.. what the hell is a 12 year old kid doing at a playground with any gun, pellet or not? Great parenting job. Let's blame the cops though for doing their job.

The article says he reached into his waist after being told 3 times to show his hands and that's when the cop had to make a call. So if it was real and he shot a cop that would be okay?
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The video is fast. The response is really quick. But put yourself in the cop's shoes... this kid is approaching the vehicle and clearly raises his shirt to reach into his waistband- you already know before you get there that he has a gun. That's a split second decision.
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