Here is how i translate that.
"I cant convince people with well reasoned arguments (cause i dont have any) so i'm just going to keep posting Truther propaganda in the hopes a person with a bias towards conspiratory thinking finds it"
If you value yourself as a Canadian please read this..
Btw 250noob this is not just only directed at you.?just chose your post.. It goes to all of you proud flag bearers that still believe in the good vs evil theory.. "We are the good guys, they are the bad"
Translation in 2014: anything the government does not want you to believe. Anything you are not supposed to think. Any ideas or doubts about what you have heard on main stream media.
How ridiculous is that?
Here is a question?
What makes something not a conspiracy? When is it reasonable to assume something else may be a possibility.
We are allowed to this at work? Allowed while shopping. Allowed everywhere else but just not allowed when our government says something happened.. THATS WHAT HAPPENED! DONT QUESTION IT
Let's look at the Ottawa incident. (Not saying it's false flag) lets just examine how faulty our truth system has become
Where and how did the truth about this come.
1. Everyone who saw anything got interviewed
2. The information was given to the head of police
3. Then reported to the high ups in the government including csis and the military.
4. An official explanation was wrote up and passed back down
5. This official explanation was read in a press conference.
6. Now you have the "truth"! If you don't believe it then you believe in conspiracy theories
The truth now is simply the official explanation given. The media waits for the official explanation and 2+2 bobs your uncle there you have it folks. The truth.
The best and most simplest example of this faulty truth deliverance system can be seen on 9/11
The government gave the "truth" and no one questioned it.
"All four black boxes burned up but we found the passport of known afghani national amongst wreckage.. The afghans did it!"
No one in the media asked:
-How can you not find one out of four black boxes? How do they all get destroyed(never happens) but yet a a paper passport survives?
-how can you not have one single cctv clip of the airplane hitting the pentagon
The same media reporters who are supposed to report the truth..Never asked ! they were given the "truth" and told you it. End of story!
Phil Donahue asked why... He got fired from his job
Mel Gibson asked why and he became a drunk Hollywood ex actor that bears his wife
The wiki leaks guy asked why and reported real info and he become a rapist/child molester etc... Let's assume he is a rapist. Why is the media still not following up on the REAL evidence he brought to light?
No famous person an actor a rich celebrity no one dares to come out and say WTF. I just don't understand how this adds up. No one and nothing to give the common people a voice of legitimacy.. Simply to ask for questions
But most importantly why am I and others are considered believers in "conspiracy" theories, because we dare to ask why?
The truth you get about real important events comes from the tv and they are told what to say by a few people of power and not question it. The official statement is the truth in today's world... The media no longer reports reality it creates it and gives it to you
Do you see the fault here?
If you value your way of life.. If you value being a Canadian. Start not believing ANYTHING reported on the media and through your goverment! Remember we the common folk.. Our sons daughters fathers grandfathers are the ones that spilled our blood in the name of the land.l in the past and continue to do so.. Our blood is not enough so we pay taxes too
This is our land not the people sitting in Ottawa. Not the csis not the generals.. They are "public servants" who are supposed to be working for us.
You have a right to question everything and should.
Why did this happens 2 incidents back to back. Out of the blue, Right after canada wants to be more heavily involved in the Isis war and right after the csis budget cuts coming up 2015.
We should not argue with each other. "The one who believes the truth without question is as guilty as the one who questions it" (my quote

We should not accuse each other.. We as the people and owners of this land should come together and question and accuse the people who our running this county of ours.
We should all ask.. all day and to everyone and get a million answers without being accused of being conspiracy theory's our country we have the right
"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"