second terrorist attack today?


A "round" hole!

BLUE KAWI can make it fit.

Guys plz watch the 320p video shot at 16fps and tell me if the object moving by at 400mph is a plane
Ok so just out of curiosity... what evidence do you have that 9/11 occurred as they say it did.. Al Qaeda terrorist came and jumped on a plane and drove a commercial jet into the twin towers

Thats quite the goal past move... I don't know your particular flavour of "Inside job" so i cant speak to what you think happened.

But just to address your point "Al Qaeda terrorist came and jumped on a plane and drove a commercial jet into the twin towers"

1) Hijackings have occurred in the past so its not out of realm of possibility it could occur. Its not an unreasonable assumption that plans could be hijacked
2) The use of hijacked plans as piloted missiles is also not out of realm of possibility either
3) There were terrorist cells working to complete attacks in the US
4) If this would have been faked the number of people who would have to have been involved would be astronomical. In some cases depending on the conspiracy theorists position this ranges from government officials to paid witness's and academics even the editors of Popular mechanics.

I'm simply applying ocam's razor to the whole thing

But like i said i'm open minded if you can provide a sensible narrative and actually evidence of a government lead conspiracy go for it
My 90 yr old veteran father in law says...."They should take that terrorist, give him a maple syrup enema, and sit him on an anthill" ‪#‎grandpaselfie‬
Back to 9/11 here is my evidence #1 here is a picture of the plane crash the official 2 only two fbi photos released
.. The third one is an actual plane crash just a generic photo..

Why is there a hole in the ground and no plane debris?
The first local sheriffs that showed up are on record on local tv as saying they saw no plane debris. I can dig up that footage if I was not at work.


"If i was educated, I'd be a damn fool"
There's a hole and no debris because if you take a plane, fly it straight into the ground at full speed, the plane will literally disintegrate on impact, it's happen before.

Interesting perspective. Some reactions state anyone wearing a canadian forces uniform or anyone standing guard unarmed is automatically a hero (wouldn't that make most security guards heros by default?).

Wow this really goes to show what I've suspected for a long time. These professional writers have to come up with something every day, it's their job. Stupid piece.
Well someone in Government is going to jail with this proof!

Staged Bullet Holes! It's even on GOOGLE STREET VIEW


Clearly this is the smoking gun. Its not that reporters ever jump to conclusion! Oh wait they did and they issued a correction.

This story has been edited from a previous version that stated there were nine bullet holes in the wall near the Parliamentary library, based on information from multiple sources. In fact, upon further investigation, not all the marks were caused by the bullets. The exact number of bullets that hit the wall in the shooting is unclear‎. Also, the pistol used by the sergeant-at-arms is a semi-automatic, not an automatic as reported in an earlier version and in the TV piece attached.
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Clearly this is the smoking gun. Its not that reporters ever jump to conclusion! Oh wait they did and they issued a correction.

This story has been edited from a previous version that stated there were nine bullet holes in the wall near the Parliamentary library, based on information from multiple sources. In fact, upon further investigation, not all the marks were caused by the bullets. The exact number of bullets that hit the wall in the shooting is unclear‎. Also, the pistol used by the sergeant-at-arms is a semi-automatic, not an automatic as reported in an earlier version and in the TV piece attached.

Story was written Oct24 (2 days after shooting). Correction made Oct25 (3 days after shooting). BLUE KAWI post 2 bullet hole conspiracy videos made on Nov1 (10 days after shooting - a full week after correction). 10 days after the fact, and the author of video #2 can't even get Vickers' age right (from the video - 60 something), yet other people's mistakes MUST be a conspiracy.

I just have one questions for conspiracy theorists. I understand that SOME things out there probably are a conspiracy, but how is it that to these tin foil people EVERY GOD DAMN EVENT is a conspiracy?
Are there no accidents any more in this world? No more crazy people who go on shooting rampages?

And how the hell do you keep everyone under wrap? There are good people out there and the truth would get out...
Well the terrorist hoax bombing was successful. Get ready to have all your rights taken away....

[h=1]Stephen Harper: Abolishing the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Not to be topped by just passing the worst anti-privacy bill in Canadian history through the House of Commons on Tuesday, criminal globalist, Stephen Harper, is today stating he wants to introduce a legislature mirroring the unconstitutional Patriot Act in America.

This bill — which was getting heavy opposition until the Parliament Hill shooting — would make it possible for police, and more importantly, Canadian intelligence services, such as CSEC and CSIS, to track citizens they believe may commit a “terror attack”; and arrest people without committing any crimes, because they think they might commit a terrorist attack — and since over this last week they have considered the apparent shooting of one man and a hit-and-run both “terrorist attacks,” it’s easy to see how loose the term is. If a hit-and-run is an act of terror, anything could be.

In other words. A cop can’t say, “That guy looks like a criminal!” and arrest him. Aside from being profiling, this would be illegal. A person must commit a crime to be detained or else the detention is unjust and arbitrary. By using terrorism as an excuse — just like the US government did after 911 with the Patriot Act — the tyrannical Harper Government will happily remove this birthright from all Canadians, and then it will be legal to get arrested because the government or police thinks you might commit a crime. As long as they deem you a possible terrorist — a term we know the elasticity of — you’re fair game.
Well the terrorist hoax bombing was successful. Get ready to have all your rights taken away....

Stephen Harper: Abolishing the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Not to be topped by just passing the worst anti-privacy bill in Canadian history through the House of Commons on Tuesday, criminal globalist, Stephen Harper, is today stating he wants to introduce a legislature mirroring the unconstitutional Patriot Act in America.

This bill — which was getting heavy opposition until the Parliament Hill shooting — would make it possible for police, and more importantly, Canadian intelligence services, such as CSEC and CSIS, to track citizens they believe may commit a “terror attack”; and arrest people without committing any crimes, because they think they might commit a terrorist attack — and since over this last week they have considered the apparent shooting of one man and a hit-and-run both “terrorist attacks,” it’s easy to see how loose the term is. If a hit-and-run is an act of terror, anything could be.

In other words. A cop can’t say, “That guy looks like a criminal!” and arrest him. Aside from being profiling, this would be illegal. A person must commit a crime to be detained or else the detention is unjust and arbitrary. By using terrorism as an excuse — just like the US government did after 911 with the Patriot Act — the tyrannical Harper Government will happily remove this birthright from all Canadians, and then it will be legal to get arrested because the government or police thinks you might commit a crime. As long as they deem you a possible terrorist — a term we know the elasticity of — you’re fair game.

Can you post a source to this bill that isn't written by a man wearing a tin foil hat?
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