second terrorist attack today?

Can you post a source to this bill that isn't written by a man wearing a tin foil hat?

No links required.
Remember the huffing & puffing that went on when 172 was incoming?
Imagine cops being "judge & jury" roadside?
Not much discussion on that any more.
So looking like a criminal & being charged for it really isn't out of the question.
We are Canadian!!

Disclaimer: I'm NOT in agreement with anything else brought up by BK (that I've read) re: his version of the young man's death in Ottawa, or the other
poor guy that was run down.
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In 1 frame of that video there is 12-14 firemen plus other police...All these people are in on it? The amount of people needed for this conspiracy to be true is crazy!

Also its clearly not a dummy the footage from this video it captured from someone recording there TV (Conspiracy theorist don't believe in video capture devices) so its all grainy and distorted. If you watch the original High def source however..the argument falls apart..but you know why would you ever want to look further into what someone on the internet is claiming...wake up sheeple. relevant footage starts at 4:01
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