second terrorist attack today?

I didn't know hostage situations were part of the curriculum for beat cops. Damn, learn something new every day.

When NOT to shoot is the most fundamental and basic frickin thing EVERY gun owner should know, you don't need a course for that... you need a brain and some common sense. You obviously don't have the first clue.

Crowd situations? What the.... potato? Rules of engagement?? :lol:

Someone should make these cops take their training courses again

So that's a no then? None! Nothing except how to shoot. Great. What about basic first aid for gunshot wounds, you know, in case you shoot the wrong person or someone is hit by mistake? Answer with "potato" if you'd rather not accept that professional training might perhaps entail more than trying to put a lot of holes in people.
Newsflash: you don't take gun courses to learn CPR.

I have a feeling you already knew that though. Right? Right.

Regarding your last sentence.... its obvious you've never taken any private and/or professional gun training before, so your opinion is effectively less than worthless.
I looked it up, it is easy... He is not even holding gun sideways...

I think he fired more rounds in that GIF than most cops shoot all year :lol:
Newsflash: you don't take gun courses to learn CPR.

I have a feeling you already knew that though. Right? Right.

Regarding your last sentence.... its obvious you've never taken any private and/or professional gun training before, so your opinion is effectively less than worthless.

Actually I have, both military and private which is how I know your argument holds no water. Making assumptions will get you into trouble.
At which range did you do your CPR course? What kinda gun did you use? :lol:
All this talk of marksmanship is a moot point, as apparently Vicker's shot the guy point blank:

But regardless, until someone gets into competitive shooting themselves, most people don't realize that there are many civilians who train with and shoot with the best shooting cops -- and often beat them -- such as at the competitions like IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation). Only the cops that have an interest in marksmanship go to competitions, the rest just do their qualifying -- very few practice as much as they should, reload for accuracy, or fine tune their guns, as from what I understand the guns issued to many police forces are sub-standard for good marksmanship in that they have heavy triggers, etc..

Even when comparing the military to civilian shooters, there are a lot of civilians that are better trained and better practiced in shooting (not battle tactics, survival, room clearing, or other military specific routines) than the bulk of the members of any military.

Consider army snipers and their civilian counterparts: The longest recorded kill is 2707 yards: -- although there is no information that I could find about longest target hit during military practice.
The longest civilian target shot (that I could find): 3650 yards (29% longer):

But of course, until you see what some of these 'internet rambos' can actually do with a gun, I guess you have an excuse to not believe it.
On military bases and privately I've had a try with quite a few different things including a surface to air missile simulator (lots of fun by the way, you should try it). I'm not against guns at all as I've repeatedly said. I'm all for them in public in the hands of appropriately trained professionals which most civilians (including me) aren't. I've done a few different med courses. CPR was only a small part of one though and done at the same military base. Any more erroneous assumptions you want to make?
All this talk of marksmanship is a moot point, as apparently Vicker's shot the guy point blank:

But regardless, until someone gets into competitive shooting themselves, most people don't realize that there are many civilians who train with and shoot with the best shooting cops -- and often beat them -- such as at the competitions like IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation). Only the cops that have an interest in marksmanship go to competitions, the rest just do their qualifying -- very few practice as much as they should, reload for accuracy, or fine tune their guns, as from what I understand the guns issued to many police forces are sub-standard for good marksmanship in that they have heavy triggers, etc..

Even when comparing the military to civilian shooters, there are a lot of civilians that are better trained and better practiced in shooting (not battle tactics, survival, room clearing, or other military specific routines) than the bulk of the members of any military.

Consider army snipers and their civilian counterparts: The longest recorded kill is 2707 yards: -- although there is no information that I could find about longest target hit during military practice.
The longest civilian target shot (that I could find): 3650 yards (29% longer):

But of course, until you see what some of these 'internet rambos' can actually do with a gun, I guess you have an excuse to not believe it.

I honestly don't doubt any of that but what I'm trying to say is you can be the best at sewing but it doesn't mean you're a surgeon. Being a good marksman is one thing...shooting people legally in various situations is quite another. One that I'm quite happy to leave to professionals that have some oversight applied to them.
On military bases and privately I've had a try with quite a few different things including a surface to air missile simulator (lots of fun by the way, you should try it). I'm not against guns at all as I've repeatedly said. I'm all for them in public in the hands of appropriately trained professionals which most civilians (including me) aren't. I've done a few different med courses. CPR was only a small part of one though and done at the same military base. Any more erroneous assumptions you want to make?

You called me a 'brain dead zombie' earlier in this thread. Tell me/us (no youtube - your thoughts/facts) why you're so convinced this is a false flag? Point by point. If you're so certain, this isn't asking much.

I honestly don't doubt any of that but what I'm trying to say is you can be the best at sewing but it doesn't mean you're a surgeon. Being a good marksman is one thing...shooting people legally in various situations is quite another. One that I'm quite happy to leave to professionals that have some oversight applied to them.

I know from other threads that you are pro compulsory military service, and along those same lines I think that programs should exist that make use of veteran's (military and police) valuable skills in a positive manner... say a type of national guard/disaster relief volunteer program.

I think a common problem that recently released soldiers face (like released prisoners) is that they suddenly feel an emptiness as they are no longer part of a team, no longer belong, and seek purpose.

Even though I've been out of the forces for 19 years, I would participate in a sort of veteran's reserve force as long as the rules were lessened (no more ironing, polishing, or shaving for this ex-soldier), as long as being on that force gave me benefits like access to better guns and shooting ranges to practice on.

I know I can join the Base Borden club and shoot as an ex-soldier, but it is far too limited to be of any use... something like one Sunday a month between 9am to 11am and the range might be available.
There are few differences between Canada and USA, it does not take a genius to realize what happens when anyone can get a gun.
If gun society is so great why USA has so many shootings??? Do you guys want USA style havoc here?

You arrive to shootout between two people. Who do you shoot at?
What if someone else sees you pulling the gun out and shooting at a "criminal"? Maybe all they see is you shooting? Are you valid target at that time?

I think police did great job in this case, cops had the guy cornered at the time he was killed.
It is not like they were playing cards and civilians were left to fend for themselves.

I am out of here....
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Diesel, thanks for bringing reason back in to this. My point was that there's a lot more to being in law enforcement or military (such as the guys on parliament hill) than just being a good shot. I did also state that I was a bit dumbfounded as to why they had no live ammo in the weapons the ceremonial guards carried. I can't find the info but I'm sure the Brit equivalents have live ammo because of past terrorist attacks.
All this talk of marksmanship is a moot point, as apparently Vicker's shot the guy point blank:

But regardless, until someone gets into competitive shooting themselves, most people don't realize that there are many civilians who train with and shoot with the best shooting cops -- and often beat them -- such as at the competitions like IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation). Only the cops that have an interest in marksmanship go to competitions, the rest just do their qualifying -- very few practice as much as they should, reload for accuracy, or fine tune their guns, as from what I understand the guns issued to many police forces are sub-standard for good marksmanship in that they have heavy triggers, etc..

Even when comparing the military to civilian shooters, there are a lot of civilians that are better trained and better practiced in shooting (not battle tactics, survival, room clearing, or other military specific routines) than the bulk of the members of any military.

Consider army snipers and their civilian counterparts: The longest recorded kill is 2707 yards: -- although there is no information that I could find about longest target hit during military practice.
The longest civilian target shot (that I could find): 3650 yards (29% longer):

But of course, until you see what some of these 'internet rambos' can actually do with a gun, I guess you have an excuse to not believe it.

Can you read? He hit a 12'x12' target at that distance, not a kill shot, and BTW a human is much smaller than 12x12! It is also pretty easy to target shoot when you do not have to worry about anyone trying to kill you.

Not sure why you guys can't acknowledge and respect what he did???
Diesel, thanks for bringing reason back in to this. My point was that there's a lot more to being in law enforcement or military (such as the guys on parliament hill) than just being a good shot. I did also state that I was a bit dumbfounded as to why they had no live ammo in the weapons the ceremonial guards carried. I can't find the info but I'm sure the Brit equivalents have live ammo because of past terrorist attacks.

I don't think live ammo would have helped this soldier, as I think he was shot in the back. If the other soldiers in the area had ammo at least they could have responded. The tourists there are just lucky this shooter wasn't targeting civilians, because he could have easily killed a lot more.

Anyway, to go along with any concealed carry or open carry argument, there will still be shootings... but the deaths will be limited to a few rather than a few dozen like the shootings that happen where no one is carrying (Norway massacre anyone?).
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