Not sure why you guys can't acknowledge and respect what he did???
I acknowledge and respect what he did. I also know Im capable of doing the same thing.
Not sure why you guys can't acknowledge and respect what he did???
Iol again this idiotic question :lol:
Can you read? He hit a 12'x12' target at that distance, not a kill shot, and BTW a human is much smaller than 12x12! It is also pretty easy to target shoot when you do not have to worry about anyone trying to kill you.
Not sure why you guys can't acknowledge and respect what he did???
I acknowledge and respect what he did. I also know Im capable of doing the same thing.
I don't think live ammo would have helped this soldier, as I think he was shot in the back. If the other soldiers in the area had ammo at least they could have responded. The tourists there are just lucky this shooter wasn't targeting civilians, because he could have easily killed a lot more.
Anyway, to go along with any concealed carry or open carry argument, there will still be shootings... but the deaths will be limited to a few rather than a few dozen like the shootings that happen where no one is carrying (Norway massacre anyone?). stayed at a holiday inn. Ok, I understand now.
But it's not idiotic in some scenarios, you have to admit that right? Let's say civilians have the right to concealed carry, you hear a gunshot behind you and turn around to see two armed people pointing weapons at each other.
Nope, had proper training
You wouldn't understand![]()
I believe on a grand scale in military battles it's called "fog of war".
I see, so even super trained peopled get caught in fog? I guess cops shouldn't carry guns then.
The average cop across this country rarely draws their weapon. I'd trust an IPSC competitor over a popo pretty much any day of the week if it came down to marksmanship.
and while we're at it, Let's ban "fog of war".......problem solved.
Don't forget,cops are experts on use of force and when not to draw their guns and shoot people.
this folks is your brain on
just say no to Alex Jones kids