second terrorist attack today?

It is inevitable that comments on an event like this will drift into a gun control denate, in the end it would have made little positive difference. It wouldn't have made a difference to the availability of the gun to the a-hole.

If there were a bunch of Internet Rambos with their CCW, one may have shot him, maybe Inernet Ramdo wouldn't have hit a bunch of bystanders trying to shoot someone 50 metres away with his peashooter... the next Rambo would have shot the guy who shot the a-hole thinking this gun fire was the second shooter, and so it goes.

Highly trained people shoot their own due to the confusion of the event--heat of the moment. Some dumbass with a training course and a hero complex cannot be expected to do any better.
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So no bad guys can get guns anyway and good guys should get one just in case they need to get one of bad guys in case they do get gun. Lol.
You know the first people that get called when a bad guy has a gun is................people with guns!

It ain't the gun that's the problem......

Imagine police arriving to shootout I'm sure they would immediately recognize good guys.

I wonder how Kevin Vickers knew who to shoot?

As an aside, You do know that the guy that killed the perp isn't a police officer correct?

In one attack car was used.

I guess it's time to get on your soapbox advocating for more car control??

I for one I'm glad that terrorist could not stick gun in pocket and walk away.

Maybe next time he'll just throw the gun away and walk away, or even better, maybe he'll use your mom's pressure cooker........
How did he get through the metal detectors if he was carrying a gun? Were people guarding these detectors to prevent them from passing?

I get it, it probably went down like this...



Alright now I now I know your trolling. If on the off chance you arn't read the time line i posted
I see error of my thinking, let me know when I can get my gun. Can't wait to shoot some bad guys. You guys are awesome!
Vickers is in charge of security and has spent 29 years with the RCMP. Not your average joe.

Thanks for posting that. I have been lurking on this thread and was going to say something similar. AFAIK, Mr. Vickers is an expert Marksman.

As for my thoughts on all of this...

I got to thinking after the earlier incident in Quebec. Since 9/11 there has been over a decade of Middle East strife and Muslim related terrorism. There is an entire Western generation that has seen nothing but Muslim related terrorism in their lifetimes. I worry about creating generations of people with ingrained xenophobia and racism based on their observations of the world. It is like we are going backwards as a society.
What else can one base their feelings/opinions on other than current world events and observations? Human history is littered with violence. Just as many muslims in the middle east feel animosity for the western world, we too will slowly begin harbouring the same exact feelings as violence escalates on our home turf. Such is life. How many events will have to take place before they are no longer judged on an individual basis? Probably not too many more.

And regarding Vickers being an expert marksman; whatever he's capable of, so is any plain-clothes civilian, period.
What else can one base their feelings/opinions on other than current world events and observations? Human history is littered with violence. Just as many muslims in the middle east feel animosity for the western world, we too will slowly begin harbouring the same exact feelings as violence escalates on our home turf. Such is life. How many events will have to take place before they are no longer judged on an individual basis? Probably not too many more.

And regarding Vickers being an expert marksman; whatever he's capable of, so is any plain-clothes civilian, period.

Sure if they have 29 years of experience and training. Internet Rambos, not so much. BTW someone playing video games in their mom's basement does not count as training...
Not to mention Vickers has had desk jobs for well over a decade so his shooting skills are of his own continued interest in training. (if he even bothered)

What I'm saying is that you don't need a policing job to learn to shoot. Most cops barely shoot their guns.. a civilian with 2 courses under his belt could do it just as good, or better.
But he's not a civilian. He is issued a pistol as part of his job.

Cool. Not sure why you mentioned it, but okay. The only point Im driving at is that cops aren't inherently more capable of handling firearms just because they receive basic training as part of their jobs... any civilian with a firearms licence (or without, for that matter) can attend courses and learn to work a gun better than most cops. If you trust a cop with a gun, you can trust a trained civilian with a gun.
Cool. Not sure why you mentioned it, but okay. The only point Im driving at is that cops aren't inherently more capable of handling firearms just because they receive basic training as part of their jobs... any civilian with a firearms licence (or without, for that matter) can attend courses and learn to work a gun better than most cops. If you trust a cop with a gun, you can trust a trained civilian with a gun.

Not if I don't know if he's a trained civilian or a terrorist which I think was the point above. Anyway, bottom line, the ceremonial guards should not have ceremonial weapons. They should have loaded weapons and hopefully now they will have.
Yeah, 50 rounds a year. That's heavy.

That is 50 more than the Internet Rambos are required to do and there is a standard, unlike civilians. The RCMP also has situational training, and again video games in someone's mom's basement does not count.

In the end some random civilians may also be able to meet the same standards, this is an exception. Even fewer would have the intestinal fortitude to do what he did. Too bad you cannot give respect where respect is due.
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That is 50 more than the Internet Rambos are required to do and there is a standard, unlike civilians. The RCMP also has situational training, and again video games in someone's mom's basement does not count.

In the end some random civilians may also be able to meet the same standards, this is an exception. Even fewer would have the intestinal fortitude to do what he did. Too bad you cannot give respect where respect is due.

How am I not giving respect? You latched onto a specific part of my post which was in reply to Vickers being an "expert marksman" and having 29 years policing experience. You keep rambling about internet rambos, I have no idea what you're talking about man.... potato? All I said was that a person doesn't require 29 years of police experience and an 'expert marksman' credential to do the amazing thing Vickers did. People defend themselves with guns all the time- and anyone who is so inclined can pay the money and take all kinds of shooting courses, many of which are FAR beyond what the average cop does during the training. Its okay for you to be ignorant about the topic, most people are. When's the last time you were training at a shooting range with cops? Yeah.. I thought so. ;)
^ which part of the range shooting courses teaches you how to deal with crowd situations, or when not to shoot, or what the rules of engagement are, or hostage situations? Just wondering?
^ which part of the range shooting courses teaches you how to deal with crowd situations, or when not to shoot, or what the rules of engagement are, or hostage situations? Just wondering?

I didn't know hostage situations were part of the curriculum for beat cops. Damn, learn something new every day.

When NOT to shoot is the most fundamental and basic frickin thing EVERY gun owner should know, you don't need a course for that... you need a brain and some common sense. You obviously don't have the first clue.

Crowd situations? What the.... potato? Rules of engagement?? :lol:

Someone should make these cops take their training courses again
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