Ontario should make winter tires mandatory.

How about the type of idiot that stops in an active line to let 3 people out at a bus stop?
It's moron decisions like that, that catch anyone off guard... Country folk, for the most part are on the same page, so that's why the GTA is the most dangerous place to drive.
It has so much to do with unpredictability and less to do with equipment.

Good tires, abs and traction might help the average idiot from getting out of bad situations but it's a bandaid fix at best.

We should look to Germany for how to train drivers.
We should look to Germany for how to train drivers.

I heard, generally speaking of course, Germans are top notch people. If they ruled the world things would be a lot different.
I was lucky enough to be raised in the country were owning field cars was the norm, I pretty much felt comfortable drifting a car by the time I was 16... Not that I'd ever recommend it on the road! Lol

Sadly, many (almost all?) new cars ruin drifting. Even with the nanny aids turned off, if you rotate a modern VW, it uses the rear brakes to try to straighten you out (which I hate, if I'm drifting, upsetting the car by jamming on the brakes is not something I expected/wanted/needed).
I heard, generally speaking of course, Germans are top notch people. If they ruled the world things would be a lot different.

Makes me wonder, what our lives would have been if Hitler had won that war...
Makes me wonder, what our lives would have been if Hitler had won that war...

Probably make nice with gypsies, tramps, thieves and gays. Oh, and Jews. Redirect focus on Islam and a chicken in every pot. Winterreifen uber alles.
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How are gislaved nordfrost vs general altimax arctic?

Gislaved > General

The swedish know their tires and their winters.

I see General as being more of a "discount" brand and gislaved as a higher quality one.
Looks like general arctic = nordfrost 3. Win/win, and the altimax arctic is far from a "discount" brand. Sure it's cheap, but it kicks ass in every review.
Looks like general arctic = nordfrost 3. Win/win, and the altimax arctic is far from a "discount" brand. Sure it's cheap, but it kicks *** in every review.

If their winters are half as good as their summer tires, I'll be happy.
(had a set of summers a while back - would buy again, so I did.)
Seems these are OEM for Benz and other high end **** in Europe.

Set 225 70R17 for under $600, mounted / balanced.

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Looks like general arctic = nordfrost 3. Win/win, and the altimax arctic is far from a "discount" brand. Sure it's cheap, but it kicks *** in every review.
Yeah thats why its the discount brand. Its basically giving you the offering of the previous model at a better price as its the same mold... therefore the R&D was already taken care of ;)

The nordfrost series are at about 2-3 iterations past the NF3 now :)

Anyhow, youll definitely enjoy them a lot more than anyone with no-seasons on when the snow comessss :P
If you bring from the US to Canada a set of tires installed on rims do they ever ask for duty on top of HST? How much?
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