Clayton Rivet death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

At first was going from the media saying it was a head on accident. Clearly a lie. Which made me think the cop was going the opposite direction. And from the first pics that were at night showed no damage to the front of the car. If they were going in opposite directions it would be impossible to hit the pillar of the driver side rear door right where the divider is. The second pic here is facing west and the concrete barrier is to the left side (Looking at the picture)of the suv in the eastbound lane. The red pylons lined up on the far side of the car marks out his ski mark showing how far over he tried to avoid hitting the cruiser. There is no other possibility.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Crap like this is the reason why every cop car on the streets should have a video camera recording when a cop is on duty.

If we can afford 100,000$+ to pay cops, we can afford a couple cameras
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

The second pic here is facing west and the concrete barrier is to the left side (Looking at the picture)of the suv in the eastbound lane. The red pylons lined up on the far side of the car marks out his ski mark showing how far over he tried to avoid hitting the cruiser. There is no other possibility.

If the pylons were his skid marks, why are they on the wrong side of the road?
Wouldn't that mean if he was on the proper side of the road he wouldn't have collided with the cruiser?

No offence if this is your friend, It seems both sides stories don't line up....
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Wow, I am not sure if this is due to the fact that i was raised in a different culture/country but for the life of me, I can not understand how someone can justify what the cop presumably did.

So for argument sake let's say that:
-The SIU discovered the police officer did position the car in a way that gave the rider no way out in an attempt to stop him from speeding
-The rider was speeding and in short and a tshirt (not sure how the dress code is relevant but hey)

What some of you are saying is that the actions of the police officer that (in my example) caused the death of the rider are justified?

Speeding is speeding according to the law, so do you also agree that if you are going 101km/hr on the 401, a police officer is justified to ram you with their car?

At what point is a police officer trained to make a decision on using deadly force against someone not intermediately posing a risk to someone - yes speeding can result in hurting someone but is a police officer justified to kill someone for what it might happen? (minority report)

No wonder I have very few friends I care to spend time with and i am glad to keep it like that, most people are disgusting from what I read here!
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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

At first was going from the media saying it was a head on accident. Clearly a lie. Which made me think the cop was going the opposite direction. And from the first pics that were at night showed no damage to the front of the car. If they were going in opposite directions it would be impossible to hit the pillar of the driver side rear door right where the divider is. The second pic here is facing west and the concrete barrier is to the left side (Looking at the picture)of the suv in the eastbound lane. The red pylons lined up on the far side of the car marks out his ski mark showing how far over he tried to avoid hitting the cruiser. There is no other possibility.

I thought ABS equipped vehicles couldn't leave skid marks?
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

I thought ABS equipped vehicles couldn't leave skid marks?

Not sure if serious however the answer is incorrect. Yes they can leave skid marks

Slice this one up any way you like. I'll bet money the cop is in the wrong and not a damn thing happens to him. Reverse the roles and we'd fry for this. Such ********
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Not sure if serious however the answer is incorrect. Yes they can leave skid marks

I was being serious and after doing some quick research you are correct.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Another missed opportunity to school the less-experienced riders here. Country roads, quiet areas safe to ride any way you want? Guess not. I really don't understand martyring someone who aggravated their incident to this degree. It's actually really sad to see how little is being said about riding beyond the abilities of the rider, road, etc. This guy missed an entire life in front of him, and hurt quite a few were hurt in his wake. No glory there
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

If the pylons were his skid marks, why are they on the wrong side of the road?
Wouldn't that mean if he was on the proper side of the road he wouldn't have collided with the cruiser?

No offence if this is your friend, It seems both sides stories don't line up....

Was gonna post the same question, to play devil's advocate. To go further, seeing as everyone seems OK with assuming things, it would appear that in that case, the cruiser has been spun counter-clockwise into its resting spot. Sure opens up some other possibilities, ie; cruiser was swerving to the right to avoid a head on but got hit anyway.

But that theory doesn't support bashing the cop.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

None of us were there, speculation is what it is..... the cops will defend their actions, and that is why there is an agency set up to report it's findings to us (the public).... lets just wait on the report.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Wow, I am not sure if this is due to the fact that i was raised in a different culture/country but for the life of me, I can not understand how someone can justify what the cop presumably did.

Everyone presuming is the problem.

So for argument sake let's say that:
-The SIU discovered the police officer did position the car in a way that gave the rider no way out in an attempt to stop him from speeding

Right there you can end your post. IF that is what the cop did, it was wrong, pure and simple.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

the story goes the cop pulled out in front of the rider in an attempt to stop him...right or wrong no one deserves to die...for those defending the cops it's just sick and twisted to justify some ones death....put yourself in the shoes of Clayton's friends and family, what if they read some of the comments you guys are making? what if you had some one important tragically pass away and on some forum people we're attempting to justify why your loved one is dead
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

None of us were there, speculation is what it is..... the cops will defend their actions, and that is why there is an agency set up to report it's findings to us (the public).... lets just wait on the report.
You do know who the members of said organization are right? Blue blood!
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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Cops over react, for instance years past a prominent man's son gets shot to death by the rcmp because when he opened the door he had a tv remote control in his hand, not too mention another choked to death at yvr for having a stapler in his hand with about 5 cops at scene, brave my azz. One of those cops later killed another motorcycle rider while drunk and left the scene of accident..list is endless and crimminal and would make the HA's look like boy scouts..

Yes most are decent braver then me but get the frikken rotten apples out of the barrel/// epd

google not making this crap up
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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

The only gear he had on in any of his fb pics was a helmet and ****** vest. Even when doing wheelies he was in shorts and a T-shirt.
And was bragging how he was doing 290km/hr but the bike still had more.

???? Kind of contradicting

Regardless, RIP Rider

I was quoting Caferay, post #6.
His bike did not have ABS, it was from the US.
He was going east bound and swerved into the oncoming lane to avoid the cruiser when he pulled in front of him. He hit the pillar of the driver side rear door and the car did a 180 into the ditch. No assumption. Can you tell me any other way possible for the impact to be where it is?

Also doing slow speed wheelies in the middle of nowhere with experienced riders isn't that dangerous. Granted wearing shorts is stupid, but not as dangerous as riding hard.
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Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

the story goes the cop pulled out in front of the rider in an attempt to stop him...right or wrong no one deserves to die...for those defending the cops it's just sick and twisted to justify some ones death....put yourself in the shoes of Clayton's friends and family, what if they read some of the comments you guys are making? what if you had some one important tragically pass away and on some forum people we're attempting to justify why your loved one is dead

He was a close friend of mine. RIP.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

I don't think anyone is defending the cop. I think it's more the point that people are trying to point out the consequences can be this severe. My group of friends lost a rider last year because he was speeding and a guy pulled a u-turn directly in front of him. The driver claimed he could not judge the speed our friend was going although he knew it was quick. The driver believed he had time to make the uturn.

I would hope this situation is similar in the fact that the cop likely believed the rider would have time to stop. I would hope in this case the cop never intended to kill the rider (Clayton).

Ill stop posting in respect to his friends here and I'm sorry for your loss.
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

None of us were there, speculation is what it is..... the cops will defend their actions, and that is why there is an agency set up to report it's findings to us (the public).... lets just wait on the report.

And yet that agency consists of other cops

Hmmmm thats something i'd expect to read on the onion news network, not real life
Re: Claton Rivert death and Questions Swirl around SIU investigation.

Read through some of the SIU investigations and find the ones in which officers WERE charged - it does happen, but statistically, it should be the minority of cases. Police officers in Ontario deal with guilty, not guilty, and innocent people all day everyday. It's the cases in which people are seriously injured or killed that the SIU MUST investigate. Those make the news. The SIU investigates not to determine if everything the officers did was perfect, or desirable, but to see if charges should be laid.

When police conduct an investigation, it's usually because a crime has been committed - that's already a known fact - and they just have to ensure they come to the right conclusion about who is responsible.
When the SIU conducts an investigation, it's because someone was seriously injured or killed during an interaction with police - that doesn't mean a crime has been committed, and therefore it is less likely that charges will be laid as a result. It may result in recommendations to change procedure.
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