Bike run over by cab!

But legally I am grey because of the over $1000 in repairs no? *edit

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But legally I am grey because of the over $1000 in repairs no? *edit

Sent from my my mobile using a strange app for damaged people

If its over $1000, you're just supposed to report the accident. This doesn't mean insurance gets involved automatically - they get involved when one of you reports the accident to them and makes a claim.
I have had my share of people acting all righteous on the side of the road, but when it comes time to open up the wallet to fix my bike, the nice person act vanishes.
I always report.
I have had my share of people acting all righteous on the side of the road, but when it comes time to open up the wallet to fix my bike, the nice person act vanishes.
I always report.

Some people need to experience it for them to learn from their mistakes

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But legally I am grey because of the over $1000 in repairs no? *edit

Sent from my my mobile using a strange app for damaged people

Have you stopped for a minute and asked yourself why exactly you are doing a favour for this guy?

What has he ever done for you, other than run your bike over?

The only way I would ever accept cash in an accident is if there was some way I could be considered even slightly at fault by the insurance company. If I wasn't even in/on the parked vehicle, insurance all the way.
And trust me, if he could have run and gotten away with it, he would have.
Have you stopped for a minute and asked yourself why exactly you are doing a favour for this guy?

What has he ever done for you, other than run your bike over?

The only way I would ever accept cash in an accident is if there was some way I could be considered even slightly at fault by the insurance company. If I wasn't even in/on the parked vehicle, insurance all the way.

Reason 1.
Trying to save this guy's livelihood.
Reason 2.
I have him by the balls, they're squishy
Reason 3
The listed value on my bike at the mto is zero. I know it's worth more as a living breathing well maintained machine. But I don't feel like arguing with an adjust

I would actually appreciate thoughts on the last part.

Has anyone written of a zero value bike ?

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I say it will be written off because repair cost is greater than the value of the bike
So what happened today? Did he come up with the remainder of the balance? If not I highly suggest you go to the reporting centre on Monday!
Reason 3
The listed value on my bike at the mto is zero. I know it's worth more as a living breathing well maintained machine. But I don't feel like arguing with an adjust

I would actually appreciate thoughts on the last part.

Has anyone written of a zero value bike ?

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I say it will be written off because repair cost is greater than the value of the bike

If written off, insurance company should pay the replacement value of the bike, not declared value with MTO.
Since there are no blue book values for motorcycles, you will likely have to show the insurance company some ads with similar bikes, to get a fair pay out.
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I doubt his livelihood would have been effected in the least.

In my past life I was a truck driver, and in that time I had two minor incidents:

Once when I was a new driver I misjudged the swing of the tail of my trailer and I scraped the side of a car. I gave the guy my insurance and license info, called my boss, and carried on... never heard about it again.

Second time I drove into a facility I had never been before. As I was entering the wrong lot I realized I needed to go left for the truck entry. I stopped, checked both my mirrors, and reversed. Then I crunched someone's hood. He was so close behind me I couldn't see him in my mirrors. Same thing... I called my boss, gave the guy my license and insurance info, and never heard about it again -- no interview at work, no insurance increase, nothing. This one was in a parking lot, so I guess technically would have been 50/50 at fault. The first one was on a road and 100% my fault.
Reason 1.
Trying to save this guy's livelihood.

Doubt - it.

Reason 2.
I have him by the balls, they're squishy

Sincerely doubt it. More like the other way around.

Reason 3
The listed value on my bike at the mto is zero. I know it's worth more as a living breathing well maintained machine. But I don't feel like arguing with an adjust

Wouldn't make a difference. Insurance pay out is based on the market value/replacement cost of the bike.

The way I see it... The cabbie can now take off and say you settled for $500 and you are SOL.

Unfortunately, we don't live in a utopia where people "look out for the other party's best interests". You are making the "system" work against you by thinking you are being the bigger person....

I sincerely hope you are made whole, but after all the stuff I've experienced/seen, I wouldn't bet a nickel on it...

OP is screwed, people never learn, and never listen. They have to make the mistakes on their own, they don't try to learn from others. Jesus Christ it's a CABBIE they're scumbags, and you let him off the hook for 500?! Good luck getting the rest back, including the cost of your helmet because it's too late and you will be too defeated to get the rest back after all the hassle and back and forth. What's the point of this thread and asking what you should do when you ignore everyone's advice?
I broke someone bumber once. Didnt get insurance involved. I was extremely surprised by the quotes we received BUT I paid for the repair. He gave me the opportunity and although between his schedule and mine it took a couple weeks his car got fixed up.

Not all people are jerks.

Cabbies pay horrible insurance. And they do it for a lively hood.

Id suggest next time your in a cab talk to the guy. You may learn alot and give them the benefited of the doubt if something happens.

Ive also had jerkoff drivers. But more then not they are just trying to make a living and by paying out of pocket it will save them tons.

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Well in defence of puttockc, he sounds like a nice guy who was willing to give someone the benefit of the doubt and if more people were like him this would be a nicer world.
Enjoying the uptick in mood. Was looking pretty grim for a while.
Dropped off $400 more today.

I'm glad I gave the guy a chance. He is paying me as he can.

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