State Farm Playing A Game, Please Chime In I Need EDUCATED Answers.


Well-known member
Ok Ill start with the FACTS

25 yrs old (DOB:Oct/1988 )
M1 at 16, M2 at 16, M at 17 (Full G licence since 18 )
Insured since 2005 on many different bikes, mostly crusers above 1000cc (~8 Yrs previous insurance and seat time AT A FULL M LICENCE)
0- tickets
0- accidents
0- claims
Live in Etobicoke (Same apt building as M)

M(My "Brother")
24 yrs old (DOB feb/1989)
m1 two years ago, M2 two years ago. (Full G licence since ~22)
insured for one year in 2012 Yamaha R1
0- tickets
0- accidents
0- Claims
Live in Etobicoke (same apt building as me)

R(My friend)
25 Yrs Old (DOB Summer/1988 )
m1 two years ago, M2 two years ago. (Full G since 18 )
Insured since 2012 on a gixxer 600
1 Ticket (seat belt infraction)
0- accidents
0- claims
Live in etobicoke (a few blocks from myself and "M")

I call statefarm, and get a quote on my 2005 Kawasaki Ninja 636, and I get quoted 145$ a month (~1700 yrly)
R is paying 101$ a month (~ 1212$ yrly) on a 2005 Gixxer 600
M is being quoted 135$ mnthly (~1600$ yrly) on his 2003 R1

I Disliked that I was being quoted higher on all fronts than my other two less experienced friends, So being that the broker Im talking to is a very cool person, she looked into why and told me it was the bikes making me more expensive (IE my kawi was a higher risk vehicle to SF than the gixxer or the R1) as well as R being in a (albeit slightly) different postal code.

OK then, Quote me (just for informational purpose) on the gixxer 600 at "R's" house just to see what the prices are. Comes back 115$ a month. Is this because he had insurance with SF before and its cheaper because of loyalty? "SF dosent have loyalty discounts on the moto policys." Im told by my agent.

OK then, Quote me on "M's" R1. Just for informational purpose. Comes back 165$ a month. OK now that is Bogus, Why so much more for me?

Quick Recap.

Me on R's gixxer at R's house- 180$ MORE THAN HIM
Me on M's R1 at our mutual address-360$ MORE THAN HIM

This makes 0 sense, and I need the all knowing insurance guru's from this form to try and shed some light on the situation. It makes it hard to trust a company when this is the kind of weird BS that is happening.

I would just like to say, Before the flamers come out to play. SF, is giving me a GOOD RATE, It just dosent make ANY SENSE what the premium differences are, and the only difference between the three of us is our names, and that Ive been riding and insured longer than both of them combined.

(Ps. Maybe you can also correct me if Im wrong about this) I have learned that for supersports there are now only two companys that will insure you. Statefarm and TD, However if you have car insurance with them, THEN there are 4 companys that will insure you. They are Statefarm, TD, Desjardins, and Allstate.
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Very interesting... And all 3 of you don't have any other services with State Farm?

I was told that my bike's premium would drop by nearly 50% once I add a car to my policy (i.e. moves me from a B plan to an A plan with State Farm).
I didn't read anything about what you're getting quoted for. Liability only? Perhaps different deductibles between the three of you? If not, then I got no clue. Anyway, I talked to my SF agent today and if I bring my car over to them, my 675 will drop down 40%. Then again, they want over $250/month more than what I pay for my car right now. Not worth it.
Very interesting... And all 3 of you don't have any other services with State Farm?

I was told that my bike's premium would drop by nearly 50% once I add a car to my policy (i.e. moves me from a B plan to an A plan with State Farm).

wot?! I tried to bring in my car with Statefarm and they said my rates for the moto doesn't drop at all and I still get stuck with the B plan.
(Ps. Maybe you can also correct me if Im wrong about this) I have learned that for supersports there are now only two companys that will insure you. Statefarm and TD, However if you have car insurance with them, THEN there are 4 companys that will insure you. They are Statefarm, TD, Desjardins, and Allstate.

No Dejardins does not insure any sportbikes , regardless if you have a car or house policy with them.
I just spoke with them a couple of days ago.
Very interesting... And all 3 of you don't have any other services with State Farm?

I was told that my bike's premium would drop by nearly 50% once I add a car to my policy (i.e. moves me from a B plan to an A plan with State Farm).

My supersport insurance with state farm dropped only $300.00 when I add a car to my policy
(ie....from $1980 to $1680)
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I didn't read anything about what you're getting quoted for. Liability only? Perhaps different deductibles between the three of you? If not, then I got no clue. Anyway, I talked to my SF agent today and if I bring my car over to them, my 675 will drop down 40%. Then again, they want over $250/month more than what I pay for my car right now. Not worth it.

State Farms car rates are 50 percent more than a lot of a result I pulled 2 cars and insured them with their competition.
wot?! I tried to bring in my car with Statefarm and they said my rates for the moto doesn't drop at all and I still get stuck with the B plan.

How's your record though? I believe you need to have a spotless record to be eligible for the A plan.
@Kyle don't get too worked up about motorcycle experience, because State Farm doesn't care. The experience factor is maxed out at 6 years with your G license. ( You'll get quoted the exact same amount if you told them you got your M1 yesterday.

You did not tell us what coverage you were getting quotes for? Were they the same coverage for the other drivers? ie. liability only?

Are the other drivers married or engaged?

Have you tried asking other State Farm agents? The one you're talking to may be incompetent?
I spent a lot of time looking around for car and bike insurance. I know that area, and exact postal code can make a huge difference. My postal code for my car, with most companies, i get quoted $4-600/month (0 accidents/tickets, etc), same company, one psotal code over (few hundred meters) is half the rate. There isn't much you can do.

Also, what state farm office were you talking to? statefarm isn't one large organization, different office specialize in different insurances. I could recommend the office I just switched to for this year.
Dejardins purchased state farm, they sent my gf a letter about it. the agent said the policy will not change or anything from them will not change for 1 year. but our agent quoted me $150-$160 ( changed a bit based on year of the bike) this would be my first year on a bike and it was quoted for a 2005 zx6r. im 26 (27 this year) and got my M2 in the fall. so not sure how your riding experience doesnt help at all. but my gf changed statefarm agents as when she went from a 250 to her cbr600rr the last guy was trying to get all sorts of money from her. now i think she pays on her 2nd year still with an M2 and 23 about $140-150 a month
I am going to assume the deductible is the difference or the amount of coverage in a specific area.

When i asked my broker about insuring my car as well as my bike they said it would drop from $169/mo to $90/mo and i think the R6 price went from $129/mo to $80/mo

Just for reference on the difference a postal code makes. If i was to move across the main street behind me (about 200M from my house) the rate would drop about 50%.
sorry every I thought I posted last night apparently not.

My self and "m" live in the exact same six apartment building, he lives above me. and for the sake of quoting, I got a quote as if I lived at my friend "r's" address.

I did not put information on deductibles and all that other jazz, Because Its the exact same quote for the three of us.

Just to clarify, ALL QUOTES were done on all three bikes at both addresses for;

200,000 liability

again, all quotes were done 100% equal, same address, same coverage, same bike(s), only difference is the personal information shown above, witch as you can see, the only difference is that myself (The one who's most expensive to insure) is the most is the only one with a full class GM licence.

I was hoping for the people in the insurance profession to chime in, because there is 0% difference (the only difference there is, is in MY favor) and I'm still the most expensive. I just don't get it.
Not a broker, but two things come to mind. One, I remember the 636 being a special case for State Farm, in that they treat it the exact same way as they do all other bikes. I.e. they grade bikes on displacement, and the 636 exceeds the threshold for the "600" class and so is generally a bit more expensive.

Two, are all these quotes on the same payment plan? I seem to remember it being less expensive when you pay as a lump sum vs montly, but I could be remembering wrong
Everything except the personal info stated above is 100% the same do the detail.

PPS a lump sum payment saves you the two dollar service fee and the 75¢ a month transaction fee nothing more. I tryed that to lower the cost
Call them on it.
I have she can't come up with any answers. No one can explain it other than. I have just definitavly proven that there is NO logic to the insurance industry and they are full of **** they just charge who ever they want what ever they want
The rate is not set by broker, him/her uses SF computer system to determine the premium. If you think SF is playing game with you PERSONALLY. Then find another insurer. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do for them to reduce the rate because your friends are paying less. Sorry to hear that. Many people are stuck with the high premiums here in ON, I am one of them $7500 for S1K. Must pay to play.
believe me man I know that. Ive been riding for a long time and I agree with the "pay to play" mentality. My stunt bike cost me a ****ing fortune because its almost completely built with all the best parts (almost.... Hopefully that changes this year and its completely).

I also know that they use a SF computer program so they dont set the rates, SF actuary do. but heres the bottom line, As I stated in the begning, I am aware SF's rate for me is a good rate and thats not the complaint, the complaint is in inequality for exactly the same circumstances. there is now only TWO insurers who will cover SS's, SF and TD. (allstate in very specific cases.) so Ill never be able to "find another insurer". I just need to 1) let everyone know not to just believe the ******** an insurer is handing you, fight for what is right and what is fair. and 2) I need help from "EDUCATED" people in the insurance industry (as there is a few claiming to be on this forum) to help and explain the possible reasons for this. Its time that the insurance company's get called on there ********. Were too docile about being ****ing sodomized over and over in this Provence and we need to pull our heads out of our ***** and see whats going on. we all talk about the ******** were dealing with with insurance, but no one ever does anything about it and the government and insurance company's pockets just keep getting fatter and fatter while we loose all of our freedoms. Just wait. 5 years more and it will be impossible/so expensive to insure an SS that no one will have insurance and all the ss's on the road will be runners. Im not calling conspiracy here, but were told were a free society, but this is how a government and industry's control people. Telling us were free and then making the things they dont want us to do so un-achievable that its impossible to do so no one trys.
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