whats your first newsworthy/historical moment ?


One of the first real newsworthy events that I remember was John lennon being murdered.

Another was Reagan getting Shot, and the Pope getting shot ( notice a trend ) lol

I remember MTV starting up and the very first space shuttle launch. ( hard to believe there have been 135 now )

whats your first newsworthy/historical moment ?
Nixon and Watergate, ruined my afternoon cartoon viewing!
The day I found out "Saturday nights alright for fighting" singer is gay.
I was lucky to be born when i was.Lots of really big world events to remember.The earliest being the Cuban missile crisis.As a 9 yr old,i was sure that the Commies were coming to take over the free world.Helmets with spikes on them and fangs dripping with blood.
When Kennedy was shot we were sent home.A lot of the teachers were crying.I remember John Jr saluting his daddy at the funeral on tv.Then Bobby Kennedy,Martin Luther King.The Kent State students being shot during a protest.Very troubled times.
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Dustin Diamond sex tape

Screech had a sex tape?
So the reality is Sreech is getting more than that other guy

Sent from my Phone, dont judge the grammar
When the Titanic sank
I don't really remember Lennon being killed although I was around by then. There was the Mount St. Helens volcano eruption. Et and pacman were created. Someone tried to kill Reagan and missed. Somewhere in the mid 80's they found a hole in the ozone and the titanic all in one year. Don't forget the exploding space shuttle. Discovery? Biggest one I remember because I love history and Germany was the Berlin Wall coming down.

The first landing on the moon in 1969.I went to the beer store at Brimley and Eglinton with my dad that day and standing in the line up right in front of us was Uncle Bobby, that's right "the" Uncle Bobby. I went totally ballistic and asked for his autograph. I think I was 5 years old.
Don't forget the exploding space shuttle. Discovery?

Oh yea, I remember that one well. I was in school and they assembled us to watch the launch and we witnessed the tragedy in horror.
Man on the moon 1969. Was a few weeks old at the time but damn that was pretty newsworthy.
I don't really remember Lennon being killed although I was around by then. There was the Mount St. Helens volcano eruption. Et and pacman were created. Someone tried to kill Reagan and missed. Somewhere in the mid 80's they found a hole in the ozone and the titanic all in one year. Don't forget the exploding space shuttle. Discovery? Biggest one I remember because I love history and Germany was the Berlin Wall coming down.


That was challenger. My mom used to wake me up to watch the launches on TV. I would have been 3, but I remember the odd thing from early ages.
I think discovery is the one that is on display now in retirement.

I remember the German wall coming down but didn't fully understand what the big deal was.

Exxon Valdez was also all over the news.

And then I remember the start of Desert Storm, was in grade 1 and the teacher sat us down and sort of explained it.
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