whats your first newsworthy/historical moment ?

I would think my first newsworthy event occurred in July 20, 1969 when Neil Armstrong put his left foot on the rocky Moon. As school kids we all received an aluminum medallion with Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins on one side and the lunar module on the other. The famous quote of that time was...."the eagle has landed". Quite an event for a kid. I'm sure I have that medallion kicking around somewhere. The next was the British Invasion of the Beetles, I can't forget the mini skirt of the 60's, Napalm and the Vietnam war, the Cold War, The Bay of Pigs, the impeachment of Nixon etc.
No probs Chaos, and to be fair, the Gulf War did seem to be on 24-7 while the Vietnam war only came on during regularly scheduled newscasts. Dinnertime viewing at its best. L
wow, its funny that some people list events that are years apart, as some of their first vivid memories.
Shuttle- 86
iraq- 91

btw, vietnam was the first televised war.

No probs Chaos, and to be fair, the Gulf War did seem to be on 24-7 while the Vietnam war only came on during regularly scheduled newscasts. Dinnertime viewing at its best. L

guess you missed me saying that first... lol
Don't remember WW2 ending I was 3 yr 3mo but I remember my dad returning and marching in with his fellow soldiers 5 months later at the cne grounds, I had never seen him til that day.
Also remember the discovery of a polio vaccine by Dr Salk, fear of polio was real, one year in the 50's I lost a friend and 2 were paralyzed
Also Marilyn Bell conquering Lake Ontario at age 15
Start of the Korean, war was afraid my dad would go away again
Don't remember WW2 ending I was 3 yr 3mo but I remember my dad returning and marching in with his fellow soldiers 5 months later at the cne grounds, I had never seen him til that day.
Also remember the discovery of a polio vaccine by Dr Salk, fear of polio was real, one year in the 50's I lost a friend and 2 were paralyzed
Also Marilyn Bell conquering Lake Ontario at age 15
Start of the Korean, war was afraid my dad would go away again

Would have loved to seen a parade like when all those guys came home.
Would have loved to seen a parade like when all those guys came home.

It was fantastic, hundreds, maybe more than a thousand soldiers. I also remember my mom could pick out my dad from way up in the stands and was trying to point him out to me I also remember having some fear when the joyous crowd surged forward when told they could reunite with their families. Tears come to my eyes as I type this
It was fantastic, hundreds, maybe more than a thousand soldiers. I also remember my mom could pick out my dad from way up in the stands and was trying to point him out to me I also remember having some fear when the joyous crowd surged forward when told they could reunite with their families. Tears come to my eyes as I type this

Dude, you win for best memory.
Bobby Kennedy's assassination and Apollo 8 come to mind. I notice that we tend to remember American news more than Canadian. In my defense, my family was living in USA for a while during the sixties. Kennedy was killed while I was there, and we had just returned when Apollo 8 launched.
First one that's stuck with me was 9/11, heard it on the radio on the way to school and I got sent to the principal's office for lying when I told my grade 3 teachers :rolleyes:

Second was the US declaration of war and then invasion of Iraq
First one that's stuck with me was 9/11, heard it on the radio on the way to school and I got sent to the principal's office for lying when I told my grade 3 teachers :rolleyes:

Second was the US declaration of war and then invasion of Iraq

Damn you're way younger than I thought!

I was working on the farm during harvest. Luckily my old field truck had a radio so I could listen in. We couldn't stop the work day because we would have ended up behind.
But, we used to have the same flights over head each day (commuter flights I assume) and did notice that there was none at all, not a single trail in the cloudless sky and that just seemed weird... Odd feeling that day.

All through HS my mom was pushing for me to join the military, I said no because there will be a war there. She was like "that won't happen". Well on 9/11 when I got home, I said "see, I told ya!" and then I ended up wanting to go.
Damn you're way younger than I thought!

I was working on the farm during harvest. Luckily my old field truck had a radio so I could listen in. We couldn't stop the work day because we would have ended up behind.
But, we used to have the same flights over head each day (commuter flights I assume) and did notice that there was none at all, not a single trail in the cloudless sky and that just seemed weird... Odd feeling that day.

All through HS my mom was pushing for me to join the military, I said no because there will be a war there. She was like "that won't happen". Well on 9/11 when I got home, I said "see, I told ya!" and then I ended up wanting to go.

Lol yup, I like to keep it to myself ;) I'm sure there were newsworthy things from the 90s that I simply forgot or didn't understand the importance of.

I fought tooth and nail to be allowed to apply for ROTP in grade 11/12, ended up doing it without the parents ok and didn't get accepted for my first 2 choices, then got talked out of going to RMC to be an NCdt. So my backup was apply for DEO out of University, now I'm leaving without a degree (yeah, yeah) to go to college and I'm still toying with the idea of applying for Reg Force after I'm done.
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