whats your first newsworthy/historical moment ?

Few things have come and gone. Big one in my mind was 911 and the start of the war on Iraq. There were sooo many military brats in my school that the school called us all down to explain our parents were on two hour notice to be sent overseas. Then that weekend I got dragged to see Black Hawk Down by my friends. That was a mess.
Chicago Blackhawks winning the cup in '61.

Were u born before dinosaurs, good sir??

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apparently so was crankcall...lol

he already shows signs of dementia, thinking the germans bombed Pearl Harbour.

Reminds me of high school I had a chemistry teacher who had $5 bills older than us, lol

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A lot of bombings and sectarian violence in Northern Ireland. I grew up in Ireland during the troubles.
The first time getting a home phone in the 90's back in China, didnt even know how to talk on it.

The moment i broke my own speed record on a motorcycle.... and survived :D
wow, its funny that some people list events that are years apart, as some of their first vivid memories.
Shuttle- 86
iraq- 91

btw, vietnam was the first televised war.
Challenger Shuttle.
Iraq War of 91. The first televised war.
Tiananmen Square Protests


I remember flipping thru time magazine & seeing all the blood. I dont think it would make it in the media nowadays

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Chaos, I believe the Vietnam War was the first televised war, not the Gulf war of '91. It has become known as "the war that was brought into your living room".
And for the "with the dinosuars" guys; not quite that old, but I remember black and white TVs quite well.
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I remember the German wall coming down but didn't fully understand what the big deal was.

I think this was the first event for me too. I saw it on tv but didn't think much of it other than that it was apparently a big deal. I was 7 years old. *shrug*
Chaos, I believe the Vietnam War was the first televised war, not the Gulf war of '91. It has become known as "the war that was brought into your living room".
And for the "with the dinosuars" guys; not quite that old, but I remember black and white TVs quite well.

Lol, don't take it too hard I was joking. You're probably the same age as my pops.
I remember black/white tvs too. But where I grew up we weren't so privileged.

There were no videogames at the time, only handhelds that had repeating graphics. I was around 8-9. But i' m glad cuz I spent more time hunting fruit trees & hanging out on the basketball court

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That was challenger. My mom used to wake me up to watch the launches on TV. I would have been 3, but I remember the odd thing from early ages.
I think discovery is the one that is on display now in retirement.

I remember the German wall coming down but didn't fully understand what the big deal was.

Exxon Valdez was also all over the news.

And then I remember the start of Desert Storm, was in grade 1 and the teacher sat us down and sort of explained it.

Berlin Wall, Iraq War, dissolution of USSR. I distinctly remember being confused a few years later by the maps in our school ... all of which still had the USSR on them.
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