I Saw You: V.2.0

If I wasn't already storing other people's bikes in my garage (along with the 'Stang), I'd have happily offered you space to put one of these together.
I wish I had a garage (NOT to store other peoples crap in though, lol.).

-Jamie M.
Yesterday afternoon on Wellesley heading east from University to Bay your very nice and red Panigale was parked frontwards in to the curb so I got a good view of the *** end ;)
Yesterday afternoon on Wellesley heading east from University to Bay your very nice and red Panigale was parked frontwards in to the curb so I got a good view of the *** end ;)

How could you leave a Panigale on the street :( I would ride it into whatever store or restaurant I was visiting. They would understand.
You: on a fairly loud red SS, likely either a CBR600 or possibly a ZX6R, riding up and down Birchmount Road repeatedly for about 20 minutes or so today.

I'm going to assume you're a new rider and practicing, since you were always in 1st gear, all over the road, and had your feet hanging out to the sides the entire time(!!!), even when turning onto the sideroads. Hopefully you either have, or will be taking the course very soon; until then I would recommend practicing in a parking lot until you're more comfortable with that bike -- and get your feet up on the pegs! If you read this, PM me and maybe I can give you a few pointers sometime.
You: on a fairly loud red SS, likely either a CBR600 or possibly a ZX6R, riding up and down Birchmount Road repeatedly for about 20 minutes or so today.

I'm going to assume you're a new rider and practicing, since you were always in 1st gear, all over the road, and had your feet hanging out to the sides the entire time(!!!), even when turning onto the sideroads. Hopefully you either have, or will be taking the course very soon; until then I would recommend practicing in a parking lot until you're more comfortable with that bike -- and get your feet up on the pegs! If you read this, PM me and maybe I can give you a few pointers sometime.

oh, that legs to the side "superman style" - I see tons of riders doing that.. is it a new trend?
oh, that legs to the side "superman style" - I see tons of riders doing that.. is it a new trend?

Im guilty, I was doing this last night getting close to stops and red lights, in part because it was my first time with a 2up on this bike.
oh, that legs to the side "superman style" - I see tons of riders doing that.. is it a new trend?

Isn't that how drag racers launch? 'tis either guy who doesn't know better, or guy who is afraid he's gonna drop it.
You: on a fairly loud red SS, likely either a CBR600 or possibly a ZX6R, riding up and down Birchmount Road repeatedly for about 20 minutes or so today.

I'm going to assume you're a new rider and practicing, since you were always in 1st gear, all over the road, and had your feet hanging out to the sides the entire time(!!!), even when turning onto the sideroads. Hopefully you either have, or will be taking the course very soon; until then I would recommend practicing in a parking lot until you're more comfortable with that bike -- and get your feet up on the pegs! If you read this, PM me and maybe I can give you a few pointers sometime.

hahaha I think I saw the same rider today as well. It looked like he was riding a red zx14 and had his legs hanging out too!! This was on Markham Rd near 16th.
You: chick on red cbr125, SB on Yonge at Sheppard around 3:30pm today. Black helmet with hair hangin out the back, leather jacket and bag.

Me: Just happy to see more female riders on the road
3 of you, all riding straight up squid, in the parking lot of the No Frills at Steeles and Mavis - mother of gawd, who was the blonde wearing those tiny shorts??

Call me, we'll do lunch (and by lunch I mean roofie the blonde and put the two guys in the trunk of my car).
pm me if you ride a what i think is a katana black/gray? on guelph line almost ever morning, passing a blue zzr 250!
Thanks to the cruiser (with blue under-body LEDs) who let me pass you at the light on Lakeshore Road in Burlington. Also saw a ....CBR600??.....cruising down erin mills parkway. Looked like a lady with a shirt with "13" on the back. I went through the light...nice bike, love the exhaust.
You: Chick with leg tattoos riding the black ZX-10r on King St west this afternoon. I was being really impressed by your extensive shoulder/blindspot check on every lane change, until I realized the lack of mirrors on the bike lolz

Ppl at the Yorkville loop tonight on S1000RR, KTM RC8 R, 848, 675, you guys rock my world =)
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