I wave to people in other cars too. You know, cuz of the car brotherhood.
2) Refrain from the one finger (middle) salute. This will prompt full-on goatee wearing chain drive using MMA champions to exert their manhood all over you after threatening to involve their crew.
I wave to people in other cars too. You know, cuz of the car brotherhood.
btw thats me on the little scooter wizzing pastSome don't because they just don't do that thing or it's the big bike syndrome as the little scooter whizzes past.
Who knows.
it's been percolating over in cruising all winter ( see quiet helmet ).Now who will be the first to re-introduce the ATGATT thread.
Well this might be a record here....Mar 24...earliest start for a wave thread....
Any bets on when the first "how do I wash my bike" threads appear?
Its a wave how can there be rules.
The wave is a thing of respect. That's all.
Well this might be a record here....Mar 24...earliest start for a wave thread....
Any bets on when the first "how do I wash my bike" threads appear?
As a noob I think the wave is a gold star for the bike community. The cage is a mechanism of isolation
Mechanism of isolation????? Wow..this place is way too classy for me... I'm going to Hooters... WHO'S WITH ME!??!
I wave to anyone 1 on 2 wheels..
Don't agree - it's just a silly thing bikers do. Jeeps to for some reason